Sometimes, sharing yourself at a raw state, can give others confidence in knowing they are not alone. My thoughts, my raw-ness, and my Ah ha moments.
Just a tidbit more on me.....

- Have Gratitude
- Going through this roller coaster journey of life, discovering more and more of my deeper self. Loving life and learning to live life through my soul!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Space in the brain
My mind was a space of confused mind fuck and sometimes it took over. Yes I allowed it... I know but inevitably, I felt as if I was losing to my own mind. (CRAZY) Sometimes it drove me crazy with it's desire to "have to" figure it out. -Exhausting actually
Ahhhh the gate; Peace! Thank you to Sandy for introducing Network care into my world. I love you forever and ever as my life partner.
There is now a gap in my mind; only the outer edge of the surface feel as if they are analytical.
-My mind at ease with peacefulness. Ahhh!
Good music, good connection and good experience! Can't wait til the next gate in Denver. I'm already there in spirit.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Over analyzing again!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Time can fly -Eh?
However, after this weekends trip to the island.... I noticed that I want to slow things down a bit. Maybe, after the first of the year, things will be off my plate to make life a bit more simplified. :-)
Up earlier than usual and I was just taking the time to notice that life just feels good.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Got teenager's???
A good friend sent this to me, and I'd love to share with those who might b interested.... If you have a teen, invest in being open to new concepts. I did a long time ago and that is mainly why my boys and I are really close.
Here's the link & the email is below....
How many of these mistakes can u actually relate with? Or do you get angry by Josh's theory about our mistakes with teenagers? His story is amazing!
Here's what I got.... Outta 5; I've changed 2 of them. -I am so grateful for that awareness. AND -Yeah I am not perfect, and I can still relate to 3 other mistakes. One of those mistakes is a close personal challenge; I'm facing right now. -Mistake #4 Two of them I've become aware of and are in transition of changing. Mistakes 3&5 Some days I feel like a hypocrite and others, well I wish I had a magic wand. I think its funny; the mind frick we listen to within our own minds. -Where we choose to give our personal power. I am fortunate to have a very close relationship with my boys... It's just us and we all understand, that we need to work together if we want our family to work. Were not perfect, and mistakes happen along the way. I asked CJ to read the pdf doc of Josh's Mistakes theory and he shared, that he could agree that these 5 are true and that he can relate with a few of them, right now. Thanks, I'm working on, and I'm so glad to hear that I'm going the right way.. Happy Halloween folks! -------- Original Message -------- Subject: got teens? Alert. From: "Patrick Combs"Thursday, October 22, 2009
Plan all u want BUT dont be attached 2 the outcome
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
In Awe
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Yes, Thank you...
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Pain...we store that down deep sometimes.

Friday, August 14, 2009
Been 2 loooong!
I was just thinking the other day how it has been awhile since I’ve blogged or even journaled…
Yes, life keeps us all busy… Society is busy! -24hr convenience to humanity on this planet… but I’m of the minority, and for me it’s not filtered drama (Media) and what the outside world thinks or cares about. I just am.
Living day by day is the greatest gift and right now there is no direction or decisions that are urgent. I just am.
But at the same time…. Emotionally I feel as if I’m lost within my own thinking. Craziness! -As if everything is out of order. Changing the thinking habits of analytical thinking… uh actually… it’s thinking in general.
Man, do I over think! I over think about just being in the moment… Hmmm what does that mean? What is that supposed to feel like? Why live life filtered through your brain as to what the plan is….. Just be
Through my experience, I learned that it’s about what and how we feel more than what we think it is, and breathing is healing.
Through Rhythms studio I have found a spark of connection and the tools to being this deep journey within. Deep breathes they are good for healing your spine and other areas of our amazing bodies. It definitely has required me to slow down and feel the connection through breath work.
Still feeling like shit as to knowing or having my brain figure it out (the plan) but actually I’m detangling the past and unwinding the spine to that deeper connection.
Thank you to my life partner for bringing Rhythms into my life.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Hmmm Breathe...
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Make a wish.
Wanting to escape to another world….
Many people including myself have felt… If it wasn’t for this or that, I could just have a different life than things would be better, but really it’s that kind of thinking that keeps us in the same state of mind. Really the change had to start from the inside. The feeling has to change on the inside first b4 they can appear on the outside.
Believe to achieve.
Feel not think life. NO live life!
This morning I woke up just feeling a bit blue. Why? Well I thought about that and I believe it’s something that is deep and really stuck in my emotions. Thinking that someone has to be there to hold me and make me feel good. No! This is an inner feeling, not an outside feeling. But what do I do? I go out and partake. Is that to deal with my emotions or to hide them? Wait! I know that! No it’s to cope with them. Yeah I say that I know this, but no matter how much I know it… I still cave in and end up disappointed at myself in the end.
