Sometimes, sharing yourself at a raw state, can give others confidence in knowing they are not alone. My thoughts, my raw-ness, and my Ah ha moments.
Just a tidbit more on me.....

- Have Gratitude
- Going through this roller coaster journey of life, discovering more and more of my deeper self. Loving life and learning to live life through my soul!
Showing posts with label #LPU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #LPU. Show all posts
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Realizations Day 8 for me...
My life..... I discovered through self examination that, recently I have been living the life of a victim. But not too long ago, I was that powerful person... and then something major happened and I realized that I was really in my own way. I folded and gave into the shit!
I was so busy trying to figure it out that I wasn't doing anything. BUT When I was in my power! I felt on top of the world. That there was nothing that could stand in my way. Eh! but I was missing something. The goal. What did I want. Then after some more self examination I realized I have been living my life in an egotistical perspective and not really living at all.
So very humbled in my life and the direction in which I am headed.... I realize that I truly haven't been living my life at ALL. Now with the realization of where I really am.... I understand that I must just set goals and take action. For now I am in transition and just flowing with the flow of life. Soon, life will begin to unfold what it is and where it is that I am supposed to be.
BUT really it's....
Right now, this is where I am supposed to be and that's OK. :-)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Be Present
I am so excited about this journey that I have been through since the 1st Breakthrough event in beautiful Puerto Rico last year in November 2007… Confusing and many experiences of sadness but I am thankful for where I am right now.
From understanding how to challenge those challenges I had with my emotional baggage to learning the art of tapping with EFT and understanding that I am ok just the way I am. I love this whole concept of continuing to get more of an insight about me and who I am.
Connected! Oh to be so powerful on the inside and not even realize it.
Wow, to love every aspect of every situation has been something new to me. There is something good in the bad….? We just have to look for it.
So even though my current circumstances are a gigantic challenge, I feel powerful. -As if there is only one thing that I am focusing on…. What I can do differently NOW!
Yes I realized that I am so far in the future that I fear the things that “could happen” and “what if” So far ahead that it got to the point of me trying to do the necessary things to prevent those things from happening….. The reality of it is that it was a thought up fear… Not my reality.
To live my life from the place in my heart is to live in the now. Be present to what is going on right now.
Awareness is awesome.
Thank you!
From understanding how to challenge those challenges I had with my emotional baggage to learning the art of tapping with EFT and understanding that I am ok just the way I am. I love this whole concept of continuing to get more of an insight about me and who I am.
Connected! Oh to be so powerful on the inside and not even realize it.
Wow, to love every aspect of every situation has been something new to me. There is something good in the bad….? We just have to look for it.
So even though my current circumstances are a gigantic challenge, I feel powerful. -As if there is only one thing that I am focusing on…. What I can do differently NOW!
Yes I realized that I am so far in the future that I fear the things that “could happen” and “what if” So far ahead that it got to the point of me trying to do the necessary things to prevent those things from happening….. The reality of it is that it was a thought up fear… Not my reality.
To live my life from the place in my heart is to live in the now. Be present to what is going on right now.
Awareness is awesome.
Thank you!
Monday, November 24, 2008
WOW how Amazazing
I know that, or is it? I knew that
Hopefully along the way a valuable lesson was learned through the experience.
At least that is what we strive for… Right?
I’ll admit that I have said I know that from time to time? BUT Just recently actually, the lesson was about being in the “NOW” About being in the moment. Isn’t that what they say?
For me I’ve been living in the future, the “what ifs?”
I have allowed my finances to rule my thinking, and the other day I had realized that I have been ungrateful and unkind. Only because of my finances right? I was feeling stuck! The thing is… the perfect puzzle piece fell into place, just days earlier.
I made a commitment to myself and what I’m choosing for me and my life. Of course this was after I made the decision to attend the LPU Breakthrough III.
When I realized the other day that I am in such a “give me” mentality… I realized that I must be of service and be kind to others and be grateful for this very second; this moment in time.
Now to understand that I’m analytical and always processing… Gratitude & Kindness came up and resonated with me at the conference. Just as if I understood that I needed to be at BT. My Ahh ha moment!What does that mean to me?
“It means that I must actually move away from a place in my head and move into a place in my heart”
Not really sure what that means to me but that is the question that lingers in my mind….
