Sometimes, sharing yourself at a raw state, can give others confidence in knowing they are not alone. My thoughts, my raw-ness, and my Ah ha moments.
Just a tidbit more on me.....

- Have Gratitude
- Going through this roller coaster journey of life, discovering more and more of my deeper self. Loving life and learning to live life through my soul!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Thank you!!!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Be Present
From understanding how to challenge those challenges I had with my emotional baggage to learning the art of tapping with EFT and understanding that I am ok just the way I am. I love this whole concept of continuing to get more of an insight about me and who I am.
Connected! Oh to be so powerful on the inside and not even realize it.
Wow, to love every aspect of every situation has been something new to me. There is something good in the bad….? We just have to look for it.
So even though my current circumstances are a gigantic challenge, I feel powerful. -As if there is only one thing that I am focusing on…. What I can do differently NOW!
Yes I realized that I am so far in the future that I fear the things that “could happen” and “what if” So far ahead that it got to the point of me trying to do the necessary things to prevent those things from happening….. The reality of it is that it was a thought up fear… Not my reality.
To live my life from the place in my heart is to live in the now. Be present to what is going on right now.
Awareness is awesome.
Thank you!
Monday, November 24, 2008
WOW how Amazazing
Hopefully along the way a valuable lesson was learned through the experience.
At least that is what we strive for… Right?
I’ll admit that I have said I know that from time to time? BUT Just recently actually, the lesson was about being in the “NOW” About being in the moment. Isn’t that what they say?
For me I’ve been living in the future, the “what ifs?”
I have allowed my finances to rule my thinking, and the other day I had realized that I have been ungrateful and unkind. Only because of my finances right? I was feeling stuck! The thing is… the perfect puzzle piece fell into place, just days earlier.
I made a commitment to myself and what I’m choosing for me and my life. Of course this was after I made the decision to attend the LPU Breakthrough III.
When I realized the other day that I am in such a “give me” mentality… I realized that I must be of service and be kind to others and be grateful for this very second; this moment in time.
Now to understand that I’m analytical and always processing… Gratitude & Kindness came up and resonated with me at the conference. Just as if I understood that I needed to be at BT. My Ahh ha moment!What does that mean to me?
“It means that I must actually move away from a place in my head and move into a place in my heart”
Not really sure what that means to me but that is the question that lingers in my mind….
To find a sense of peace. Be thankful for this very moment. My vision, my children, my dogs, the air we breathe, the sounds we hear, the mobility in our bodies, my current circumstances, my conscience/unconscious mind, and the amazing things our bodies do without needing us to even think about it… (By far not a complete list but you get the point)
It means to live for today, be in service to others, and be grateful for this moment, well actually be grateful for every moment. Past present and future…
Here’s to my new awareness in taking action, even if it’s imperfect action
I know that just by me being aware and taking action… Those challenges will move into a place of experiences and understanding.
Thank you LPU and to the creators of that dream!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Break Through III
A life long challenge that I had, was the desire to overcome all of my emotional stuffing that I did when I was younger. Memories, arguments and things I did as a foolish child. I just wanted to let it all out! Although I remember those stuffed emotions to be painful and not a piece of cake. So in search of the answer to something so painful I found this…..
Along my journey I became a visionary with Lifepath Unlimited. After reading their Mission Statement, I believed that I wanted to be part of that journey. Didn’t know how to make it happen at that point but after the decision was made. It worked itself out to my amazement.
Excited… I started the 56 days to Destiny just prior to our first Break Through event held in Puerto Rico at the Grand Melia. I was really learning to ask myself about me. The candles were beautiful. Ah magnificent!
Anyways during that conference, Peggy Dylan of Sundoor touched right dead set on “Emotional Stuffing” It was like as if she was talking to me.
