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Going through this roller coaster journey of life, discovering more and more of my deeper self. Loving life and learning to live life through my soul!
Showing posts with label #DivineLight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #DivineLight. Show all posts

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Heavy on my heart and can’t breathe!

For weeks… months now, I feel as if there is a heavy weight on my chest! I have had a hard time taking (easy) deep breaths. My breathing has been shallow. I feel like I must really work, contort, and stretch to expand enough to reach that deep breath. If I take a second and spend time on some energy breath work it has helped, but each day, it returns to being constricted. I have been feeling sad, weak, helpless, hateful, not of self-love, self-care, and deeply ungrateful. I have been feeling like a victim. I have felt as if, I have not been enough. I do not know why? I do not know what is going on; honestly, I had no idea! Until today! I realized there is still pain, sadness and becoming aware has allowed me to recognize it, so that I may process through it.

I am angry at my previous employer, but mostly at myself. All they did, and I allowed it; was to take, take and take… and for what? Trade my life’s spirit and soul for money. Why did I allow them, NO, why did I allow myself to let this happen? What was I trying to prove? And to who? them or myself? It is funny how past baggage shows up (again and again) In the end, I felt hopeless. Why did I get so emotional? Why do I keep replaying things over and over? The conversation with myself on this has shifted, but it is still there. It feels like the stages of grief. I have pain here, and it has been festering for quite some time. I have not been able to see it. I do not think I was ready to. Until today, now that it no longer serves me and has festered to the boiling point… like a volcano, it has blown. I no longer choose that filter and I choose to see things more clearly. For too long I have been internalizing it, and the results of that has been self-sabotaging myself physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I realize now that I need to take my power back on this. It was a good spiritual decision to get out of there!

Hindsight: why am I so angry, I should be happy about this, but I am not. I am hurt. I feel as if there is a deeper lesson on life in this situation. I feel as if this is deeper and purging whatever this is will help me find that. Thank you for the awareness, and I will do everything in my power to go through these emotions, feel every inch, corner, and crevice to allow myself my personal, physical, emotional and spiritual freedom.

Cheers to the journey!

Monday, March 30, 2020

Divine Light & MY Soul’s desire

I’ve blogged about this before, so I won’t run on about it again, but I think this is important as it has me thinking! You work so hard, pressing through all the challenges to reach the top of your career, and figure out that you’re not truly happy! I’m great at being a Financial Controller, but it was NOT feeding my soul, making me smile, in feeling soulfully satisfied! So now what? Where do I go from here?

I have, for years been processing the past and now that I feel free from the feelings of victimization. I know that I have wholeheartedly forgiven all and learned from those experiences. Thankfully, I am open to what’s next. My soul’s desire, living wholeheartedly through divine light and a passionate soul. However, I am not sure what that means. I love to do a lot of things!

Truly has been on the forefront of my thoughts and desires. I don’t know how to pursue this search, but within the things I am reading, they suggest. Do stuff! Considering the current status of our country in the fight against this Corona virus, I am willingly wanting to stay home for my health and the help against the spread of this virus. I am thankful for my health, and the thought of getting sick or catching this virus is something that I don’t want to risk. So, I stay home with a few walk with the dogs. So, with that in mind, that has me limited, but has me thinking about self-reflection. What do I love?

I know that I really love to cook, bake and create yummy-licious delights to devour. I love to work in my yard and create a beautiful landscape, but how do I know that I am on the right path? Here’s my vibrational energy being cast into the world to help guide me on this journey on finding my soul’s purpose of self-reflection!

Thank you for having the ability to be free from a job in order to research my hearts desire!

Friday, March 20, 2020

No outside approval needed!

I just recently posted that I wanted to have more of an online presence, but realized today after continuing this self-journey that, that was my ego talking! I do not require and for quite some time now, have not required outside approval. Why did my minds ego steer me in that direction? Why did I fall for that? What caused my moment of weakness to believe that story?

Thank you for the light shown on this, and for me to steer myself back to self-love and divine light!

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

To my divine Spirit/Soul.. I am so sorry!

Just recently I separated from a toxic situation. I was angry! I was scared at how the changes were going to affect my life. Funny to me to write that, but better out than bottle in. What I mean by “changes” is… money. Giving up a six-figure income with no fallback plan. No job, or even the thought or energy of WANTING to get a job. I want to be without a job. Nothing but time to do what I want on my terms!

Reigning myself back in on topic, yikes! --I went to an event in Colorado that changed my perspective! Usually when I go to these events, I have an intention, but this time, I didn’t. No intentions, just pure openness!

Honestly, every time I go to these events, there is a life changing shift that happens, and I knew that would happen, but I wanted to be open to the possibilities of what that could be. I had been swallowed and consumed by my angry thoughts, and the feeling of betrayal. I couldn’t think of much else. I was pissed and relieved at the same time. Relieved that the burden was someone else’s problem, but angry at the situation and the events leading up to it.

I’ve recently got back into reading books in trying to regain my spirit and living through divine love and light. I felt as if I was so outside of myself, that I was lost. Still am, but now I am finding the crumbs that were left for me to find my way back to my heart.

I have to share an experience I had at a SRI;Somato-Respiratory-Integration. Ordinarily, when I attend the SRI class, my mind is in the forefront, and has a strong hold and will not let my spirit come through. But this time it was different! So, I’m attending this class at the seminar as I’ve always done, and during my SRI exercise; can’t remember what stage, but it was in the season of Awaken. My spirit took over and the energy was strong! I found myself crying incessantly and was apologizing to my Spirit. I was lying on the floor but could see my spirit above me, intertwining with another spirit who, I don’t know, but… all I could say was “I am so sorry” over and over, and over again. I am so sorry for ignoring you. I am so sorry for letting this happen, I am so sorry! Until… I reached a point where it faded. I laid there and finished the exercise; my body felt heavy, I couldn’t get up. When I finally did. I noticed the gentleman next to me. I reached out in wanting to hear about his experience as he was laying next to me. I shared my experience, and he stated that it was also similar to his. He thanked me, as I also reciprocated. That was intense, and for the first time, EVER. I had seen and felt my divine spirit. So blown away by this experience, I wanted more!

I am truly sorry for ignoring my divine spirit, and in this gift of time, I am driven and dedicated to my journey in continuing to deepen my connection to my Spirit and truly live my life through divine love and light through my heart.

Awareness is amazing and if you are open, it is even more amazing at what can happen!

Thank you!