I believe that being alone will allow me to feel the layers of my feelings. Lately I’ve had some mindless thoughts which brought up thoughts that I’ve never had before. Thank you for the openness.
Being “ALONE” well for starters I have a few habits that I know that I’m finally at the point where I’m finished! No more vices. It’s all about oneself, MY personal power.
I no longer need the mind to take over my body. The body I have learned will take over itself if you allow it… I can fix my aches and pains through breath work and working with my nervous system with a practice that’s new to me. It’s called; (NSA) Network System Analysis. It’s amazing and I’m just getting started. I committed myself to start feeling in life and I have the integrity to start taking action on those words and emotions. It’s no longer what I THINK is right, it’s what I FEEL.
In my discoveries I saw that I needed to change the strategies of what I was doing, if I wanted to change the outcome. I took the most important things to me and essentially assigned priority as to the one that was my #1.
I discovered that getting exercise and eating with a healthy lifestyle is the most important to me. Being conscience of what I’m putting into my body.
SO what did I do? I wrote a list of circumstances, thoughts, possibilities of what could get in my way.
I logically understand that I must recognize my patterns and to see what stopped me b4. I will then have the awareness to know what to change.
Now the challenge comes in and to put myself to the test of what I am WILLING to do.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Where thinking gets me sometimes…
I’ll admit it; we pushed each others buttons and played TAG! I know that I will be accountable and honestly admit that I did. I had fear of our situation too.
In the beginning I had felt as if I could take on this debt load and without even thinking it through logically, I just went for it and tried to make it work. Selling, fixing and cleaning this mess up that I was left with. I did find some help along the way and those people came into my life to not only help me but to give me those extra learning lessons. -Tough lessons about money.
I feel that I have been living my life in a poverty consciousness because of my memories from my childhood and feeling as if I never have enough. Those thoughts, or shall I say habits? I have been ungrateful for the things I have in my life; instead of being thankful for what I did have. I’m learning that we are taught what we are exposed to. -Right? Were not born with knowing how to do much of anything in our life, we learned those things along the way; everything in life is a learning experience. It’s not anyone’s fault for not teaching u that. Actually it’s the other way around. I’m thankful that I have seen the light and can change it for generations to come.
Maybe the lesson in the next stepping stone for me in this chapter of my life is about money. I know that even with me going bankrupt that it can only get better from here forward and now that I have chosen to NOT care about what happens to Tom, I have opened myself up to healing.
In this life at this moment I am here to learn and discover ME, my power, who I am!
Harboring hate, anger, resentment, rage and revengefulness is poison to my body, and my number one priority in my life is to take care of my body through a healthy lifestyle and being conscience of what choices I make along with what goes into my body in every aspect. -External and Internal.
Awareness is the key and thank you for the clues along the way to assist me in discovering the things that I want in my life.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Realizations Day 8 for me...
Thursday, July 2, 2009
To the PROCESS of letting go…
Who would’ve ever thought that the things we hold onto are sometimes unhealthy for us? I can say that I knew that but really where is that gonna get me? -A sense of pride…? Well PRIDE to me is… needing attention, greedy materialism, people who make mean choices towards others and etc.
I will admit that I have emotional attachments to some things in my life and letting go of these things are often a challenge for me. Listen to the heart? OR listen to the logic?
I’ve put so much hard work and love into these things and this one, was by far the biggest one in my life. Letting go of it, has made me very emotional… I think it’s because that wasn’t the plan…. However I just opened my eyes to the reality, and letting go is what I’ve decided, because it’s in the best interest for all of us. Starting over again… Not where I saw or planned for myself for sure. But I will accept it and make the best out of it.
Hmmmm, more lessons as to how much WE are NOT in control of our lives.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Being true to me…
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Just some quick thoughts
It’s weird… It’s like almost 4am and I feel great!
I went out tonight and danced for a bit but the dance floor was way too crowded. So, I did a lot of people watching… I love that! For me it’s an outside perspective of how we as humans react, dwell, express ourselves with bodily and facial expressions just in having conversations. You can see sadness, just the same as if you saw joy. There is such a diverse amount of personalities and lifestyles that I can watch people for hours. No big topic but I wanted to share something I really enjoy doing.
