Sharing my JOURNEY....

Monday, May 16, 2016

No carbs! Ugh this is a challenge!

No carbs! Can you imagine a world where you should not eat carbs? NO WAY!

First off, I already eat super healthy. I steer clear from fast food, I don't drink alcohol very often, I juice (almost) daily, no not with a juicer... with my Vitamix! I like the fiber in my juices; I like to poop. --AND the fiber in the juices I drink, help me naturally run those nutrients through my body!

I don't drink soda; okay, honestly, once in a blue moon I get a hankering to drink a coke, but, it's not very often. I don't eat junk food. Although not too long ago, I used to. Either way I'm happy to cut those carbs to reach my goal of low body fat. Everything you eat has carbs, how can you possibly not eat carbs? The truth is... your body needs those carbs. I believe in a balanced diet!

For me... it's the art of cutting carbs. Still a challenge, but the reality is that I'm working so hard on me... I've hired a personal trainer to show me how to work smarter, not harder. Although I am working harder, but I'm seeing massive results. Investing in me, is best thing I've done for myself in a looooong time! I'm playing racquetball often, walking/running my dog, riding my bike more often, swimming and doing what's heart healthy. Living conscientiously... I must change my lifestyle. Not temporarily... but, for good! After all, I'm no spring chicken. Yeah I'm forty, but I feel like I'm still in my 20's; although my body reminds me at times that 20 has come and gone!

Here's to the awareness that I cannot continue to eat what I want, when I want. Small indulgences are okay, and the wisdom of understanding that this change is good for me and the future me. I cannot wait to see what my future self reveals as this life moves forward.

Love and Light!

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