Just a tidbit more on me.....

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Going through this roller coaster journey of life, discovering more and more of my deeper self. Loving life and learning to live life through my soul!
Showing posts with label #lawofattraction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #lawofattraction. Show all posts

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Smooth Sailing

End to week 4 and things have shifted with my energy. Finally have the timing of meds to numb things. I find myself having to slow down. My body will not do, what I want IT to do. So I have no choice but to slow down. Or I get super dizzy!

Its what I asked for, for years. So that was not the way I saw it going, but in reality... I never ACTUALLY slowed down. Maybe for a hot minute. So the universe provided the necessary experience to MAKE me do it. 

I wonder how many times during all 200+ blog posts, I ask for things to: SLOW DOWN?

Thank you LOA, but wow! That is awareness in your face!

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Realization to slow to down

So this weekend I worked out in the yard, weeding the hedges. OMG, there was so many weeds! But in all fairness, it hadn't been weeded all year long and was in pretty bad shape. Good news is that it's done. With my mother's help, of course! But teamwork makes the dream work. So thankful for her being here!

I realize that in the prior months, I was able to work out in the yard all day. Break for lunch of course, but still 8-10 hours outside. MMMM labor of love, really! Now, nope... maybe 3 hours tops and I'm wiped.

This Cancer is forcing me to slow down and not do as much. Not really liking this, but FOR YEARS... I've been saying and blogging about how I need to slow down. Whoa, proof that the universe DOES work in it's own timing and grant the things that are in your purview. Thank you to law of attraction for MAKING me slow down. Not the way I would've ever seen it coming into fruition, but it IS forcing me to slow down as I wanted. So, thank you!

Careful what you ask for!

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Contrast to C-L-A-R-I-T-Y

 As I heard myself complaining today, I thought… change my record. So, let’s talk about some real contrast.

I choose healthy choices to feed my body

Right now, I eat like shit. Total shit! Red meat more than I’d like. Want vegetables to be my main entrĂ©e again. Stop eating fast food, eating out, refined sugar and cut down on sugar altogether!

I choose to expand myself athletically everyday whether that is swimming, spinning, working out or doing some yoga or stretching, hell yard work counts, for sure!

I’m not happy how my body looks. J says I’m getting older, but I don’t want that to be my excuse. I want to be slim and toned, fit! -I'm so close; just need to keep grinding away.

Those 2 things are in correlation with each other. Change my record, change my mindset. I need to eliminate some responsibilities first! Starting with my job! Then make some changes in my schedule.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Unfolding the Heart's Desire

So much has been going on that I seriously have NOT made time to blog. I always promise myself that, this time will be different. I will blog more; I will take the time to make it happen and this time… I quit my job so what was my excuse (this time) The fact is, I will stop making those promises right now. If I really wanted blogging to be a priority, I would make it happen. But I did not. I had other higher priorities that took precedence, and I got a PT job to occupy my time since I was going crazy with boredom. On a side note, my house was SUPER clean, and my yard was beautiful!

On my last entry, I spoke about my feelings on how things went with my previous employer. Yeah, that was a hurtful situation, and the pain was around for quite longer than I really wanted it to be. My choice to keep it in my thoughts. Now it is September. OMG… what happen to the time. It just flew, and even with COVID… it still flew!

I am happy to report that with lots of energy work, love of landscaping, the urge to clean and organization, and time… all is better! Breathing wonderfully and have forgotten about SMC. Truthfully, I learned of something recently, and I could feel those feelings getting stirred and found myself pissed all over again. Therefore, consciously, I decided that I can no longer entertain discussing or thinking about it/them. Let it go with full intention of not revisiting that again, now that I know it is a trigger! Yes, to awareness!

So, I took a PT job, and ended up leaving after 4 weeks as it was not a good fit for me. Clear on my boundaries and how “I” want to be treated. Funny thing was that I was treated well as I established my boundaries right from the beginning, but the others around me… not so much and I just could no longer continue to keep myself in that toxic environment. So, I took another PT job, and unfortunately got soooooo bored, I just could not continue with it and ended up leaving.

On 7/16/2020 before I started that second PT job, I took some time to journal a list. Frankly, I’m sick of starting and leaving jobs. I really want to find my “home” -work home that is!  I felt that if I got clear about my future self with a new job and set it out to the universe to allow timing for the law of attraction to work its magic. Amazingly, I am here to report that I am set to start that new job in just a few days. Honestly, it was earlier than I ever anticipated, but I’m happy to report that the universe has unfolded 20 out of the 22line items listed for my new job. There was a few that were off a bit, but close. Like… I want to be within 20 minutes’ drive to my office; I’m 26 minutes. Other item was if I had located a higher role, but after really thinking about what was presented, I decided that I am moving to NC to take life a little easier, and a step back was just what the mind, body and soul called for. I though that my last employer took care of their employees, but I was wrong! My new employer really values and takes care of their employees GREATLY through all their benefits! Amazing company and I am SO grateful for the gift that the universe unfolded for my future self. I am excited!

