Just a tidbit more on me.....

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Going through this roller coaster journey of life, discovering more and more of my deeper self. Loving life and learning to live life through my soul!
Showing posts with label #Reflections. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Reflections. Show all posts

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Looking back and Reflecting

Today I spent some time in going back to "tag" some of my old posts. Amazing to see the progress of my growth, Really truly amazing in how I have blossomed from the victim, to loving the gifts in life that are given to me. Actually, feeling blessed to have my eyes & heart open and seeing... feeling those things. 

It was also a gentle reminder in some of the stepping stones that have brought me to where I am today! Definitely progress! Kudos to me. Good job Kim! 

Reflecting back, I can see that sometimes I wrote to the outside, as if people read this blog and would actually respond. Other posts are confessions of things, experiences and feelings in how I was doing in that given moment. 

I am truly feeling blessed in starting this blog so long ago as it has allowed me to get to a place where I share these things out loud, no longer in a private journal. I must admit that at times, when things are good... I feel guilty for not blogging, but I know now that.. those are the times that life is just rolling along and the need to express myself or document things is not prevalent, and that is okay!

Thank you for this tool and thank you for all the gifts that have been given, received. I am grateful!

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Unfolding the Heart's Desire

So much has been going on that I seriously have NOT made time to blog. I always promise myself that, this time will be different. I will blog more; I will take the time to make it happen and this time… I quit my job so what was my excuse (this time) The fact is, I will stop making those promises right now. If I really wanted blogging to be a priority, I would make it happen. But I did not. I had other higher priorities that took precedence, and I got a PT job to occupy my time since I was going crazy with boredom. On a side note, my house was SUPER clean, and my yard was beautiful!

On my last entry, I spoke about my feelings on how things went with my previous employer. Yeah, that was a hurtful situation, and the pain was around for quite longer than I really wanted it to be. My choice to keep it in my thoughts. Now it is September. OMG… what happen to the time. It just flew, and even with COVID… it still flew!

I am happy to report that with lots of energy work, love of landscaping, the urge to clean and organization, and time… all is better! Breathing wonderfully and have forgotten about SMC. Truthfully, I learned of something recently, and I could feel those feelings getting stirred and found myself pissed all over again. Therefore, consciously, I decided that I can no longer entertain discussing or thinking about it/them. Let it go with full intention of not revisiting that again, now that I know it is a trigger! Yes, to awareness!

So, I took a PT job, and ended up leaving after 4 weeks as it was not a good fit for me. Clear on my boundaries and how “I” want to be treated. Funny thing was that I was treated well as I established my boundaries right from the beginning, but the others around me… not so much and I just could no longer continue to keep myself in that toxic environment. So, I took another PT job, and unfortunately got soooooo bored, I just could not continue with it and ended up leaving.

On 7/16/2020 before I started that second PT job, I took some time to journal a list. Frankly, I’m sick of starting and leaving jobs. I really want to find my “home” -work home that is!  I felt that if I got clear about my future self with a new job and set it out to the universe to allow timing for the law of attraction to work its magic. Amazingly, I am here to report that I am set to start that new job in just a few days. Honestly, it was earlier than I ever anticipated, but I’m happy to report that the universe has unfolded 20 out of the 22line items listed for my new job. There was a few that were off a bit, but close. Like… I want to be within 20 minutes’ drive to my office; I’m 26 minutes. Other item was if I had located a higher role, but after really thinking about what was presented, I decided that I am moving to NC to take life a little easier, and a step back was just what the mind, body and soul called for. I though that my last employer took care of their employees, but I was wrong! My new employer really values and takes care of their employees GREATLY through all their benefits! Amazing company and I am SO grateful for the gift that the universe unfolded for my future self. I am excited!

In hindsight… painful as it was to leave my last employer… it was the right thing for me to do. For my mind, body, and soul. AND… I would have never been available for this opportunity if I didn’t make those hard decisions “then” -Thank you!

Friday, December 19, 2014


Man oh man, have I been busy this past year. I truly wanted to start blogging more often so I could express those thoughts that are inside my heart and mind but… okay making the time hasn’t been a priority for me. I have had other things that have come up and have been more on the forefront of my priorities. I thought about therapy to assist me in “getting off my chest” but again the time to “GO” find a new therapist… I’m not sure if I’m to that point yet. Self-managing is going well so far. Thank you for Network care in teaching me the ways to “help myself” 

Most of my frustrations are from my job --Just last month (okay it really happens every month at least once) where I wanted to quit my job --strangle my boss, he can be such a pill and VERY indecisive with his directions. Can anyone say “Bipolar” -Very challenging for me to understand what it is he wants, and in those cases, I ask… if I still don’t receive a clear answer, I proceed forward with my interpretation and cross my fingers. Honestly this up and down roller coaster is wearing on me and I’m not sure if I will be able to take this for much longer… still trying but the name calling and yelling that happens with the explosive behavior is not easy to ignore. To me this calling out on my congruency and “me” keeping those lines strong about how I want to others to treat me; frankly, how I deserve to be treated. The knocking is getting louder and I’m starting to get annoyed! –Okay enough of the negativity. I want to talk about the highlights.

This year has been a whirlwind! Finally sold my house and grateful that I had it for just under 2 years and still managed to make a profit. –Thank you.