After the exercises, I had such a deeper understanding of why that process of emotional stuffing came up from time to time, and why it was so important to let it out and “feel it” I continued to listen to the Mentorship Sessions on Saturdays and I learned a lot including the art of EFT. With the 56 days to Destiny and the mentorship sessions I discovered that I could get through it. -Boy was I babbling emotional crazy woman for a few weeks but it was totally worth it to feel that crap. Actually I call it purging. I learned a few key things that have made a huge impact in my life over that event. I learned about the negative effects of the food and what we ingest is 80% of how we look on the outside and of course I cannot forget that I needed to wear a higher sun block. –Good lessons.
7 months later in June of this year, I attended the second Break Through event in sunny Cancun. The lessons were so different than the first event and the beauty of being able to watch the people who firewalked was refreshing.
I learned that we all tell ourselves these “broken records” I can’t do this because of this or whatever it is that keeps us from doing something we want to “try”
Becoming aware of my own broken records helped me realize how I’m holding myself back.
Wasn’t planning on going and after looking for a job and well, still looking for a job, I have decided to do something different. Just take the risk and make it happen!
In amazement of what has transpired over the last 2 breakthroughs I cannot yet ignore that this is part of my next step. The Break Through events has been so good for me that I cannot resist. Completely open to whatever comes my way. All I know is that something has to change in my life to make it better and this event is going to be a turning point for me. I feel as if there is a lesson to be learned here that is going to be the CHANGE.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Being thankful!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
The gift of allowing
That sucked because that is not me! I am strong! “Strong as a Rhino”….BUT there are my moments where I have my weaknesses too. Yes… My emotions were flying around as if they are just there with no ties and nobody there to rein them in. Yeah I will honestly say I was checked out for a bit… Just being the droid and running through the motions of my everyday life.
BUT…in my moment of weakness I asked for help. I desperately asked for help for someone to take some of this burden that I have in my life right now. I felt as if I just couldn’t keep going like this. I honestly have been carrying all of this debt load and responsibility since my “so-called husband” … Soon to be X Husband left back in July.
Yes I have been strong but I am tired and “I” deserve a break!
So long story short…. Just a few weeks ago… I was forced. YES FORCED!!!!... By a close dear friend of mine to attend a birthday party…. Yup didn’t want to or even feel like going but I did… Had a blast! -Totally worth it and glad that I went. In all actuality I didn’t even feel the sense of guiltiness for taking some “me time”
While I was there I met a wonderful person who I believe I was supposed to meet.
In all actuality I never knew it until a few days ago when I realized that this person, my new friend was my gift, my answer to my request for help.
WOW! This means I must let my gigantic wall of defenses and independence down to allow for these actions to take place. Not comfortable by far. BUT… Doing something new is uncomfortable at first but I believe that is where change takes place.
I believe that today, once again I’m proudly wanting to share my challenges with all of you. But I really want to cast out my voice in gratefulness for the law of attraction for gifting me in which I focus on… Even in my down moments I am continually asking for the things I require most. Thank you for my new friends and of course my old friends. Thank you for the awareness of change, and the perception of knowing that all is ok no matter what is going on in this immediate moment.
Until next time...
Hang on tight because life is a bumpy but invigorating ride!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Loneliness on the inside
Loneliness sucks but in all actuality looking in hindsight, I now see that the time you have to yourself is actually a blessing. -It’s just in disguise.
I’ve cried time and time again over the feeling of being alone, but I realized after I’ve picked myself up…. Amazingly….. Being alone is and can be very healing.
This to me was healing for the soul and time to mend or bridge the gap of selflessness and despair.
This process of life can and will be quite the challenge at times and we as individuals get to CHOOSE whether it keeps hold of us and our emotions or…. Are we stronger on the inside to CHOOSE whether we let it go?
Today I am choosing to let it go with the understanding that I know I am human and this to, is part of the process.
I will keep moving forward!!!!
My thoughts and wishes are for those that read my blogs…. That you to will see that you are not alone!
Love and Light
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Trusting in this proceess is a challenge!!!
I wake up in the mornings feeling as if there is something missing…..
