Just a tidbit more on me.....

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Going through this roller coaster journey of life, discovering more and more of my deeper self. Loving life and learning to live life through my soul!
Showing posts with label #clarification. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #clarification. Show all posts

Thursday, June 20, 2019


I had raised my children, and it was my turn to finish my education and start my career. I took a chance, and when I moved across country to Florida to start my career, I had no idea of the series of events that would take place.

I connected with a FL based company. Of course, it was in the HVAC field, and they desperately required a knowledgeable Controller. Therefore, I proceeded forward with an interview. Just so happens that they had a business partners in Seattle. That was convenient! In speaking with the owner of the company and he said, “Have you ever been to FL” “Why would you want to move here?” I, in that moment, didn’t understand why he would be asking me that, and I didn’t care. I wanted out of Cloudy, cold WA, and this was my “open door”. The interview was a success and an offer was presented, and I accepted. Therefore, I gave notice at my current employer, and away I went on my journey to FL. I drove there, it took 4 days. I love to drive, so the journey was fun.

When I arrived at my new job… OMG, what a mess! Luckily, my work ethic rose to the forefront and allowed me to shine; giving my job every bit if energy I had. I had to bring my “A” game in bringing my organization and standardization skills to this office. Honestly, the situation really consumed me, and at that time it was no big deal. I was here by myself; my family and home were back in Washington State. I could allow my job to take all my time. I did fly home a few times over the 6 months until my home sold, but the long and short of it is… my job consumed me. When I was hired, my job was to bring accuracy, to the accounting department, and implement policies, standardization and procedures. I was able to finalize those tasks, but unfortunately, that job wasn’t a good fit for me, and I left. It became a toxic environment and I had to make the choice of leaving before I secured employment with a new employer. A leap of faith!

With that experience, I realized (AGAIN) that in life, you must be careful what you ask for. I may have received the gift of moving to a sunnier/warmer location, and the career path that I excelled in, but that job soon became the steppingstone. A steppingstone to further clarification and in search of the “right employer” and the challenge in finding a new job.  

Think about what you want, ensure its crystal clear! Focus your energy, attention, and time on what you seek and let the universe unveil and work on the rest.