Just a tidbit more on me.....

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Going through this roller coaster journey of life, discovering more and more of my deeper self. Loving life and learning to live life through my soul!
Showing posts with label #focus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #focus. Show all posts

Thursday, April 7, 2022

7 months later

Wow, has it really been 7 months? I am feeling so disconnected right now. Ungrateful mostly. I recognize that the feelings and actions, must change. Haven’t blogged in a long while. It just means that everything has been good!

Lots has happened and I’m still processing, but I recognize that I need to flip the switch. Smoking again; not good. Drinking a little too. Change is rising to the surface of my emotions, though, I can feel it. Feeling like I need to flip that switch. Get serious about certain things in my life. Like food… sweet sugary yumminess. I need to cut down on my sugar. Recognizing some things about myself. Thank you! 😊

I have SO much to be grateful for. Complained that I had to pay taxes on the investments, instead of being grateful that we made that 10 fold. I just started a new Controller role. Things are so good.

Oh, and my favorite part… I’m getting ready to plant like 300 plants in the Spring with my family. That is going to totally change the look of the house. Thank you that the rock was available to mould this property. We are fortunate!

Tomorrow is Friday! Thank you! I am SOOOO ready for the weekend!

Here’s to flipping the switch

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Are we really in charge?

I used to believe that I was in control and in charge. With age comes wisdom… Or shall I say education.

To some degree I still am in control, but only with what choices I choose for myself, and how I react to everything that comes across my path.

Let’s talk about the mind for a minute… The mind is the term most commonly used to describe the higher functions of the human brain, particularly those of which humans are subjectively conscious, such as personality, thought, reason, memory, intelligence, emotions and even dream.

As humans, we are bombarded with a variety of information. In fact, our brain is actually processing 400 billion bits of information every second, and if you had to deal with all the information that bombards your senses every day, you'd be constantly overwhelmed. Luckily, your brain chooses to filter the information for you ranging from the insignificant to the importance and consciously and we’re only aware of 2000 bits of information every second. OK, that’s way off the topic but what a profound piece of information to understand the infinite possibilities we have within ourselves!

For me, I believe that we are all amazing; amazing beings of light on this planet within the universe. We all have a purpose and gifts that we can offer and if we are open to seeing things, we are capable of anything!

Here are my questions for you…

1) What are your gifts?
2) What do you love?
3) Where is your focus?
4) Are you grateful?
5) Are you open to change?

Those were very hard questions for me just a few years ago, and I didn’t have the answers. Quite honestly I still don’t have all the answers to those, but some of those questions I’ve asked myself and in time, I did discover those answers.

I am extremely grateful for every experience. Yes, the bad and the good! I am grateful for all the people who have been a part of my life and for all the people who are in my life. Each and every aspect of my life up until now has shaped me into who I am today.

WOW! I am an amazing being! ***AND SO ARE YOU!

There is a balance, and in life where there is bad, there is certainly good too. You can choose how you see or react to it.

Find which areas in your life are not working for you, and shift your focus. What may not be working in your life could certainly be the key to opening the door to those answers. The question is… Are you open to seeing new ideas or are you stuck in a comfortable place where change is a challenge.

Remember FEAR is Finding Excuses and Reasons.

Don’t let conditioned patterns and FEAR hold you back. Take control of your destiny and find your true self.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Staying focused

Remembering to focus on what you want… Not allowing the drama to come in… boy that is a challenge to remind ourselves exactly what drama is. “What deems the title to be something so negative?”

For me it’s… something that detours me from the desired destination. There will always be activities that keep us busy instead of allowing us to stay on track with what we want, therefore not allowing room for any changes to happen.

Yes we have some things in our life that we just do because it’s part of daily living. But so does our sub conscience mind. -Right?

Did you know that our sub conscience mind handles our bodily functions? Heart beating to pump your White and Red blood cells through your body, Digestion, and a filter for the brain… The human brain is our cognitive/conscience mind. The part of the mind that allows us to choose how we use our talents, creativity, action/reaction, decision making and so on…

Today I am reminded of the drama that comes with others. I am reminded that life always has up and downs and for the most part it’s important to choose which thoughts affect you. Hmmm what do I mean? Well…. we all encounter other people everyday and those people directly affect our moods… -IF we allow them too. For example; If you’re in a good mood and you come across a friend who is in a crappy mood and all they do is nag and complain about it. We can then choose to be suckered in and react or we can choose to stay neutral and keep our own power.

No matter what happens in life, know that there is good even in the bad. You just have to find it and keep focused.

Sometimes that is work! BUT without work and determination, nothing will happen for you.

To living and loving through all the situations we encounter in life.

May peace be with you my friends.