I wake up feeling VERY emotional and most the time, I just want to cry. Sometimes I do but for the better part of me I just keep telling myself that everything will be OK! My mind however likes to try to keep control. But I am stronger than to allow my conscious mind to take over. I am NOT comfortable right now and I will get over this!
I feel so alone, and the mornings are the biggest challenge for me right now. It’s kind of weird from having a husband; that person there to cuddle with and wake up to…..and then all of a sudden life takes this interesting twist and that person is no longer there. Yes it’s been 3 months and for the most part life has been crazy busy! Life is slowing down now and I am starting to feel it more. Yes FEEL… what a glorious word.
Even though looking in hindsight he was never healthy for me…. Having that warm body no longer be there is hard to adjust to.
Most of my life “feeling it” was something I never really did a whole lot of. I just coped with it by covering it up with my ever so lasting coping skills…. Well I learned a long time ago that it was extremely unhealthy for me to continue along that path. So here is to “feeling” my way through life.
I feel better every time I’m able to journal/blog my feelings and I trust that life just keeps getting better. -Trust in God and trust in yourself!
To all of you, who may be struggling with life’s circumstances, keep going as this is all part of the process. YES it may SUCK!!! (This I see) BUT be thankful for every moment of the day and every learning experience. The learning experiences are golden and the lessons are here for us to grow.
Life is a challenge and life is a puzzle. BUT I love who I am today for every experience is all part of the person I am right now.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Yes, yes, yes!
Breathe! Yes breathe….. -Finally a moment where life’s clutter is no longer in my way. My brain feels as if it’s finally clearing out the clutter of the crap I have been dealing with since my cowardly ex husband left without notice back in July. He has actually done me a life saving favor and I am thankful for the twist and the turns of how I arrived here today.
Although not the circumstances I would have ever dreamed of in a million years… I am truly thankful for the situation, as it has really opened my eyes to the true power I have within “me”
Clearing the clutter of the shit that kept me up at night and restless during the day has brought a new perspective of what busy really means to me. Busy is the way society has become and the drive that makes most of us just want more. More what? Materialism? Acceptance? A bigger Ego? Pride? What does busy mean to you?
I feel as if my life is finally starting to quiet down. Yes there is a lot still left to do but I have been getting organized and I feel better about all of it! My divorce, my unlawful detainer lawsuit to remove my tenants who are not paying rent, my finances, my debt and my life in general with the daily challenges I face just being a single mother. BUT I got to say…..I am determined to overcome all of those challenges that come my way. Yes there have been lots and for the first time in the history of my life, I feel as if I am the most powerful and driven woman that I know. I will NOT allow all those things or anything get in my way.
Don’t get me wrong…. Some days I am down but I, in time always pick myself up and move on. Sometimes those breaking moments are what I require for my own clarity. Clarity of the bigger picture here on this journey of where I am going. I am so excited as to the outcome after all of this turmoil. AND I just have to give myself a BIG kudos to me for being the person I am.
For quite sometime now, I have used coping mechanisms to get by and one day sometime ago I realized that I am doing a disservice to myself by not allowing myself to “FEEL IT” Coping skills are great if you want to put off your feelings or shall I say stuff them. AND I vowed sometime last year when I allowed all those hurtful feelings to come up, I was no longer going to live in the shadows of the fear of feeling something bad. I am going to cry, and get angry and laugh too. With the good comes the bad. It’s all part of this life and the balance of how it all works together. Like Ying and Yang.
Ahhh… the breath is so refreshing and calming to ones persona. Clarity is nice and having a sense of calm is very healing for me. It’s my time to remember the things that I want for myself. To have a purpose, to feel free from within, to just be me!
I love that I am here and it’s fall. The beauty of the leaves turning and the new season is vastly approaching. It’s refreshing to me as it’s a sense of a new beginning. Although I have had many of those, I truly feel as this one is the most healing experiences that I have ever encountered in my existence of being on this planet. Mother earth and the universe are amazing! Thank you for my place on this abundant earth.