To find a sense of peace. Be thankful for this very moment. My vision, my children, my dogs, the air we breathe, the sounds we hear, the mobility in our bodies, my current circumstances, my conscience/unconscious mind, and the amazing things our bodies do without needing us to even think about it… (By far not a complete list but you get the point)
It means to live for today, be in service to others, and be grateful for this moment, well actually be grateful for every moment. Past present and future…
Here’s to my new awareness in taking action, even if it’s imperfect action
I know that just by me being aware and taking action… Those challenges will move into a place of experiences and understanding.
Thank you LPU and to the creators of that dream!
Hopefully along the way a valuable lesson was learned through the experience.
At least that is what we strive for… Right?
I’ll admit that I have said I know that from time to time? BUT Just recently actually, the lesson was about being in the “NOW” About being in the moment. Isn’t that what they say?
For me I’ve been living in the future, the “what ifs?”
I have allowed my finances to rule my thinking, and the other day I had realized that I have been ungrateful and unkind. Only because of my finances right? I was feeling stuck! The thing is… the perfect puzzle piece fell into place, just days earlier.
I made a commitment to myself and what I’m choosing for me and my life. Of course this was after I made the decision to attend the LPU Breakthrough III.
When I realized the other day that I am in such a “give me” mentality… I realized that I must be of service and be kind to others and be grateful for this very second; this moment in time.
Now to understand that I’m analytical and always processing… Gratitude & Kindness came up and resonated with me at the conference. Just as if I understood that I needed to be at BT. My Ahh ha moment!What does that mean to me?
“It means that I must actually move away from a place in my head and move into a place in my heart”
Not really sure what that means to me but that is the question that lingers in my mind….
To find a sense of peace. Be thankful for this very moment. My vision, my children, my dogs, the air we breathe, the sounds we hear, the mobility in our bodies, my current circumstances, my conscience/unconscious mind, and the amazing things our bodies do without needing us to even think about it… (By far not a complete list but you get the point)
It means to live for today, be in service to others, and be grateful for this moment, well actually be grateful for every moment. Past present and future…
Here’s to my new awareness in taking action, even if it’s imperfect action
I know that just by me being aware and taking action… Those challenges will move into a place of experiences and understanding.
Thank you LPU and to the creators of that dream!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Break Through III
Another important lesson along the way….
A life long challenge that I had, was the desire to overcome all of my emotional stuffing that I did when I was younger. Memories, arguments and things I did as a foolish child. I just wanted to let it all out! Although I remember those stuffed emotions to be painful and not a piece of cake. So in search of the answer to something so painful I found this…..
Along my journey I became a visionary with Lifepath Unlimited. After reading their Mission Statement, I believed that I wanted to be part of that journey. Didn’t know how to make it happen at that point but after the decision was made. It worked itself out to my amazement.
Excited… I started the 56 days to Destiny just prior to our first Break Through event held in Puerto Rico at the Grand Melia. I was really learning to ask myself about me. The candles were beautiful. Ah magnificent!
Anyways during that conference, Peggy Dylan of Sundoor touched right dead set on “Emotional Stuffing” It was like as if she was talking to me.
After the exercises, I had such a deeper understanding of why that process of emotional stuffing came up from time to time, and why it was so important to let it out and “feel it” I continued to listen to the Mentorship Sessions on Saturdays and I learned a lot including the art of EFT. With the 56 days to Destiny and the mentorship sessions I discovered that I could get through it. -Boy was I babbling emotional crazy woman for a few weeks but it was totally worth it to feel that crap. Actually I call it purging. I learned a few key things that have made a huge impact in my life over that event. I learned about the negative effects of the food and what we ingest is 80% of how we look on the outside and of course I cannot forget that I needed to wear a higher sun block. –Good lessons.
7 months later in June of this year, I attended the second Break Through event in sunny Cancun. The lessons were so different than the first event and the beauty of being able to watch the people who firewalked was refreshing.
I learned that we all tell ourselves these “broken records” I can’t do this because of this or whatever it is that keeps us from doing something we want to “try”
Becoming aware of my own broken records helped me realize how I’m holding myself back.
Wasn’t planning on going and after looking for a job and well, still looking for a job, I have decided to do something different. Just take the risk and make it happen!
In amazement of what has transpired over the last 2 breakthroughs I cannot yet ignore that this is part of my next step. The Break Through events has been so good for me that I cannot resist. Completely open to whatever comes my way. All I know is that something has to change in my life to make it better and this event is going to be a turning point for me. I feel as if there is a lesson to be learned here that is going to be the CHANGE.
