Sometimes, sharing yourself at a raw state, can give others confidence in knowing they are not alone. My thoughts, my raw-ness, and my Ah ha moments.
Just a tidbit more on me.....

- Have Gratitude
- Going through this roller coaster journey of life, discovering more and more of my deeper self. Loving life and learning to live life through my soul!
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
On edge
I feel as if there is so much on my plate, and I have no balance right now. All or nothing. How unhealthy is that? The last few days, I feel as if I'm gonna SNAP! It's been over 10 days since I was at the gym, but yesterday I finally made it back in; and I ran 5 miles. Today I met with my trainer (who kicked my ass -Thank you!), and Thursday and Saturday is boot camp. I'm still running that 10K in a few weeks... I'm ready for that for sure. Oh, I guess I did run the 5K last week. Short and slow run... more of a warm-up, but it was good fun!
I'm sorry, but how did I get here again? Actually, how did I let it happen. I truly am a workaholic, but it's time to back the fuck up!
I feel as if I'm ignoring myself, and the one's that I love. Work, work, work. WTF! Why?
I know I have a lot to do, but I've hired my staff, and I'm taking teeny tiny baby steps forward, but OMG it feels as if I'm not accomplishing what I want. Perhaps it's time to take another step back. BREATHE and just relax. A break would do me some good. Clear minded, focused and rested with the potential to be more productive. Yup, it's time.
Time to get off this edge, and come back to myself!
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Time just escapes...
Friday, October 15, 2010
Let it go!
In life it’s sometimes easy to hang on to those things that in our mind we “NEED” but really do we need that? Or is our mind trying to keep us complacent?
I remember when I was stuck on the idealization that I needed marijuana in order to get things done or to deal with certain situations in my life. In my mind I thought that it would give me energy, deeper thoughts and keep me on task. Lies after lies!
The reality is that I was comfortable; comfortable in staying in that frame of mind that I couldn’t see it any other way.
The truth is… once I got over the idea and the mind trap I was in, I understood that the minds job is to keep me comfortable. “Stay where you are and you will be fine”
So here’s the million dollar question… Do you really need _______?
(Those new shoes, to be in a destructive relationship, to lie)*It could be ANYTHING!
The most liberating thing you can do for yourself is have the “Awareness”
Then make those important decisions and get a plan of action.
But most important thing is… take baby steps! **Like a baby taking their first steps? They didn’t get up and run… They got up and stumbled before they even walked or even ran. No matter how many times you fall (and you will) just get up and do it again.
Have faith in yourself because you are a being of light on this planet and you will succeed.
With determination and perseverance anything can happen!