Just a tidbit more on me.....

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Going through this roller coaster journey of life, discovering more and more of my deeper self. Loving life and learning to live life through my soul!
Showing posts with label #lovingwhatis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #lovingwhatis. Show all posts

Friday, June 23, 2023

Day 10 of 30

So grateful for the wisdom of being connected with my own body!

I can remember the days where I was living my life, with disconnection. Seeking outward attention and not loving myself. I would have the illusion of "saying" that I love myself, but I know now, I wasn't truly loving myself! With all honesty, I still have a bit to go as I still am hard on myself about my own body "image", but the connection to my body, now... is amazing! As time passes, the connection becomes deeper and deeper -Thank you!

Here we are at day 10. So grateful for the ability to eat food, having the ability to be gentle with myself and be in love with the healing of this cancer. Finding the balance to what works, has been the key and I am so grateful for this gift in having the ability to see this as a gift. 

So many people that I have spoken with are in shock that I am still working full time, that I am handling these appointments on my own, I am still working out in my yard on the weekends, I am doing me! I don't understand... shall I be a victim of this experience? Honestly, everything is a choice, and I choose to not ALLOW this to change me or sway be into that mentality. Don't get me wrong, I have my lower level days, where shit is not good, but I am a survivor and I will prevail. So with that being said. 

Happy Friday to the day today and here's to week 2, done! -Well, almost... but you get the point. Tomorrow brings a weekend break and a breathe of normalcy for a hot minute. So welcoming, so grateful!


Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Day 3

OMG this nausea is for real! The thought of food is making me sick. Still refusing to take the nausea medicine as the papaya has been doing okay. Thinking that I will also add in some essential oils. BUT giving myself permission to not torture myself if this gets worse! My body DOES NOT like these meds.

Good news, it doesn't last all day, just a few hours after I take the pills and I get a break on non-radiation days, so Saturdays and Sundays, but OMG it's like being in my first trimester of my pregnancy... all over again!

Yesterday's session was great. For the first time in a hot minute... I felt the crack of sunshine that brought the gratitude through my chest. Like cracking me open with a smile and happiness. Will be continuing my sessions weekly to ensure that I stay grounded and in spirit. ----Still trusting this process, but now understand why people can feel the way they do and feel hopelessness... This is just the beginning, but I know that I will get through this. 

Monday, June 12, 2023

Day 1

From the day I received the news, it has been like nothing has changed for me. Fred is gone, but the underlying symptoms are still there. -I know that IF I don't eat healthy, then I pay the price. So eating healthy has been an important habit that I am SO glad I got YEARS ago! Not to mention drinking a crap ton of water, daily!

On 5/31 I had the port installed, that was weird and having this device sticking out of my chest has been very weird for me, but all in all, everything has been the same. 

Today though has been an emotionally tough day. It is the first day that the cancer drug is being given to me through my port. Cancer drugs! OMG! 1 hour visit and then I'm outta here. I can already feel how high my emotions are and will probably be for sometime. This shit just got real. Cancer "pills" drugs and radiation start tomorrow! 

Thankful for modern medicine, but cannot wait until this is done!

Here's to day 1 and every day afterwards. I will beat this and be okay in the end. I can do this!

Remembering to love life and trusting the process through all these emotions! -Thank you for the awareness.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023


I am feeling so numb!

I was told that I have cancer and I cried the first day, but ever since then I just have not really "felt" anything outside of my sessions with Brian

The statistics are good for this "common" cancer, but I feel that I am NOT feeling. Despite being borderline of not being responsive to treatment (as I am being told), I am convinced that I WILL beat this cancer.

I feel that Brian said it so clearly yesterday with the affirmations during my session. "Sometimes it's easier to "do" than to feel". I feel this is so true for me right now. Am I not feeling things? Am I numb? As I am writing this, tears are rolling down my face. So, I am going to have to say, yes! I think I need to just "be" with this news. Really BE with it. What the FUCK does that mean or even look like?

