2008-ish… Allowing
myself the gift of not working; I did freelance part time, but truly lived my
life on my terms! It was nice! Having time off for self-discovery and
committing to it, enabled me to discover (NSA) Network Spinal Analysis. I’ve
blogged about this before, but the mental and emotional scarring of keeping
things bottled in for my whole life was causing pain, not only physically, but
emotionally and mentally. During that time-out, I was able to heal and process
those old wounds. Life went on, and since I needed to support myself/children,
I chose to continue the path of my career in Accounting and went back to work.
So, here we
are 2020… Presently, I feel lost. Without my career, who am I? What do I love? What does living
through soul mean? What does that feel like? What does that look like? How do I
discover this part of myself? What do I do from here? Since I’ve decided to
take another time out and not hurry back to work… I’ve had time to “actually”
clean my house, spend time with my new puppy; training her, shape-up my
landscaping (It’s gorgeous!) and continue on my physical journey with my
personal trainer. I’m learning breathing techniques, but not sure if I’m on the
right path. So, my thought is, when you don’t know, do something about it! Try
EVERYTHING! I’m currently reading Love yourself, live your spirit by Sonia
Choquette and I’m on 2nd chapter. What I have discovered so far is…
I’m abusive to my spirit. Why would my spirit want to be in this body when all
I can see is the negativity about myself including my physical body.
Chapter 2’s
exercise has 2 parts;
PART ONE “When I talk to myself, here’s what I need to say…” Write down as many loving,
affirming statements as you can think of and would want to share with your best
friend. Start from within, more than what’s on the outside.
list- “Make a list of kind words you can say to your spirit”
Print the list
and post it everywhere! This way, it is a loving reminder of the kind words to
affirm to yourself. FUNNY THING… I know this! I’ve blogged about this many time!
Change your verbiage, change your life! I guess, for me… I am so deep in my own
crap right now, that this is a good nudge to remind me. So here is my list, and I will be reading, and adding on a daily basis. I am determined to live my life through my soul and divine light!
You are a faithful body, always reliably running; day in/day out, every day
You are smart,
loyal and resilient
Your mind is
quiet and still
You are such
a good friend, and flawlessly reliable
You are a
good listener
You are so loving,
compassionate and caring
You are
beautiful inside and out
You are a creative
force with vision & commitment
You are patient,
powerful & strong
You have a
huge zest for life
You have
love for all living things
You are so
present in every moment
Thank you
for your grace
Thank you
for your kindness
Thank you
for being healthy
Thank you
for knowing your boundaries
Thank you
for speaking up
Thank you
for caring
Thank you for
seeing beyond your circumstances
I love you