Not every part of this book was tru 4 me, but there were many parts that resonated with my feelings. ~Feelings... yeah something in this book just struck the right chord to swing open a door.
Years ago when I read this book, I was given the opportunity to really get in touch with every feeling. The good, and especially the not so good ones too. Those ones were the ones I stuffed as a child. This book was the eye opener for me to wanting to have a deeper understanding of who Kim really is.
Long story short.... This book brought me to a new state of awareness of some stuff on the inside of myself. Mentally, Physically, Emotionally, and of course but not the least...Spiritually.
Spirituality in my Spirit not a religiousness... I believe there is a difference.
I feel life is about choices and the better I understand myself... then the better I will be.
Thank you to Eliana Gil.... for writing the book OUTGROWING THE PAIN it truly opened Pandora's box for me and I'm so thrilled to discover those hidden parts of myself!
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