In our family "feelings" was not a thing we really connected with, so experience is not something I have mastered. Although my work with network care has brought me leaps and bounds further than I have ever been. I am feeling that with this news... I should be a basket case or something? right?

I know there is no right or wrong answer in how I deal with this, but after yesterday's session with Brian... I am just feeling as if I am numb! So here it goes...

To the universe and greater powers that be, please show me the direction in helping me connect and start processing this cancer. 

Still trusting the process.

Monday, April 17, 2023

Feeling kinda blah

When I was thinking about what is on my mind today, all I got was blah. Don’t feel like doing much of anything lately. I do not like this feeling, but it makes me wonder why I am feeling this way.

For days now, it just feels as if I am wondering in my body as well as my mind. Puttering. Why no motivation? That is not like me at all.

I want to blame Fred; he is certainly not helping. I am trying to continue to take it easy and not aggravate him in any way; I want him to heal! I feel that he is the deep rooted reason why I feel lack of any motivation. I want to get into my yard and weed, dig and plant. I want to get into the areas of my yard that definitely appear to be growing with a plethora of weeds. I want to get outside and be with nature. I want to be outside “doing” something.

Trying to have patience, but it is starting to run short as I don’t like the way I’ve been feeling.

To the powers of the universe, please heal Fred and allow me to go back to resuming my daily activities, including the gym. I miss it and need those things in my life to keep balance

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Evolution at work

As children we are at the mercy of our parents. For generations, the beliefs of our ancestors is passed down to the next generation. Therefore, our parent’s beliefs are projected onto their children. Not that it is bad or good. It is, what it is. 

Children grow up and take those beliefs and either fall into the same or not. That’s the beauty of self-preservation and freedom.

I have blogged about this before. Each time, the perspective is different, but overall the feeling has been the same. I was so upset and appalled at the actions of my husband’s ex-wife. Not only for the threats, but the rules that surrounded him in having a relationship with his children. She made it clear that if she did not get her way, then she would ruin his life. She did follow through on her promises, and the children and their father have become estranged for over a decade.  

It was rough in the beginning to sit idle and watch as the pain riddled through his psyche. But with endurance, love and time, that has changed! -I am so proud of my husband for digging himself out of the drama that surrounded this broken and bleary situation. For finding the strength to dig deeper and find himself, again. Not only find himself, but to evolve and grow into the man I know now. 

Setting all that aside, what bothered me the most is that the lies have penetrated this family so deeply that a child has gone to counseling to “deal” with something that isn’t even true. My hopes is that one day, these children will find out the truth about the situation. His ex-wife believes this made up story so much that it has become “her truth” and now, the children’s truth. However, the reality is that she forced someone to say something that wasn’t true. She never believed him and held the children hostage from him until he admitted to something that was never true in the first place. Even when he said what she wanted to hear, or in her case… she will say “suspected”, he still was not able to continue a relationship with his kids. Missing out on so much and creating this broken-ness!

She will say, I have recordings where you ultimately confessed, but the truth of the matter is… even though he repeatedly denied and pleaded with her, she never believed him. Not being able to see his children, hurt deeply! Therefore he knew that he had no choice but to succumb to this lie. He began to make up stories about what had happened, he couldn’t remember what he lied about and the story kept changing. She recognized that and started to record the conversations to “help” her remember what was said. Then proceeded to use those recordings against him, in helping destroy him. 

A mother wants what is best for their children and in this case, I feel so bad for the children! To lose their relationship with their loving father over a lie is just appalling!

One day, hopefully these kids will want to seek answers and my hope is that they rebuild their relationship. I know that I would love to get to know his children, and their children! He is such a wonderful man. I truly feel that his children would be an extension of such love. 

Cheers to hoping that change CAN and WILL happen. Trusting that the timing will be sooner, rather than later! But, if it never happens, then I am sad that the children have lost out on the opportunity to really see and learn about their father as adults, as parents themselves. 

