So much has been going on that I seriously have NOT made
time to blog. I always promise myself that, this time will be different. I will
blog more; I will take the time to make it happen and this time… I quit my job
so what was my excuse (this time) The fact is, I will stop making those
promises right now. If I really wanted blogging to be a priority, I would make
it happen. But I did not. I had other higher priorities that took precedence,
and I got a PT job to occupy my time since I was going crazy with boredom. On a
side note, my house was SUPER clean, and my yard was beautiful!
On my last entry, I spoke about my feelings on how things
went with my previous employer. Yeah, that was a hurtful situation, and the
pain was around for quite longer than I really wanted it to be. My choice to
keep it in my thoughts. Now it is September. OMG… what happen to the time. It
just flew, and even with COVID… it still flew!
I am happy to report that with lots of energy work, love of
landscaping, the urge to clean and organization, and time… all is better!
Breathing wonderfully and have forgotten about SMC. Truthfully, I learned of
something recently, and I could feel those feelings getting stirred and found
myself pissed all over again. Therefore, consciously, I decided that I can no
longer entertain discussing or thinking about it/them. Let it go with full
intention of not revisiting that again, now that I know it is a trigger! Yes,
to awareness!
So, I took a PT job, and ended up leaving after 4 weeks as
it was not a good fit for me. Clear on my boundaries and how “I” want to be
treated. Funny thing was that I was treated well as I established my boundaries
right from the beginning, but the others around me… not so much and I just
could no longer continue to keep myself in that toxic environment. So, I took
another PT job, and unfortunately got soooooo bored, I just could not continue
with it and ended up leaving.
On 7/16/2020 before I started that second PT job, I took
some time to journal a list. Frankly, I’m sick of starting and leaving jobs. I
really want to find my “home” -work home that is! I felt that if I got clear about my future self
with a new job and set it out to the universe to allow timing for the law of
attraction to work its magic. Amazingly, I am here to report that I am set to start
that new job in just a few days. Honestly, it was earlier than I ever
anticipated, but I’m happy to report that the universe has unfolded 20 out of
the 22line items listed for my new job. There was a few that were off a bit,
but close. Like… I want to be within 20 minutes’ drive to my office; I’m 26
minutes. Other item was if I had located a higher role, but after really
thinking about what was presented, I decided that I am moving to NC to take
life a little easier, and a step back was just what the mind, body and soul called
for. I though that my last employer took care of their employees, but I was
wrong! My new employer really values and takes care of their employees GREATLY
through all their benefits! Amazing company and I am SO grateful for the gift
that the universe unfolded for my future self. I am excited!
In hindsight… painful as it was to leave my last employer…
it was the right thing for me to do. For my mind, body, and soul. AND… I would
have never been available for this opportunity if I didn’t make those hard
decisions “then” -Thank you!