Just a tidbit more on me.....

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Going through this roller coaster journey of life, discovering more and more of my deeper self. Loving life and learning to live life through my soul!
Showing posts with label #Bigdecisions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Bigdecisions. Show all posts

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Waking up to life!

In my contrast, I’ve discovered that things that no longer serve me, are no longer healthy; I must part from those. I also learned that staying somewhere because you care, may not always be healthy for you. It wasn’t an easy decision but…

Once a realization occurs, it’s harder to stay “there”... without feeling the pain. For me, that happened. I quit my job. It became clear to me that being there was the biggest problem of my life. I made okay money, but I was bored. I felt under-utilized and not appreciated for the sacrifices I’ve made. It doesn’t matter anymore. That was the choice I-- made. I’ll own it!

I know that in order for you to be happy, you must be number one on your list. 

Shedding of the old patterns and emptiness = A new beginning. ---Do I enjoy what I do??? –NO. It’s time for me to try new things. Something fun and part time. Something that can allow me to live my life in balance. I want to do more!

Trusting the process. Even though it feels scary, let’s jump off the edge and see what’s next for me. 

This is a new beginning for me. Where am I going? Where is it going to take me? Cheers to celebrating the freedom to decide and to finding the balance and joyfulness in finding my way!

Love & Light!