With loving energy to the universal powers in unfolding the things that are SUPPOSED to be. –Thank you!

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Worst critic

I know I’m my worst critic, but loving my body is challenging for me. I feel that I am not fit enough. So change it! Fred needs to go away. He has over stayed his welcome. I’m ready to get back to the gym to get fit. -Get back to it. It's been 4 months, now! Spin, Swim or Gym. 1 of something every day! Time to shake it up.

I feel chunky, not lov’n this present space, body, right now! Nope, instead, I feel fat, chunky and not pretty. My hair is almost there, so close; a little longer in the back. Cut of 18" in trying to get back to a shorter haircut, but it has been one bad haircut after another. I finally have someone who is listening to what I want. 

Don’t have to go to the gym to workout. Probably could swim though. Sauna for sure. Just need to maintain this "easy" pace until Fred is gone and then I will slowly slip back into the gym lifestyle again. I SOOOOOO miss it!

Wednesday, June 1, 2022


I have so many thoughts, and as each day passes, I feel as if I am unraveling more and more, becoming more emotional. Starting to lose it! Emotionally, and mentally! I feel physically on auto pilot, just pushing through the motions, but allowing myself permission to allow these emotions to come through.

Negative thoughts of myself and the perception of who I am… I am starting to question every part of it! Every part of me. My past, my actions, hell, my future, my emotions, and self-doubt. Of course, I understand that I am my worst critic and I continually beat myself up over, nothing. Self bullshit! What is happening to me? Why are these feelings getting stronger and stronger? As I write these words, tears are filling my eyes! I feel as if “something” is starting to surface. Perhaps it is as Brian states. Ancestorial baggage? Realization that I, myself am not being true to my core. I too realize that I am still wearing a mask. Not all the time but am starting to understand that the true essence of who I am is bubbling through.

Let’s be real about my career choice. I understand that I make a great Controller in the right environment. I am a control freak! Yes, I’ll admit it. As I say that though, I realize, that over the course of the past few years… I don’t want to be that person anymore. I hate Accounting and I just don’t think I want to do it anymore! I can be mean at times. I can be selfish at times. Some, most days… I don’t care about others! Where is the humanity in that? Conditioning of the trauma I endured in always on the lookout for my best interest. That is not who I want to be. That is not how I want to act. I want to change. I need to make that change, for me! How, and in what way? These are all great questions. Questions that I feel that my deepest thoughts and vibrational energy is shining through to my core. My soul is bubbling through, and it is starting to, maybe has been resonating through, and NOW, finally… I think that the timing is arriving for me to start making those changes.

I am ready! Bring it on. Make me cry. Make me be real. Help me in allowing myself to transition through, whatever this is! I am ready!

I am all over the place, and I feel that allowing myself to be real, and expressing it out loud will allow me the space to feel safe enough to FINALLY express myself without a filter. Whole heartedly!

Cheers to change in all the uncomfortable emotions, feelings and crap that comes with it as I go through, whatever this is. Bring it on! I will conquer this and shine through on the other side as a renewed sense of self and energy.

Monday, July 12, 2021


I know that if you focus your time, thoughts, and energy on things of your choosing, then you will get more of that. So why have I become so negative? Really, it’s a choice, and I fell victim to this due to my current circumstances over the past 9 months of living apart from my family. I ALLOWED it!

How many times have I preached “have gratitude” be grateful for what and where you are “now” But lately, I feel myself becoming more cynical of myself. Kind of a nag! Complainer! Bitchy! Totally not me!

Do I want something to change, yes? How do I make that happen? I still don’t know, but when the timing is right, it will happen. I need to remember not to pressure myself into making a decision that would be a mistake!

Today, I am remembering to stay true to my beliefs, have patience and love each moment, in the moment. Thank you for the gentle reminder.

Here’s to making mistakes, recognizing them, and moving forward. 

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Plans change when you least expect it.