During this move to Florida, I’ve learned… when you live in a city that has a large(r) population and not a whole lot of “new” building going on, the FIGHT for houses can be a bit cut throat. In the tireless search for a new home to set some roots here in Florida, I finally found a home. Wasn’t ideal when I found it but I have gutted the entire house and started over. It is just how I want it, and will be perfect!  It was a foreclosure; originally a 4 bedroom, 2 bath, canal view and bonus it has a pool. But after the revamping of the floor plan, this house is now a completely open concept with 3 bedrooms, 3 bath. I had some frustrations during this project, and honestly it still isn’t finished (hoping to move in by Jan 2015) but I have had fun designing the new floor plan, picking colors, choosing granite, designing a new kitchen, choosing new windows, and doors… creating a place I can call home. The good news is that it has been brought up to wind mitigation and can handle the impact of a very strong hurricane. Those decisions to upgrade put me way over budget, but knowing that I will be safe, is peace to me, and worth it.

After the BIG life lesson I received from my 3rd marriage --divorce back in 2008/2009, I have been in a lull, still am, but I can honestly feel that I’m starting to pull up and aim for the infinite abundant riches in life. (Not monetary but a true richness in life) It’s about time I move on and get back to “MY” core. I have been so deep in the automatic-ness of living life and just running through the motions that I can’t stand myself anymore. The saying is “love yourself and where you are “right now”” So, I am. 

Truthfully my justification is that I have had so many changes in my life… never really settling… honestly not really giving myself the opportunity. The biggest gift (things became clear to me) I gave myself after my trip to Sedona, AZ was to quit my pointless job at DVF and take a year off to really get down and dirty with myself. That experience gave me a taste of what life “should” be… not that what I have been living isn’t right. It was right! But that time gave me a taste of how life can really be! -How life can be fuller. Full of love, compassion, empathy, and the ability to share our gifts and receive those gifts from others. Wholeheartedly be grateful. Everything in life is an experience; how you choose to act is the direction it will go in. Law of attraction will bring back what you give.

Bottom line of this post is that I am happy that I have had the experience of time to better understand what speaks to me. I’m tired of running, not away, but keeping myself BUSY! My mother was right when she said “Kim, your life isn’t whole unless you have some sort of chaos going on” I no longer want that to be my truth. I want a different experience, and I will make that happen!
I know that I’ve posted on a few occasions that I need to slow down but this is where the rubber hits the road for me. It’s time for change and, for once I feel that it’s gravitating in that direction.
Grateful for everything in my life!

Here’s to the New Year and many more blessings and experiences to teach me or shall I say give me the opportunity to learn more and share more... and to making the commitment to blogging more.

Blessing to you and yours in the New Year!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Triad of Change and Re-organizational Healing

Yes another gate has passed and the thoughts are just rolling. So here it goes.

Have you ever been at a place in life where you feel “stuck?” Stuck in the day to day rituals of allowing time to pass but you feel as if you’re not going anywhere but around and around. Funny thing really… I know that I’ve been here before, but here I am again.

I accepted a job some time ago and about a year or so, I started struggling with that job. It was no longer congruent to my energy and I knew that I needed to quit; I wasn’t sure when but I knew what I needed to do. -The question was when? 

In September 2010 after a healing vortex journey, energetic healing massage in Sedona and some time to heal, when I arrived back in Washington and went to work the next day, I knew that I could no longer be in that environment; I was compelled with sadness; a sadness that brought tears to my eyes the entire time that I was there in the office. So I felt drawn to take a visit to my boss’s office and express my feelings of discontent with the position and that it was time to leave this job. It was so liberating to know what I was supposed to do, and just do it.

So here I am 4 months later and have had a lot of time to gather myself and get clearer of what I am to do here on this path. That was what I intended but I actually found myself at a place where I felt lost. Lost in my thoughts, lost in time and space of what I “SHOULD” be doing with my time. Some of that were old conditioned patterns trying to emerge again… “The conditioned patterns of you need to work hard to get anywhere” My only thought was to not think about it. Just let the energy flow as it may and in time, the path will reveal itself. Not sure how but it would happen when the timing is right.

My questions were… What is it that I should be doing? What do I love? Where should I focus my energy on? But no matter how many questions I asked I still felt discontent for myself and the path. I felt as if I put the intention out to the universe but I wasn’t receiving the answers or the signs. 

I went to the gate with those same questions and the intentions of the laser beam focus on what I wanted out of this gate. Not attached to the results but strong intentions.

This gate was a wonderful experience but most of all the Triad of change and re-organizational healing was very informative on my how my biological make up corresponds with the way I focus and utilize my energy. 

To understand that my Behavior is my prime, structure is my keystone and my drain is perception is such a concept to understand of how to put things in motion and to understand why I have been in such a rut for so long. The bottom line is that I have been in my mind and “thinking” about those questions when my modus operandi is of action. I knew that I say in my mind but to have the realization of understanding that is a different story.

Thank you for the path and the wisdom to see the doors open and not only that to say thank you for being an open receptor to allowing this change to take place. – I can’t wait to get home and do, do, do!

Thanks Wise World for this wonderful experience and thank you to the universe for unfolding these events. I’m also not going forget to say thank you to myself for “Showing up”