A life long challenge that I had, was the desire to overcome all of my emotional stuffing that I did when I was younger. Memories, arguments and things I did as a foolish child. I just wanted to let it all out! Although I remember those stuffed emotions to be painful and not a piece of cake. So in search of the answer to something so painful I found this…..
Along my journey I became a visionary with Lifepath Unlimited. After reading their Mission Statement, I believed that I wanted to be part of that journey. Didn’t know how to make it happen at that point but after the decision was made. It worked itself out to my amazement.
Excited… I started the 56 days to Destiny just prior to our first Break Through event held in Puerto Rico at the Grand Melia. I was really learning to ask myself about me. The candles were beautiful. Ah magnificent!
Anyways during that conference, Peggy Dylan of Sundoor touched right dead set on “Emotional Stuffing” It was like as if she was talking to me.
After the exercises, I had such a deeper understanding of why that process of emotional stuffing came up from time to time, and why it was so important to let it out and “feel it” I continued to listen to the Mentorship Sessions on Saturdays and I learned a lot including the art of EFT. With the 56 days to Destiny and the mentorship sessions I discovered that I could get through it. -Boy was I babbling emotional crazy woman for a few weeks but it was totally worth it to feel that crap. Actually I call it purging. I learned a few key things that have made a huge impact in my life over that event. I learned about the negative effects of the food and what we ingest is 80% of how we look on the outside and of course I cannot forget that I needed to wear a higher sun block. –Good lessons.
7 months later in June of this year, I attended the second Break Through event in sunny Cancun. The lessons were so different than the first event and the beauty of being able to watch the people who firewalked was refreshing.
I learned that we all tell ourselves these “broken records” I can’t do this because of this or whatever it is that keeps us from doing something we want to “try”
Becoming aware of my own broken records helped me realize how I’m holding myself back.
Wasn’t planning on going and after looking for a job and well, still looking for a job, I have decided to do something different. Just take the risk and make it happen!
In amazement of what has transpired over the last 2 breakthroughs I cannot yet ignore that this is part of my next step. The Break Through events has been so good for me that I cannot resist. Completely open to whatever comes my way. All I know is that something has to change in my life to make it better and this event is going to be a turning point for me. I feel as if there is a lesson to be learned here that is going to be the CHANGE.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Thank You!
I have so many thoughts going on that I feel like blogging them when I get a chance.....
Here's to remembering!
My self awareness has grown to a whole new level and since November I've allowed myself to be in a victimized slump. I'm so grateful for the awareness I received at my last conference. So I want to share with you that every time I go to a Life changing conference... I grow to a level of high conscientiousness of my being. We all have the power within ourselves to be great and when WE decide to get connected to it, it's magical. I'm not all the way there but I'm definitely on the right path... I am learning new things about myself that assist me in new discoveries.
But this conference was different... I have Self realizations instead. I feel that in itself those are Breakthroughs too.
Thank you for all the moments!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Seeing with new EYES!
Walking along yesterday and again today.....I see salmon berries along the way. Yummy! Of course I ate them but it made me realize how abundant our mother earth really is. Berries for us to eat... There are things that just grow, and without any watering from us or fertilizer. Nature takes care of that. "The flow of life"
What this means to me right now is....the over abundant amount of weeds I'm pulling out of our yard. Quite a chore but after Breakthroughs, I understand to work on things a little bit at a time. Not push myself to bust my ass all day on a project. Just this morning after my walk I watered my flowers and admired the work that Tyler and I did. Our reward.... Wild Waves today all day until they close! Not all work and NO play. Have a little of both. So here I am blogging from Wild Waves and sharing my thoughts and eye opening experiences.
I am truly blessed and thankful for our Cancun trip to yet the second Breakthroughs conference. I was educated further on my diet that will be more beneficial for us as a family but most importantly, the self realizations I got about myself. They say when you're ready you will see. That expression of seeing with new eyes is true. Now for me the challenge is breaking free from those old conditioned habits and creating new ones.
Today as I was walking I realized that I see with my eyes and think with my head but I'm not sure what it means to feel with my heart. My feelings are a flip of a switch I feel and most of the time I feel cold and snappy. Why? The most important question is.... How do I change that? Today I asked myself what does FUN feel like and I went straight to my head. NO NO NO my friend, that is the biggest thing I've learned about myself. GET OUT OF MY HEAD!