Just when you make a decision to do something. Wham! Something comes out of left field and changes your plan. 

I have so many thoughts and things on my mind that I feel so bottled and stuffed like a rag doll. I am so excited that I have 10 days of vacation coming. I plan on unwinding, and taking the time to do those things that I have been too exhausted to do. I can’t wait!

Here's to vacation.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Not my finest moment…

Eating my feelings. Perhaps it may be the stress due to the house project? Either way… tonight I bought Doritos and white cake with super yummy butter cream frosting. -Only those items and nothing else! -I will eat cake for breakfast, lunch, dinner and maybe late night snack. The Doritos are so I can eat PB&J sandwiches. I’m not a big fan of those… but with Nacho Cheese Doritos, I will tolerate it.

The thought that made me document this is… I’m leaving the grocery store thinking oh what a quick trip for groceries. BUT then, I thought really? These are not considered groceries. Therefore, I’m enjoying the moment when I became aware that eating my feelings are not a healthy way to process whatever it is that is going on.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Oh boy here we go again!

One can only wish that the past would stay there.

Someday, I hope that a person of Jason’s past will realize that she needs to leave Jason alone!

Yes, they have children together, but his children want nothing to do with him “their own father” That’s sad to me and it pains me to see you hurting because of another person’s actions. Oh, but one can only imagine the lies; who knows what she has told those children to encourage them to feel this way. -That hurts! It hurts everyone around, but especially those children who are too young to see the truth. The silver lining is.. that one day they will!

I am so sorry that she feels "entitled" and cannot seem to understand that she needs to move on and figure stuff out for herself. She's married again, obviously she is a big girl! Act like one!

The only thing that I can say is the saving grace in all this is that… Jason is a stronger person now, and has finally realized that she is super toxic and is self serving. Her lies and her deceitful and mindless attempts to keep herself plugged in to his life. -Ignorance really

I love you Jason, and I am so happy that you can see things in a different perspective. Opening your mind and your heart has allowed you to see with different eyes! I love it!!!!! Almost as much as I love you!

I know that you love your children and it is hard to keep yourself in the loop with such a toxic individual who drains your joy. I always say it’s easier to blame others than it is to take a look in the mirror. Some people are survivors and others are victims, and I know that you have found a place of peace about this situation and that one day, maybe your children will seek the truth and find themselves back in your life.

I say this with confidence because I was in a similar position with my parents when I was too young to “see” or “know” the difference. -As children, we believe our parents. Then you grow up; and at some point, one starts to seek the truth about the past. It’s a natural process of who we are as humans. It just takes time. The bottom line is that in time things will unravel and the “truth” or shall I say “lies” will reveal themselves.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Life is so up and down!

I can remember the time when I was just separated and life was such a state of chaos. I was desperately trying so hard to save my credit and keep us in our current state; for the sake of myself and my children. -But at what expense? I lost myself mentally and emotionally so that I could afford 2 mortgages and make all the payments to the marital debt that was an accumulation of… well more than just my choices. 

Then finally one day I woke up and saw the reality of where this was going. -This, as in me. I was headed for a disaster. In actuality, I was already in it; I was just choosing to hang on to something that was slowly killing me. So much time had drifted and I found myself falling into some pretty bad situations that I had allowed myself to fall into so mindlessly. It was time to clean house; so I did!

I made some very big financial decisions that would affect me incredibly and it was time to move back to Burlington and find a mindless job… who really cares who I worked for as long as I could afford to make my house payment and take care of things in a responsible way without killing myself. The job I found was so easy, that I could do it in my sleep and no cares about it when I walked out the front door to go home. It was the perfect balance to the chaos that was happening in my life.

It has been so peaceful for so long that for some reason lately it seems that chaos has found its way back in. Not because of me but because of the man who is in my life. 

Is my mother right? My life is never complete unless there is chaos in it, or did I ask for this? The answer seems so painful to think about. Stop thinking about it right? No! I say process it and feel it and make informed decision about it.

