Sometimes I wonder why I am constantly so busy.
Then this morning as I was walking my trash up the driveway… and I started crying... I checked in with myself and discovered that I had a moment of weakness and it was because of the loneliness… I cried and thought that -this must be why I keep myself so busy.
The mornings are a challenge for me but this I know shall pass too. So I’m sharing it and moving on… To let it out and feel it is something new for me. BUT I know that in order to process through it, I must feel it too. Thank you for my awareness’s, I am so grateful for the change.
Processing my divorce has been a lot of work. Gathering documents and making copies takes time. I am all about money making activities. That is not one of them. Really I have far more important things to do than to deal with that shit! L Drama! I’m going to find that one thing that I want to do… I know what I’m passionate about to my core, but something that is fun and I love to do. -Dancing? -Choreography? -Hmmm just thinking out loud tonight.
I feel as if I really could use the help. I feel a bit overwhelmed with my financial challenge right now. It’s not by choice but by responsibility. Why is it that some of us just are not responsible? Hmm let’s see…actually... It’s all about CHOICE!
Choose to or Choose not to.
We cannot control others decisions but we can choose how we react to things. Maybe choose not to push buttons… That game of TAG is mighty childish.
I am so humbly grateful for where I am today. I am being taken care of. I’m still manifesting money everyday and handling my business responsibly. I just keep moving forward and someday I trust it will get smoother.
I’m kind of tired and really hooked on this book I have been reading… It’s after 10pm and I want to read for a bit…. So there’s today’s thoughts out LOUD…
Love and Light
Kimberli H