I am in love with my life, and my children are amazing people who have been a huge blessing to me. We say that children are so abruptly honest and sometimes cruel but I am fortunate to have the 2 most wonderful boys that accept me for who I am! AND I accept them for who they are and the mistakes they make along the way as I know that this is how they learn. We all do… well maybe not all of us but those that are open and ready will see the lesson and change the course along the way.
Live life to the fullest because you never know what is to come your way. Never depend on others as they control what they want and always love yourself for who you are. Live in the moment and love the journey. The lessons we encounter are all part of the connection we have to each other and everything.
Thank you for everything, life and its lessons are truly amazing!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Keep on going
I don’t understand the ups and the downs we go through but I understand that it is all part of the process. So, I just go with the flow….. And then there are those other days…..
Those days are the ones that bite me in the emotional ass and try to take charge of my emotions. YES I feel them and then I purge them. Sometimes they keep coming at me like a persistent antagonizing pest! But here’s the thing I am a damn strong woman with a drive that keeps me moving along. I will NOT let anyone or anything stand in my way of reaching my goals.
There is a lesson that is to be learned here and sometimes I’m not sure if I’m getting the lesson. Am I too stubborn to see it? Do I just ignore it intentionally? Am I not ready to see it? WTF! I know that I do not want to continue down this same path or re visit this type of situation again down the road.
So here is my wish…. Cast upon the vast universe…. And I’m depending on the Law of Attraction to give me in which I give and will receive with open arms!
Whatever it is I’m supposed to learn I thank you for those lessons but in exchange for a sense of peacefulness I give myself to you with trust and all my love for now I feel as if this is too much for me to handle all on my own. I give myself to you in hopes that you will take this from me and do away with the tenseness in which I feel.
This world is so abundant and I am rich beyond measures. Thank you for everything I have in my life and the lessons which come along with it.
To those of you who may be reading my blogs… know that everything in our life is a direct result of what we have sowed in our many actions and thoughts. Remember to keep your focus on which things you want in life and stay blind to the crap along the way. Keeping your focus on what you want in life will then only allow yourself to keep the sense of direction in which you are headed.
To you and your challenges that you may be facing, I give you encouragement to face those things in which try to stand in our way and the strength to keep moving forward.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
If only we could get past this point or that point...
Sometimes I wonder why I am constantly so busy.
Processing my divorce has been a lot of work. Gathering documents and making copies takes time. I am all about money making activities. That is not one of them. Really I have far more important things to do than to deal with that shit! L Drama! I’m going to find that one thing that I want to do… I know what I’m passionate about to my core, but something that is fun and I love to do. -Dancing? -Choreography? -Hmmm just thinking out loud tonight.
Choose to or Choose not to.
We cannot control others decisions but we can choose how we react to things. Maybe choose not to push buttons… That game of TAG is mighty childish.
I am so humbly grateful for where I am today. I am being taken care of. I’m still manifesting money everyday and handling my business responsibly. I just keep moving forward and someday I trust it will get smoother.
I’m kind of tired and really hooked on this book I have been reading… It’s after 10pm and I want to read for a bit…. So there’s today’s thoughts out LOUD…
Love and Light
Kimberli H
Friday, September 26, 2008
Just feel like writing today I guess....
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Taking out the garbage....
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Worked HARD this weekend
Monday, September 8, 2008
Cherish the moments as they come and go very quickly
Friday, September 5, 2008
Just another day along this bumpy road....
Monday, September 1, 2008
I've decided! to just DO IT!
Starting to go a bit crazy.... I decided the other day that I MUST take out 1 night a week and go do something!
Since I LOVE to dance it would be just that. SO this Wednesday I am going out to go dance the night away. Making new friends and I try to have fun everyday, but some days that is not an option.... I am just so busy. BUT the silver lining is that things are slowing down and the kids are getting back to school. Structure....YES!
Just a quick update on me.... life is great! I keep acquiring new clients just in the course of talking with people. I'm not even trying, as accounting is not what I want to do.... BUT it pays the bills so I'm doing it until I find something else.