Well most you who know me, know that I am gearing up to fly to Sedona for a spiritual healing retreat. I'm super excited about this as I truly want to shed off the excess baggage that hinders me. I feel that some of what I what to fell is buried with old feelings that have attachment to the past, maybe past life regressions. I don't know the answer to that but I do know that I am open for anything right now. I truly want to be saved from myself. Allowing and letting go.
Well it's beautiful outside and I want to go play on the rides and the slides.
Have a spectacular day....
Sunday, February 17, 2008
A bit into what, where and how
Somehow for me to know who I was…. used to be a tough question for me to answer. For starters my name is Kimberli Hoerner; I’m a mother of a blended family, in which I am very much in love with, and I also have 2 Airedale Terriers –Leilani and Nui who are a big contribution to our family.
I believe that I’ve been on this journey called “Life” that takes us too many different aspects and dimensions of this planet in which we live on. Here’s a little of history on how I arrived where I am today.
When I was growing up, my families’ belief was to be “tough”. What does this mean? It meant that crying was a sign of weakness, and as a child you were to be seen but not heard. So this meant that I never expressed anything and I always stuffed all of my emotions and feelings. I was a child, I had no idea that I was stuffing my feelings and that it was unhealthy for me. I just knew I wanted the acceptance of my parents, so I did my best to stuff all of my emotions and keep quiet.
I remember my parents fighting, and with most families there was definitely dysfunction. In my childhood I encountered many forms of abuse. As a young child of 5, I was sexually abused by a close neighbor for quite sometime, emotional, mental and physical abuse from my mother, my father who just neglected me by drinking, and a few unpleasant experiences from being in the big city of Hawaii with no parental guidance. My 1st husband was abusive and during my marriage I endured many forms of abuse up until I had the courage to file for divorce and leave that situation. -I stuffed all of my emotions throughout that whole experience. After I divorced my 1st husband is when I started my walk with personal development. I was educated to work through my emotion. The problem for me was that someone just told me to work through it; they really never taught me how to do that. So I still didn’t quite understand how to do that. My friends never could assist me in my questions and give me some good feedback. So I just put this question of how to on the back burner.
When I married my 2nd husband, I was in a state of bliss as I was finally in a healthy relationship where I could freely express myself. 5 years later my husband had a massive heart attack leaving him in a coma for over 4 months. At age 24, I was faced with having to make the decision to continue to watch my husband waste away on life support or support what I knew he would have wanted. I only knew this, as we had this discussion in the past when his grandfather had fallen into a coma. His wishes were to discontinue his life support, although my husband’s parents felt much different about what I decided, I did what I knew was right. I knew I was supposed to work through my emotions and for once in my life I thought I was dealing with those emotions, but what I ended up doing was turning to drugs and alcohol to cope instead. What I didn’t realize is that I was doing more damage than good. In hindsight I realize now is that I stuffed every one of my experiences throughout my life as deep as I could. What this did was turn me into a ticking time bomb that would explode at any single moment in the right circumstances and placing me in a vicious cycle of aggravation.
Sometime after my 2nd husbands passing, I was determined to get my life together, after all I had my 2 boys to think about. I knew that bankruptcy was NOT an option and I tried to continue with our company but that didn’t work out. -So I shut the doors. I ended up selling almost all of our assets (which wasn’t much as we didn’t own anything) and got a job as an accountant. I worked hard and made extra money on the side as often as I could. I worked, worked and worked. No matter how hard I worked it seemed that I never got ahead. The logical thing to me was that I wasn’t making it and I had to start looking for a new job. Found it! I now was a Corporate Accountant and it seemed like the dream job for me. Beautiful for the first year and then suddenly at times I found myself working 50-70 hour work weeks and barely ever home with my boys anymore. -Turns out that it wasn’t so glamorous after all. Thank goodness for my husband, Tom who I'd met through my job, as he was our companies heating repair guy. He was there to take care of the things I wasn't able to as a mother. Sick of my J~O~B, I started looking for a new job that hopefully paid just as well but less hours. One day I came across this advertisement in the local newspaper that said "turn your annual income into your monthly income". It had a number listed, so I called. It was a young guy talking to me about “Free Enterprise” What the heck was that? Apparently I was a fit for what he had to offer. I got on a presentation call and I knew that this was my ticket to getting out of my job. I was broke at the time and the program required me to come up with $1,600.00. WOW! That was a lot of money but if what they said was true then what did I have to lose. I borrowed the funds on my credit card and dove into “Free Enterprise” Long story short I managed to make an extra $18,000.00 and what I spent was 10 times more than what I earned. BUT what I discovered from that experience was this…. It wasn’t the money I was supposed to earn; it was the experience and the knowledge I was supposed to learn. Because of the tools and the knowledge I now had, I was able to help myself, my youngest and my 12yr old in turning his negative behavior and failing grades around to the opposite of what it was before. CJ is now a A/B Student. I'm so proud !