What is the right decision, I guess if I knew that, then I wouldn’t be battling this thought and feeling the tears that arise when I can set my mind still and just feel it.

I feel chaos, I feel pain, and I feel so lost in my direction at this point, that sometimes I feel as if I am working backwards. Feel with my heart not my mind. God how I hate the monkey mind chatter that keeps going on back and forth; self doubt. 

Is this where I am the happiest? Is this where I want to be? I am doing what I want? Is this the right decision? Should I be doing this right now? Should I be the back bone for someone else? Shouldn’t I be looking out for me 1st? –Yes! I am number one, first and foremost! How have I allowed myself to slip back into putting myself on the back burner? Make the change and be in control of myself. 

It’s funny how we change the course and sometimes we allow those old patterns to rise to the surface and take the reins. Recognition! Thank you for opening my eyes through my emotions.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My comfort zone?

Monday, April 14, 2008

So talking with my 14yr old son the other day sparked an idea within me.

I am uncomfortable in my life right now, and this journey of being in debt is captivating my fears. Am I really getting out of my comfort zone here?

The funny thing is when I look back at the history of my life; we have always been financially taken care of. -Miraculously.

Miraculously by the actions I chose at that moment in my life, I've always made it!

Yes, thank goodness for my husband, Tom who has a different vision for our family.

Yes I'll admit I definitely want more in my life. Who wouldn't? -Tom's visions are high. We have imagined with each other our path of what we do want in our life. BUT I have those limiting beliefs that have kept me in my comfort zone. "Oh we don't require that, we don't have the $$$ for it. That is why Tom and I are together. He is here as my life partner, and show me a new perspective in dreaming. Another piece of my puzzle along this journey was the Discovery series. My 56 days to destiny gave me awareness and the ability to change. I'm definitely still moving forward and have reached a new level.

I just have to share with all of you…….I journaled the other day and I had a self realization.

In journaling I became aware of a fear that keeps me in my comfort zone. A statement that came from my dad who still lives by this motto…. If you can't pay cash for it, then you don't really need it. This is a statement that gave my power away.

I left home at 15 and in growing up without the supervision of my parents, I learned early on in life that credit is important; I chose to build my credit. My father doesn't understand that managing your credit is just as good too. Yes, it's debt but to me, it's abundance. I am learning to turn my focus to what I do have in life.

I am very good with my finances, however I have the belief that I don't deserve it because I still owe money on it and I freak out! Is this a by-product of his statement of not having the money to spend? –Guilt!

So I keep telling myself to start writing in my "Gratitude Journal"……

Lessons come in so many shapes and forms. Some are very painful and some are blissful. It's funny how something happens in your life and in that time, it doesn't make sense???

I'm Analytical…always trying to figure the angles….well it never works out in my favor.

So I just keep moving forward in my life, and then later on, something happens that was congruent to the experience that happened earlier in my life. Like it all makes sense to me and the pieces fit together like a puzzle. I see the clues along the way. So I've learned that those clues are all part of this process of life.

My journey has been bumpy and I have been a victim for most of my life. I realize, after my divorce from my 1st husband that being a victim was not a positive choice. So I changed that. Was it comfortable? No.

Along the path of understanding, I have come across many life lessons. I know that being OUT of my comfortable zone is where the change takes place.

~So today is my reset day for a new beginning~

I am grateful for what I have in my life right now. I am thankful for my past experiences; yes, even the not so good feeling. They have all moved me forward somehow in my life, if not made me stronger. I am successful and I deserve it! Assets, our beautiful office, our family home on 5 acres, our toys, brand new car, my beautiful babies, my husband who helps me with the balance of life and helps with our children. -Bonus; Tom cooks too.

I am grateful now that I have become aware of this belief I have with debt and desirability. The one who created us, also created abundance. I deserve everything I have in my life as I've attracted that to me.

Here's to moving out of my comfort zone.

Cheers! Kim