Just making friends down here so that I have a wonderful supportive network, and I do but they are all mostly in Skagit County. I need some friends that are closer....
I'm manifesting wonderful things to me and staying above ground.
Thank you for the appreciation I have for my life.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Thank you for the awareness!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Outta my head and into the process
What is it that I’m supposed to be doing? AM I really supposed to be doing that? You know thinking about what I’m supposed to be doing… Just relax! I am so in my head right now with I’m not doing good enough! BUT I know that it’s a process and these things take time. So I’ve decided to do what makes me feel good!
Today I’m tense for some reason… I feel unorganized and in sorts. So today I’m cleaning out my files and paperwork. Here’s to continuing to purge the clutter.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Get outta my way... I'm on a mission!
Friday, August 8, 2008
I'm so greatful for ALL my friends!
Sometimes life has an interesting twist in store for you, you just don’t know it yet!
Maybe there are signs….. But are you open enough to be aware of those signs? Take action?
So I have been asking my husband for a divorce for quite sometime and every time I do… I am promised that things are going to get better and then that’s when the cycle started. No more empty promises for me.
So looking back on it now…. I see that the night that Tom left was NOT a Bipolar episode. (This is what I've been telling myself) I've now learned the truth. It was a breaking point! -The point of not being able to take it anymore.
Here’s my only negative energy on this….. It’s too bad that this happened the way that it did. I am very hurt because I know I deserved the respect of a conversation knowing what changes were about to happen in my and the children’s life. I’m a planner! No instead Tom leaves for a business trip and before he leaves he empties the
So yes Tom and I are getting a divorce and in the beginning it was a sleep deprived whirlwind. Now that the dust is starting to settle, I have discovered many things.
For quite sometime now, I have been searching for something…. My POWER! The very thing that I educate people that we all have, we just have to feel it like a super flow of effortlessness forward motion energy. Where was my inner power? I knew that before I met Tom I was strong, confident, beautiful, and sexy. During my marriage, I lost myself in translation. How? Uhhh dunno. All I know is that I booked myself a 1 way ticket to a spiritual healing retreat. There’s something wrong with me? Baggage? Deeper Shit? What? I was searching.....
So here’s what going on for me now.
I’M BACK! BUT EVEN STRONGER.....It’s amazing to me the detour I’ve taken in life.
A divorce… I never thought it would ever happen again. The massive debt load and the pressures of being a single mother are just a few things that hinder my thoughts on occasion.
This I know… I’ve learned that in order for life to change you must FEEL it on the inside first. Only then will the universe unfold and reveal the very thing you manifested AND for the first time ever, I feel MY POWER and it’s absolutely amazing! To me it’s like a calm serene place that is filled with peace. To be connected to myself is an amazing accomplishment. Interestingly enough… The very thing that I was searching for (MY INNER POWER) was that I just needed to take the control of myself and my best interest. Which was the decision to finally move forward in divorcing Tom.Thanks Tom for leaving me. I've never been dumped before, it was kinda weird to me. ~Anyways....
Get the hell outta my way! Cuz this girl is focusing on making this all work and recovering from this challenge. I haven't figured out what my lesson was, but it definitely is on my mind. Along with 100 other things too. I'm so glad that I can multitask!
No more struggling with the stress of another person not doing their part. -Just me and my accountability.
To you and your accountability....
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
What just happened?
Dude! My computer’s hardboard died, so getting access to the internet has been a challenge. Still going to blog when I get a chance. So here’s the skinny on the last few weeks……..
Have you ever been just cruising through life and then all of a sudden something happens that dramatically changes everything?
It is so hard for me to believe that my life has taken a 360 degree flip and then some….
There have been so many awakenings that have opened my eyes further into this journey of where I am headed.
A friend recently told me that “Sometimes it takes something drastic to happen for that change to shift”
A force that is stronger than what you can control. Control, which is what I have been out of for the past,… about 4 years. I believe myself to say that I have been in a comatose state. Waking up and figuring this mess out is going to be a challenge but I know that deep down within myself I am so much closer to being within my inner power. Scary but I know that it will all be ok. Breathe……
It feels so good to be back! Now it’s time to clean up the mess.