In 2005, I started a consulting company and began to work myself out of this debt I was in. In December of 2006; I was then again introduced to “Free Enterprise”. Hesitant but this time I truly did my due diligence in this company. What I found was this… This company was similar to the company I was with before, however the integrity and the mission statement I was presented with was mind boggling! The money back guarantees they offered and the authenticity of these founders were far different that I have ever seen in this industry. I have done my fair share of Network Marketing –anywhere from Telecommunications, Mary Kay, Avon, Waiora, Pampered Chef, Quixtar, Ecoquest, Herbalife, Prepaid Legal, Liberty League, EPI, Primerica, etc… All in which I wanted something but was never really congruent with my product. This time I am so excited to be part of something so big, that I made the decision with my husband to become a visionary of this company. -Our company is DYP. So I’ve been with this company since the very beginning, and the products have just launched in 2007.
Tom and I had the opportunity to be part of the making of these transformational products and I was so excited for the next part of my journey. Of course I had no idea what lies ahead of me…….
For so many years now, I have done my best in dealing with all of my so called “emotional stuffing”. What this means is… I’ve learned to deal with the emotional stuff that comes up in life but never had the courage to go back and deal with the past. (There was a reason some of that stuff was down there stuffed so deep. –It hurts!) Those emotions sometimes rose to the surface and I just kept stuffing them back down as I wasn’t ready to deal with it, and that I had no idea how to do that. I knew that I should and I wanted to, but how? My life long struggles were suddenly a challenge that I was ready to deal with. How? Just keep asking and be open to the answers. Last November I attended the Breakthrough Conference in beautiful Puerto Rico at the most beautiful resort I’ve ever stayed at. -Grand Melia. During this conference I laughed, I relaxed, I danced, I cried and I broke through some of my life’s biggest challenges I have ever faced. There was a guest speaker that presented a tidbit on stuffing emotions. WOW! -Talk about Law of Attraction! Thank you! I was listening with my undivided attention and I discovered a whole new concept of emotional stuffing, and how to allow those feelings to come up freely, and purge them out. You see, she taught me that just like our body in fighting off disease, our spirit naturally fights for us too. She called our past emotional stuff, our “oils”. As we continue to pour good thoughts, feelings, and stuff into our mind, our “oils” will naturally arise to the surface. We also did a four square exercise that assisted me in breaking through a deep seeded belief that I had about never being good enough, or that I even deserved it. For the first time in my life, I felt uplifted and like I deserved everything I had and wanted in my life after this exercise. I now understood why from time to time those stuffed feelings would naturally come up and that I should allow it to. Now what? I continued to go through my 56days to destiny program through the Discovery series. Using this program gave me the courage to go through this journey and the tools to assist me in releasing this emotional baggage and purge those things that came up. The other important thing I got from this program was the understanding of this process and how it all works conjunctively with each other. The last and final piece was the Discovery Mentorship Sessions. On Saturdays Discovery Mentorship sessions with mentors who live and teach through their wisdom and experiences there are so many special guests. Guests, who gave me the tools to change my beliefs of who I was as a being and to breakthrough many of those deep seeded beliefs of the conditioning I received as a child. The good things I poured into my being with all of my personal development, just made those stuffed feelings rise quicker and pour out of me like a cup over filled with dirty water. I will admit going through this stuff (and I know I’m not done as I’ve learned some of the triggers along this journey) has rocked my world and turned it upside down for a short time period but wow what a gift to me and my life. I would’ve never dreamed in a million years that this company was the true inspiration to the hugest transformation in my life.
I feel that since I was able to have this experience in my life, I would now be able to share with others. Today I am thankful for everything and everyone who is in my life. I feel emotionally free for the HUGE amount of emotional baggage I had been carrying has been left behind and let go. Talk about a weight being lifted off my back. I believe that we all have a gift and a purpose here and until we truly get in touch with ourselves on the inside, we will never find that part of us. We all are capable of whatever it is we so desire. The saying I’ve learned is…”If we don’t go within, we go without” I have been in turmoil for most my life, and now that I have learned the true gift of purging that turmoil and dissattaching myself from the outcome, life is just what happens along the way. ~Riches are gratitude and money is just the by-product.
