Sometimes, sharing yourself at a raw state, can give others confidence in knowing they are not alone. My thoughts, my raw-ness, and my Ah ha moments.
Just a tidbit more on me.....

- Have Gratitude
- Going through this roller coaster journey of life, discovering more and more of my deeper self. Loving life and learning to live life through my soul!
Saturday, November 30, 2024
Thursday, October 24, 2024
Sunday, June 2, 2024
All Lies!
I had no idea that the food labels are not accurate. Actually it is in the benefit of the food manufacturer. OMG What?
So there is an actual formula and I'm discovering how to apply that knowledge into power.
What are my challenges?
Food is my biggest challenge. Especially sugar.
Finding recipes to cook each meal prep
- 3500 calories= 1# of fat
- ½ body weight of ounces and water
- 1 gram of fat = 9 calories
Sunday, May 26, 2024
Why am I so scared?
Let's be honest! It scares the hell out of me!
I feel that for decades. Really since 1996, I have been working my ass of to be successful. Honestly, I am very successful. Sure I'm not a CFO or a President of a company, but I have the ability and the experience to get there if I really wanted too. But I don't! Not anymore!
If I explore more into what my heart and soul desires, I feel that I would not be utilizing all the things I have sowed for the past few decades. I would feel that I have been wasting my time. I HATE wasting my time. It's too precious to whittle away.
As I'm writing my thoughts into words, I hear myself thinking... but it's the journey that you needed to experience to get you here today. In those little things, sometimes BIG... it is with every experience that has brought you closer to discovery and renewed perspective. Thank you to network care and genius frequency for providing me the tools that I have in my life in allowing me to be more open. I am now starting, okay let's be honest. I've been asking for years as I know deep down that THIS life is not what I want. I just haven't been to that part of my soul to understand that seeking that part of me is more important than what I'm doing right now.
Cheers to self discovery and the upcoming experiences while I start the process of exploration.
Thursday, May 23, 2024
I've been thinking
Monday, May 20, 2024
In my mind a lot! It's been a minute for sure!
Yousers, since 2023. Okay that was a break. Been busy. I guess, too busy! It feels as if time is going at warp speed! It's been awhile and all I can provide today is a quick "happy" update. Things are still challenging at times. PFPT is over and now my shoulder is stuck. So stage 3. OMG!
Happy that I'm at the gym T-F and... out in the yard on weekends! I get up super early. I feel committed to my structure. >> Most weekdays, I'm drained and too tired to be outside for a few hours. Work is all the drama in my world, right now. Bah, buuuut...
My yard is progressing along nicely. So many flowers. Weeds too, but I'm catching up.
Juuust a quick update, still too busy to spend a moment writing. Hopping back into my head for a bit, I'm sure I'll surface, again! Feeling so happy in my world. -Thank you!