I going to get a job and this time, I have decided to do something FUN with my life for a career.
I’m super excited!
I am so grateful to have the greatest friends in my life.
I am so grateful that I drive a beautiful gas guzzler.
I am so grateful for things working out.
I am so grateful for the money I have in the bank.
And of course last, but not least, I am grateful for my kid’s smiles.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Playing a new record
This is something that is not new to me but as I evolve and form a deeper awareness, I am understanding what I feel say and think has an impact on the out come of where I’m headed.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Thank You!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Seeing with new EYES!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Do you have an EGO?
Monday, June 9, 2008
Feeling like a victim & I’m thankful for my awareness
In my lifetime I have been diagnosed with OCD, Bi polar, Anxiety and Depression. I’m supposed to take prescription medication but I have been able to manage myself up until now for some reason. The other day I realized that I’m telling myself over and over again that I have “those” things wrong with me and that is my excuse for my behaviors. -My mind is like a crazed lunatic running around in circles. There is no rhyme or reason within my brain and I truly want to change the cluttered noise!
Getting centered is my main focus.
I feel that I have an over abundance in responsibilities and my husband is going to take some of those off of my hands and lighten my load. That will be a big blessing.
Not too long ago I was a strong person in that… nothing stood in my way. I had a vision. I am still that person however, since my experience in Personal Development and my emotional breakthroughs of allowing the baggage to come up… I have reverted back to a lost and confused child. It’s like I’m young again in my head but my body remained the same. Who I once was and how I feel now, are like opposite ends of the spectrum. So I’m a young child in my mind that has an immense amount of responsibility because I’m really 32. I can no longer handle all those responsibility until I purge some of this emotional crap! There are in securities that came up and a sense of feeling lost and confused.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Why do I understand what I’m doing, thinking and feeling wrong? YET I still do it?
Why do I understand what I’m doing, thinking and feeling wrong? YET I still do it?
I understand what changes I have to make but I still fall back into those old thoughts and feelings.
How do you quiet the chatter of your EGO mind and start to feel?
My mind, that just wants to focus on our debt by being scared. My mind wants me to focus that Tom and I are not “employed” so this fear has me scared of where the money is coming in from for our lifestyle…. It’s the conditioning of my parents. If you work hard then you get ahead. But I already know that’s a lie. I know that we have a true amount of abundance in our life. It’s the conditioning of my parents; really my dad. He always taught me to pay in cash or it’s not something you need right now. So I feel that even though I have an incredible amount of abundance in my life… since it’s on credit and mortgages, I feel massively in debt. Conditioning + EGO is tough!
Tom and I used to have jobs. The hours sucked, you never saw your family(kids), you had to check someone else’s schedule before you could plan your own vacations, and the money wasn’t really what you wanted to make anyways. So we quit our jobs and became “Self Employed”
This energy aspect is so amazing to me. Even though I struggle in changing those habits, I know that I can overcome this and create a blissful life with my ever so loving and patient husband and our 4 children.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
OMG!! Be open and allow!!!
I am so grateful that allowing is something I'm aware of....
It’s funny how we attract things into our life. –Did any of you know that we can and do deliberately attract things to us??? Whether we want them or not!
Where has this gotten me…. Well for starters we are successful because Tom and I do work hard. However I’ve learned that I have been limiting myself through how I feel.
I feel ½ of those things on that list at some point of my week, sometimes day! What kind of energy am I emanating to the universal law of attraction? Not a good one.
Start your life everyday with love and gratitude.
Be grateful for where you are right now and remember to have fun!
Those little steps lead the way to a prominent future.
Be open and allow your feelings to lead your life
Cheers to you and your journey
Monday, May 12, 2008
Getting down and DIRTY!
So the other day I did not want to get to
The greatest advice that my friend shared with me a while ago, was to go dig in the dirt.