My deepest wishes to you and your prosperity~
Kim Hoerner
I believe that I’ve been on this journey called “Life” that takes us too many different aspects and dimensions of this planet in which we live on. Here’s a little of history on how I arrived where I am today.
When I was growing up, my families’ belief was to be “tough”. What does this mean? It meant that crying was a sign of weakness, and as a child you were to be seen but not heard. So this meant that I never expressed anything and I always stuffed all of my emotions and feelings. I was a child, I had no idea that I was stuffing my feelings and that it was unhealthy for me. I just knew I wanted the acceptance of my parents, so I did my best to stuff all of my emotions and keep quiet.
I remember my parents fighting, and with most families there was definitely dysfunction. In my childhood I encountered many forms of abuse. As a young child of 5, I was sexually abused by a close neighbor for quite sometime, emotional, mental and physical abuse from my mother, my father who just neglected me by drinking, and a few unpleasant experiences from being in the big city of Hawaii with no parental guidance. My 1st husband was abusive and during my marriage I endured many forms of abuse up until I had the courage to file for divorce and leave that situation. -I stuffed all of my emotions throughout that whole experience. After I divorced my 1st husband is when I started my walk with personal development. I was educated to work through my emotion. The problem for me was that someone just told me to work through it; they really never taught me how to do that. So I still didn’t quite understand how to do that. My friends never could assist me in my questions and give me some good feedback. So I just put this question of how to on the back burner.
When I married my 2nd husband, I was in a state of bliss as I was finally in a healthy relationship where I could freely express myself. 5 years later my husband had a massive heart attack leaving him in a coma for over 4 months. At age 24, I was faced with having to make the decision to continue to watch my husband waste away on life support or support what I knew he would have wanted. I only knew this, as we had this discussion in the past when his grandfather had fallen into a coma. His wishes were to discontinue his life support, although my husband’s parents felt much different about what I decided, I did what I knew was right. I knew I was supposed to work through my emotions and for once in my life I thought I was dealing with those emotions, but what I ended up doing was turning to drugs and alcohol to cope instead. What I didn’t realize is that I was doing more damage than good. In hindsight I realize now is that I stuffed every one of my experiences throughout my life as deep as I could. What this did was turn me into a ticking time bomb that would explode at any single moment in the right circumstances and placing me in a vicious cycle of aggravation.
Sometime after my 2nd husbands passing, I was determined to get my life together, after all I had my 2 boys to think about. I knew that bankruptcy was NOT an option and I tried to continue with our company but that didn’t work out. -So I shut the doors. I ended up selling almost all of our assets (which wasn’t much as we didn’t own anything) and got a job as an accountant. I worked hard and made extra money on the side as often as I could. I worked, worked and worked. No matter how hard I worked it seemed that I never got ahead. The logical thing to me was that I wasn’t making it and I had to start looking for a new job. Found it! I now was a Corporate Accountant and it seemed like the dream job for me. Beautiful for the first year and then suddenly at times I found myself working 50-70 hour work weeks and barely ever home with my boys anymore. -Turns out that it wasn’t so glamorous after all. Thank goodness for my husband, Tom who I'd met through my job, as he was our companies heating repair guy. He was there to take care of the things I wasn't able to as a mother. Sick of my J~O~B, I started looking for a new job that hopefully paid just as well but less hours. One day I came across this advertisement in the local newspaper that said "turn your annual income into your monthly income". It had a number listed, so I called. It was a young guy talking to me about “Free Enterprise” What the heck was that? Apparently I was a fit for what he had to offer. I got on a presentation call and I knew that this was my ticket to getting out of my job. I was broke at the time and the program required me to come up with $1,600.00. WOW! That was a lot of money but if what they said was true then what did I have to lose. I borrowed the funds on my credit card and dove into “Free Enterprise” Long story short I managed to make an extra $18,000.00 and what I spent was 10 times more than what I earned. BUT what I discovered from that experience was this…. It wasn’t the money I was supposed to earn; it was the experience and the knowledge I was supposed to learn. Because of the tools and the knowledge I now had, I was able to help myself, my youngest and my 12yr old in turning his negative behavior and failing grades around to the opposite of what it was before. CJ is now a A/B Student. I'm so proud !