I realized something tonight that I’m sure I’ve spoken about in the past but it’s time to stop talking and start taking actions… I really need to SLOOOOW down in life. Stop thinking about every possible angle and start allowing things to unfold. I’m so freak’n analytical that sometimes I just get in my own way. Man I’m aware of this, yet it still continues to happen. Changing a lifetime habit will take some perseverance and persistence if I want to make that change.
Ahhh yes more realizations and awareness’s that keep coming forth for me to focus energy in whatever decision I make. Am I surviving and healing or allowing victimization and turmoil?
Everything in life is about choice!
Love and Light!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Figting the MMF
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Staying focused
Remembering to focus on what you want… Not allowing the drama to come in… boy that is a challenge to remind ourselves exactly what drama is. “What deems the title to be something so negative?”
For me it’s… something that detours me from the desired destination. There will always be activities that keep us busy instead of allowing us to stay on track with what we want, therefore not allowing room for any changes to happen.
Yes we have some things in our life that we just do because it’s part of daily living. But so does our sub conscience mind. -Right?
Did you know that our sub conscience mind handles our bodily functions? Heart beating to pump your White and Red blood cells through your body, Digestion, and a filter for the brain… The human brain is our cognitive/conscience mind. The part of the mind that allows us to choose how we use our talents, creativity, action/reaction, decision making and so on…
Today I am reminded of the drama that comes with others. I am reminded that life always has up and downs and for the most part it’s important to choose which thoughts affect you. Hmmm what do I mean? Well…. we all encounter other people everyday and those people directly affect our moods… -IF we allow them too. For example; If you’re in a good mood and you come across a friend who is in a crappy mood and all they do is nag and complain about it. We can then choose to be suckered in and react or we can choose to stay neutral and keep our own power.
No matter what happens in life, know that there is good even in the bad. You just have to find it and keep focused.
Sometimes that is work! BUT without work and determination, nothing will happen for you.
To living and loving through all the situations we encounter in life.
May peace be with you my friends.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Still Learning...
A long time ago I know that I’ve blogged about true happiness coming from the inside. Yeah I blogged it and truthfully I understood the concept but, I never truly understood how to apply it in my life. -A true understanding at a deeper level.
In life there is so much of society, the corporate big guys and politicians that want you to be distracted with materialism, socialism, politics and societies crap. To the point that your so distracted from truly being alone in yourself. WOW! Alone……
Not too long ago I was in a marriage that I felt so alone in. No love, no communication, no compassion or life inside of me. U C I was dead inside. In every situation there is also the polar opposite, so when that cycle was finally broken I woke up. I woke up to life and happiness and the joy of feeling with my heart.
I have been doing a lot of expanding my mind, discovering my heart and learning to feel from a place inside my heart vs. inside of my mind and…. What I’ve learned is that I must be alone and be happy with myself as a being, instead of finding my happiness from being with others. –Friends, Family…etc. I could say I knew that… But DB once taught me that… “I know that” is from an ego’s perspective. I am making some changes in my life and I am only taking an hour away for me.
Going into the inside of a place so deep…. “Meditation” When you drift… a feeling of happiness…perhaps a place of song and water… feel the warmth of the sun… and the wind drifting the fragrance of flowers… but for me, my mind races when I shut my eyes. I believe there are more memories deeply hidden….
Probably right, there might be, but I believe that my mind is playing a game with me…. It wants me to believe that deep down is more hurt and pain suffered from my past… and I feel that for me, I FEEL as if I have just been given me a clue towards the path in which I am at a crossroads in life.
Today, I feel that my mind is keeping me so busy that in reading a book by OSHO, I realized that it’s challenging for my body to keep up with my minds tasks and something has to give…. Who’s in charge here? .....I am!
Meditation is the deeper connection to your own capabilities in life. I’m living in blissfulness and love and why? Because it FEELS right!
I am truly blessed for all that is in my life. “Every bad situation has something good in it too…” “Polar opposites” Balance of this planet works, It’s scientific and I am blessed by just being here to write to myself, yet share it with others.
Always sharing my vulnerable thoughts for others; that is my way of sharing the courage of one’s own personal power that come s from going deep within yourself.
I am grateful for where I am right now and for the things and people who have come into my life.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
According to OSHO... am I a lion or a camel???
Does it ever just feel like your floating through life? Not really taking certain actions by growth but just the day by day stuff that you would normally be doing…?
Living life day by day as each challenge comes and goes.
Making decisions based on your current level of awareness and power… Well I have a certain attachment that has a crutch that hinders me from dealing with my life ~versus~ cope-ing.
Why must I be so weak to give in? Someone once suggested that maybe it’s the attachment to someone who I loved very deeply, someone who gave me the security in a relationship with love and gratitude.