Hmmm “go dig in the dirt” What a funny thing to say to someone for advice. It was January and it’s
I realized that my passion doesn’t have to be exactly what I think it’s supposed to be.
I do know that without a doubt, in my mind, I empower abusive victims to become survivors. So what’s the passion that lights my fire? -That fire is Tommy & Tabi!
My other two kids live with their mother & step father who act like victims in life. I can say that opinion in confidence as this used to be me years ago. Wendy will not allow the kids to move to their dad’s house and they really want to come and live with us. When we tried to get custody using the plea from the kids’ counselor about the hostility in the home the laws in
Friday, April 18, 2008
Gratitude BABY!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
My comfort zone?
Monday, April 14, 2008
So talking with my 14yr old son the other day sparked an idea within me. I am uncomfortable in my life right now, and this journey of being in debt is captivating my fears. Am I really getting out of my comfort zone here?The funny thing is when I look back at the history of my life; we have always been financially taken care of. -Miraculously. Miraculously by the actions I chose at that moment in my life, I've always made it! Yes I'll admit I definitely want more in my life. Who wouldn't? -Tom's visions are high. We have imagined with each other our path of what we do want in our life. BUT I have those limiting beliefs that have kept me in my comfort zone. "Oh we don't require that, we don't have the $$$ for it. That is why Tom and I are together. He is here as my life partner, and show me a new perspective in dreaming. Another piece of my puzzle along this journey was the Discovery series. My 56 days to destiny gave me awareness and the ability to change. I'm definitely still moving forward and have reached a new level. I am very good with my finances, however I have the belief that I don't deserve it because I still owe money on it and I freak out! Is this a by-product of his statement of not having the money to spend? –Guilt! So I keep telling myself to start writing in my "Gratitude Journal"…… Lessons come in so many shapes and forms. Some are very painful and some are blissful. It's funny how something happens in your life and in that time, it doesn't make sense??? So I just keep moving forward in my life, and then later on, something happens that was congruent to the experience that happened earlier in my life. Like it all makes sense to me and the pieces fit together like a puzzle. I see the clues along the way. So I've learned that those clues are all part of this process of life. My journey has been bumpy and I have been a victim for most of my life. I realize, after my divorce from my 1st husband that being a victim was not a positive choice. So I changed that. Was it comfortable? No. |
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Bouncing back and forth...
It’s been a bit since I’ve blogged. Sometimes in life, I bounce back and forth between my personal journal with my thoughts and what I choose to share with all of you. Anyways~ I find myself drawn to going again, but since we moved an hour away, where would I go? Found a place right here in Snohomish. We like it. So every time I have gone to church I always get tears. Why? Hmmm I wish I knew but for the first few weeks I was this tough emotional stuffer and I could stop myself from crying. Last Sunday, I went to church and the tears were flowing right when we got to church, parts of church and in the end too. Crazy! I know now that I deserve the things I have in my life. I never used to feel that way. Right now actually I am still amazed at where I am in life and how the heck I got here. It was very bumpy ride and I now believe that anything is possible. I just have to be in the right state of mind. Allowing the emotional roller coaster out has been a challenge for me to stay in the right mind. I know that I cannot tackle this myself so I’m turning it over to the pro. -GOD Well I know that if I truly want it then I will do it. Taking care of my body has been on the top of my thoughts for about 5 months. I’ve started walking 3 miles with Tom in the morning. It’s so nice now that we both can be at home and work our own schedule. BONUS: To have Spring rolling around with sunny and earlier mornings is a good thing right now. I cannot stand the winters here in dark ass |
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Slow down!