In 2005, I started a consulting company and began to work myself out of this debt I was in. In December of 2006; I was then again introduced to “Free Enterprise”. Hesitant but this time I truly did my due diligence in this company. What I found was this… This company was similar to the company I was with before, however the integrity and the mission statement I was presented with was mind boggling! The money back guarantees they offered and the authenticity of these founders were far different that I have ever seen in this industry. I have done my fair share of Network Marketing –anywhere from Telecommunications, Mary Kay, Avon, Waiora, Pampered Chef, Quixtar, Ecoquest, Herbalife, Prepaid Legal, Liberty League, EPI, Primerica, etc… All in which I wanted something but was never really congruent with my product. This time I am so excited to be part of something so big, that I made the decision with my husband to become a visionary of this company. -Our company is DYP. So I’ve been with this company since the very beginning, and the products have just launched in 2007.
Tom and I had the opportunity to be part of the making of these transformational products and I was so excited for the next part of my journey. Of course I had no idea what lies ahead of me…….
For so many years now, I have done my best in dealing with all of my so called “emotional stuffing”. What this means is… I’ve learned to deal with the emotional stuff that comes up in life but never had the courage to go back and deal with the past. (There was a reason some of that stuff was down there stuffed so deep. –It hurts!) Those emotions sometimes rose to the surface and I just kept stuffing them back down as I wasn’t ready to deal with it, and that I had no idea how to do that. I knew that I should and I wanted to, but how? My life long struggles were suddenly a challenge that I was ready to deal with. How? Just keep asking and be open to the answers. Last November I attended the Breakthrough Conference in beautiful Puerto Rico at the most beautiful resort I’ve ever stayed at. -Grand Melia. During this conference I laughed, I relaxed, I danced, I cried and I broke through some of my life’s biggest challenges I have ever faced. There was a guest speaker that presented a tidbit on stuffing emotions. WOW! -Talk about Law of Attraction! Thank you! I was listening with my undivided attention and I discovered a whole new concept of emotional stuffing, and how to allow those feelings to come up freely, and purge them out. You see, she taught me that just like our body in fighting off disease, our spirit naturally fights for us too. She called our past emotional stuff, our “oils”. As we continue to pour good thoughts, feelings, and stuff into our mind, our “oils” will naturally arise to the surface. We also did a four square exercise that assisted me in breaking through a deep seeded belief that I had about never being good enough, or that I even deserved it. For the first time in my life, I felt uplifted and like I deserved everything I had and wanted in my life after this exercise. I now understood why from time to time those stuffed feelings would naturally come up and that I should allow it to. Now what? I continued to go through my 56days to destiny program through the Discovery series. Using this program gave me the courage to go through this journey and the tools to assist me in releasing this emotional baggage and purge those things that came up. The other important thing I got from this program was the understanding of this process and how it all works conjunctively with each other. The last and final piece was the Discovery Mentorship Sessions. On Saturdays Discovery Mentorship sessions with mentors who live and teach through their wisdom and experiences there are so many special guests. Guests, who gave me the tools to change my beliefs of who I was as a being and to breakthrough many of those deep seeded beliefs of the conditioning I received as a child. The good things I poured into my being with all of my personal development, just made those stuffed feelings rise quicker and pour out of me like a cup over filled with dirty water. I will admit going through this stuff (and I know I’m not done as I’ve learned some of the triggers along this journey) has rocked my world and turned it upside down for a short time period but wow what a gift to me and my life. I would’ve never dreamed in a million years that this company was the true inspiration to the hugest transformation in my life.
I feel that since I was able to have this experience in my life, I would now be able to share with others. Today I am thankful for everything and everyone who is in my life. I feel emotionally free for the HUGE amount of emotional baggage I had been carrying has been left behind and let go. Talk about a weight being lifted off my back. I believe that we all have a gift and a purpose here and until we truly get in touch with ourselves on the inside, we will never find that part of us. We all are capable of whatever it is we so desire. The saying I’ve learned is…”If we don’t go within, we go without” I have been in turmoil for most my life, and now that I have learned the true gift of purging that turmoil and dissattaching myself from the outcome, life is just what happens along the way. ~Riches are gratitude and money is just the by-product.
My deepest wishes to you and your prosperity~
Kim Hoerner
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