In hindsight… painful as it was to leave my last employer… it was the right thing for me to do. For my mind, body, and soul. AND… I would have never been available for this opportunity if I didn’t make those hard decisions “then” -Thank you!

Monday, August 14, 2017

If you don't like something, change it!

I know that I’ve blogged about this before, but it's time to post a refresher. I offered to help a good friend with some advice on how to change certain aspects of their life. Bottom line is this... by changing what you focus on, you can shift your life. So, what you give energy and attention too, will grow! This is for you my friend, and for anyone else who happens to read this post.

If you change your verbiage, you WILL change your life. 

Contrast to Clarity... I cannot take the credit for this worksheet. I discovered this from a mentor who taught me a lot about the Universal Law of Attraction. -Thank you Michael Losier!

Some folks are so trapped in the negativity of their situation, that they cannot see what they want. Essentially, it’s easier for those folks to list everything you don’t want and/or don’t like. -1st. 

Honestly, no matter where you are, the gift you are giving yourself, is that you've already taken the first step... Awareness! The next step is ... how to make that shift. Again, change your verbiage, change your life! 

I utilize the CTC Worksheet to help make that shift from what I don’t like to the list of things I do like. 

                1)  On the top of the page… I am Manifesting and Attracting my                                   ideal______ In this blank space you will write what area you want                               to change.

                2) Then, on the list of Contrast on the left, write everything you don’t like                    about the  “blank” from #1

                3) The on the opposite side of the line, write “what do you want”
                    Example:  Contrast: I drink too much   }{    Clarity: I want to drink less
                                     Contrast: I work too much   }{    Clarity: Work less; play                                                                                                              more
                                     Contrast: Too stressed        }{    Clarity: Less stress

Once you’ve completed your list, I like to take it a step further…. What would it take to make those changes?

Contrast: I drink too much   }{    Clarity: I want to drink less
1) Buy only a 6 pack a week
2) Stop hanging out at bars/clubs
3) Drink water or something else while I’m out eating

Contrast: I work too much   }{    Clarity: I want to work less; play more
1) Find some outdoor/indoor activity that I can do a few days a week
2) Make a rule to take lunch EVERY day!
3) Make more friends that like to go do things without drinking

Contrast: Too stressed        }{    Clarity: Less stress
1) Make a rule to take lunch EVERY day!
2) Work until 5pm daily, and if you must stay late, only stay one hour and limit that to 2 days a week
3) Find a YOGA class that you can connect with the class/instructor

Do you want to take it up to another level??? The next step is visualization.
What would it feel like to have that ideal ______?
What would it look like to have that ideal ______?
Take some time each day or a few times a week to image and feel what it would feel like if you had your ideal _____. That in which you give energy and attention too, will GROW!

Remember, the in between "journey" will be challenging, but the goal should be your fire that lights the torch along the way to your ultimate "on fire" goal!

Along the way, and in the end, always.... HAVE GRATITUDE!

Love and Light beautiful people!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

OMG!! Be open and allow!!!

I am so grateful that allowing is something I'm aware of....

It’s funny how we attract things into our life. –Did any of you know that we can and do deliberately attract things to us??? Whether we want them or not!

I knew about Law of Attraction… but I’m very analytical and I knew that the Law of Attraction existed but it was just merely a concept to me because I never understood it as I was never educated about how it all works. Just that I had to choose my words and thoughts carefully. -Positive or Negative….

Tom and I went to a conference this last weekend and we learned the science behind the Law of Attraction. For me... unless it’s clear on how something works, I have only an idea. Thank you BMI…. Now that LOA has been broken down into the analytical side, everything now makes sense as to this universal law.

Bottom line is this… Life is all about feeling and thoughts. Feel your way through life and buckle your seat belt for the ride of your life. For me though it has always been about thinking my way through life. Uh what happens though is my brain (EGO) keeps me comfortable. That is where my fears and anxiety come in. That’s my ego brain trying to hold me back from changing. If you feel your way through life, the ego brain is not there to tell you a lie. Everything that I’ve heard my ego brain tell me is…..

This is too expensive I can’t do that I’ll get hurt I’m too old to do that That’s going to hurt I have to work hard to get anywhere A job is security I can’t afford that I’m too tired to do that Maybe later I’m not sure what the best decision is No

Where has this gotten me…. Well for starters we are successful because Tom and I do work hard. However I’ve learned that I have been limiting myself through how I feel.

I feel ½ of those things on that list at some point of my week, sometimes day! What kind of energy am I emanating to the universal law of attraction? Not a good one.

Start your life everyday with love and gratitude.

Be grateful for where you are right now and remember to have fun!

Those little steps lead the way to a prominent future.

Be open and allow your feelings to lead your life

Cheers to you and your journey