All my life, well as far back as I can remember, I have always had to be in charge. When I was younger while my mother was at school or work, I had to help out with my brother. My mother used to have seizures and I'd have to take care of that too. Taking care of things has been the core of who I am. So here I am again as things are brought to my attention... Taking care of it! I realize that in order for me to truly live life, I must slow down in life. I'm a busy body, like my mother and my grandmother. (It must be a Korean thing?) This I decided is no way to live my life. BUSY! What? No I am in the process of slowing down. What does this mean…? Well I will admit that I knew this was a deeply strong desire of mine, BUT I've allowed myself to entertain the distractions that I make for myself. Here's the question…. Why do I entertain these distractions? I truly want this for myself but I put it off. So today was my groundbreaking start. I get to dive straight into this question. I'm sure there is some kind of deeply hurtful thing associated with this. When I talk about the desire to slow down in life, I get tearful. I have a feeling of hopelessness. Hmmm my question is why? What does this mean to slow down? Breathe slower, one task at a time, read more, take the time in for me. I already day dream and take time in, but to truly take time in means to calm the inner self and throw out the garbage. For once in this journey of understanding, I understand what truly quieting the mind means… NOW the trick is to take action. I am my worst critic. I beat myself for the mistakes I make in life and I hang onto those for forever… Here's the bottom line… IMPERFECT ACTION is better than NO ACTION. I'm realizing that this holds true in ANY situation. Today I am grateful for the lessons that come up and the new vision of change. This all started with wanting to clear the clutter and throw out the baggage, and it has evolved to a whole different level. I know this is right, even though it feels so shitty, but in the end I will feel free. That's my drive to get myself through this. |
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
I’m doing it!
It is ok to see the challenge in front of you and be scared! Be scared and still do it and life will be amazing. Because you stretched yourself to the challenge of change. I'm giving myself credit for doing that in my life!Be proud of all that you do. The mistakes are part of the process. |
Friday, February 22, 2008
Deep seeded in my head? Where??
When someone touches me in a, oh so good spot things in my life start feeling uncomfortable. -Normal things between married couples. But for me, all I hear is my mother saying how I'm a dirty little girl. Wow, to come to understand why I feel uncomfortable about what your husband does is normal. I just have this belief that touching me sexually is a dirty thing. Really what that boils down to is that my mother taught me that. |
Deep seeded things that I never really understood, until now. This means that we hold ourselves back because of some of the beliefs we were labeled with as a child. This can be detrimental and devastating. Sheesh, its tough enough just growing up as a kid. Something that someone once said to you and; with that person's belief, they judged you and I guess it tends to stick for some reason. That's what we get for looking up to our peers or our parents. Who'd ever known that! Definitely NOT ME! Until now…. |
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Who would’ve ever known?
Not the way I would've ever imagined this conversation I had with my mother. BUT I AM SO GRATEFUL..... Finally doing something outside of my comfort zone! I have been able to confront my mother about some things that happened when I was a child. –No longer scared of her….I was able to express how I felt about those situations that made a big impression in my life... Monte made such an impact and I know that my mother does not know the whole story. I told my mother that my relationship with her was not close when I was a child…. I knew this because of how I remember the incident with Monte and how I came forth. I told my best friends mother about it before I told my own mother. I remember that I was so afraid of my mother when I was a child. To express myself freely with my mother was a great thing. Maybe the beer I shared with Tom earlier aided in that but overall….. The conversation we had was such a connection that I've never shared with her in my life. I feel like since I was able to tell her about some of the incidents that made such an impact on my life. -I was uplifted to express myself about something that bothered me as a child. The enlightened feeling I have about this whole connection with my mom… She has no idea of my breakthrough with her when Tom and I attended the Breakthroughs with Jeffrey Combs. That's when I had confirmation of the angry feelings against my mother. Many Breakthroughs for me in my life, each one I learn something different. To see the growth that I am doing is an eye opening experience for me. I truly can choose what I want in life. I have had many things happen in my life and most of my childhood memories are not happy ones. But I learned after I divorced my 1st husband that I could choose to have a victorious life as a survivor. So I changed my tune of no longer choosing to be a victim. This still meant that I had the past to deal with but never knew how. That conversation with my mother was a deep sense of connection to my mother. She was allowing herself to be vulnerable and I allowed myself the same privilege. Thank you for the abundance I have in my life, I am truly blessed beyond measure. |