I feel as if my life has been a roller coaster going up and down and never really leveling out. I desire the challenges that come with dealing with it! I’m ready to play on a level playing field. Live LIFE! Just PLAY HARD!!!
My strength goes deep and I feel as if I need to make some changes.
Why because it alters my perception… maybe energizing but not healthy.
I do my part in being conscience of Mother Earth and my connection to what’s “GOOD”
Good for me, for you, and the others who are also connected.
IT’S all about purging… clearing the clutter… what now?
Oh yes it’s time…. I feel it burning… the desire to quit and reset the button. To start over
I have started over… so many times. I’m done! AND this time it’s going to be something big.
Something that goes deep: deep down to the core of my being and allows me to be here and now in every moment forward.
Meditate, meditate, meditate this is my challenge. To sit still and quiet…My brain just goes and goes and goes and then it just takes over and it’s over. This time it’s different. I’m ready to stop the cycle.
I did it in 2000 and I’ll do it again. But this time instead of doing it for someone else, I’m doing it for me.
I am grateful for that is all in my life, my awareness’s, and the power to be different.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Slowwwwwwwing dowwwwwwwn!
Feels good to be home again!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Just a little bit of time
I realized the other day that I’ve always allowed me to put things and other people before me. What does this mean… it means that I’ve allowed myself to be out of balance and I was sacrificing myself for others! Pleasing others for acceptance is something that I feel came from generational error.
I’ve always put my parents, my children, my husband, my business, my goals, and my drive to be successful ahead of me. (“ME” meaning my heart and soul) Honestly, Money has controlled me. Or shall I say that money has been the thing that has driven me to where I am today. So, Financially, I let it go!
But my thoughts always came back to wondering who Kim is? For a very long time, I felt like a little lost girl of an abuse stricken past that haunted me like a victim. I remember what I was like before I got married but now I feel as if there is a hole. A WHOLE part of myself that is missing. Maybe not so much a part but a….. CONNECTION
Part of my journey has led me through personal development. In some way throughout my life’s journey, I realized that I have been in some form of personal development since I divorced my first husband. Amazing to have lessons in life and not realize it until later. Later… now that I have been educated on what personal development really is.
I’m looking back and reflecting on my progression, and that has changed something for me now that I have recognized the awareness of my realizations. As time goes on and I focus on that, the awareness just keeps growing stronger.
I wholeheartedly want to work on who Kim is… I feel that because of some recent events that have happened in my life. This has brought up some very big questions. Questions for me and my parents, confusion of my mother’s punishments, anger for my father, understanding of my estranged husband’s decisions, but it has also given me the awareness in getting back to working on me.
Loving myself
Accepting my success and deservedness
Allowing myself to forgive my past as it’s never been my fault as I’ve always been led to believe.
I see things differently now. The self destruction I did in my childhood was the ripple effect of the loneliness I felt as a child. I always wanted the love of my parents but I cannot remember a time when I felt anything! I never remember my parents holding me or expressing any type of love that I can remember. Maybe words but… no action!
Everything is going to be ok! I tell this to myself so that maybe someday I will start feeling the belief of that statement. Honestly I am petrified of the unknown! I just remind myself that the positive thought is that everything will be ok and this is what I want to focus on!
Days come and go, and as each day flies by, I feel as if time is just spinning around in circles. Same stuff different day. Hmmm that’s been the story of my life.
BUT For the first time in my life, I don’t have a plan of action and no game plan. That’s weird to me as I have always had a plan for my life. Well there is a first time for everything. -Right? This is me being open for new things and changes that might be very uncomfortable but necessary.
Have you ever been so driven that the rest of reality has just disappeared?
I am thankful for the lessons I learned through the abuse I endured and every situation that has made me grow. During that period I was a victim as I did not understand why I had to endure such pain through my childhood and during my life’s journey.
When does one person decide to let go of the anger, hurt and shame?
When they are sick of it controlling them? or
Their tired of feeling a certain way?
I believe the path of why I experienced what I did, is part of a greater purpose in life.
In every situation as you deem “bad” look for the ways in which was “good” “you grew”
WTF!? Look for the good Shhya right! You’re crazy. That’s what I would’ve said but now that much time has passed from my experiences and I understand the art of letting go…. I see things in a different perspective.
We all have games we play with ourselves…. It’s what I call the “Mental Mind Fuck” It clenches onto the thoughts of your desires and cravings.
Who is going to win?
Your desire to change? OR
Your Mental Mind Fuck?
I say look at what you have gained from your experiences. Focus on the good and forget the bad.
Maybe you’ve heard it before…. BUT You can’t change what has already happened but you can certainly get up and keep going.