I feel that going back to see your growth is rewarding; well at least it is for me.
I look back a few years ago and I see Tom and me struggling and our relationship was starting to deteriorate. I remember thinking…"how could I allow this to happen?"
Sometimes we write down the things that we don't like or the things we want to change in our lives. But where does it go from there? Do you take action? Sometimes I think that sometimes, I just let it go. Pick the important fights of your life.
At this moment in my life, I feel so thankful for the series of events that have recently happened in our life. -Although, I am thankful for every event that has happened in my life. I've learned many things from the different experiences.
Just recently being 2005 up until this point…2008: Tom and I have been in turmoil with Tommy and Tabi's mother, and in so many ways Wendy showed me a bit of myself. In my opinion, I was being a super control freak and I think Wendy must've had a negligent type of childhood where she feels like the "poor me" victim. -Too bad
I'm, so thankful that I learned to recognize those victimized feelings a long time ago. I was hiding from myself. I was hiding away from the little girl who desperately wanted my parent's approval and attention. –I never got it! It's OK…
So I learned things in life with "street sense" Not exactly the easy road but, I am today from what I chose yesterday which has been done with my strong personality I gained through my experiences in life.
To be thankful for everything; My life in my new home in Snohomish, my office which was our old home in Burlington, Tom's new parenting plan schedule for Tommy and Tabi, the reduction in our child support, the sold company; Air Filtration, the education that I continue to learn and teach, The new openness of my vulnerability. Today I have an abundant life that flows easily and effortlessly. I love my new understanding, of what I want to focus on. Thank you for the life that I live with all 4 of my children. Thank you for my awareness, and for me.
I've always had my own power. I just chose to give it away with my non confidence; me questioning myself, if I did it right?
I know differently now