Just a tidbit more on me.....

My photo
Going through this roller coaster journey of life, discovering more and more of my deeper self. Loving life and learning to live life through my soul!

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Why did I do that?

I allowed myself to have a long period; lapse in judgement of bending the real truth of the matter. Yet, the real honesty of that statement is… I allowed it! I am in charge of my actions. I am in charge of knowing how to say no and stop myself from doing something that I wholeheartedly know is bad for me. Yet I did it any ways. I vow to no longer partake in that behavior, not only in a mind, body, and soul decision, but mainly because it goes against my principles and I felt so guilty after the fact. I felt so out of control and yet I wanted more. That’s the thing about addiction… it grabs ahold of you and doesn’t give a shit about your feelings, or your beliefs. I am in control! I am BACK in control and I have taken a vow to never, ever let that lapse in judgement happen again. Goes to show that even 20 years ago when I first made that vow… anything can happen if you allow it. Here I am again. Fuck that! Fuck you for allowing that to happen again. Not just once, but for an entire year! OMG WTF… Okay pity party is over!

Thank you for the recognition of the awareness in knowing that you are in charge… yes YOU are in charge. Refuel, and continue to look forward in loving your mind, body, and soul!

Saturday, November 21, 2020


Today’s beautiful spoken words; magical & eloquently written in sharing myself honestly in this snippet of time. It’s been awhile, I’m sorry for not expressing myself, not dancing magically for hours, and loving what is! You only get once chance. Treat “you” nicely with love and compassion. Be real! Be Honest! Be You! Exposed, Raw down to your core being. Yes!

Can you accept your body, your spirit, mind, & soul? I must admit that I am learning to love myself. -Me! My mishaps, tribulations; experiences that I could perceive differently. Positively accepting myself, the journey of finding the lesson and celebrating those moments. Celebrating the gratitude of all my blessings.

I must admit, I am SO grateful for my existence right at this moment!!! Maybe its because I feel so very connected at this very moment! Thankful for network care in full embodiment. “Soul-ley” Laughing, smiling, and feeling joyous! Hmm, feels so good! -Thank you!

Rawness exposed in truth. I know the {70/30} {80/20 rule}; whichever one it is. I must cut to a low natural sugar, cut a bit of carbs. I am at the gym very regularly, very! (I am proud of the structured progress)… However, having moderation with my diet & exercise, is the goal. Indulge for a day or 2 but have limits on how long things go on for. Thank you for having awareness to ask the question?

What specifically do you not love? For me, it’s my saddle bags hips, thighs, back, arms, and shoulders. That’s a long list, but not all the parts on my body. That means I do love others. Yes! Yes, this is true too! Why kind of goals do you have for your body? Working hard at the gym, but diet is key! Why do I feel such a strong desire to become skinnier? Not skinnier, no… leaner!  -I do have target areas!

I am in the process of finding my balance with food; testing boundaries. My number 1 rule? I must not have a cabinet full of anything processed, candy, toxic… you get my point. I wished everyone in the world would too. Nope, not in this world. Laziness is a thing! For real! I live with a roommate who has a shit ton of this crap in her cabinets. Thankful for the awareness that my will power must always be in check. That conversation you play in your mind. Tell myself what I believe it to be, willing it, into my world, my existence!

What do you want? Isn’t that the question? Right now, it’s that I am in the process of becoming fit & leaner. Creating the necessary habits and structuring the plan of action. Having balance at the gym with lifting & toning; rotating weeks. Food! --I’m close! 17% body fat is my goal and I have 7% left to go. My diet needs to get into check. That will be the only way for me to reach this goal.

My mindset is shifting. Asking questions; real questions. What will it take to make that a reality? Will Power, Drive, Ambition, Mistakes & Progress in learning to love wholeheartedly. Having compassion, love, and joy in every day at every moment.

I want to be wholeheartedly happy! With everything! Is that possible? Can you dream it into your world? Believe it to already to exist. For me, I believe that documenting your desires, sends it into the universe where the greatest power and forces begin. Churning, and spinning the world around everything in energy! Love Gratitude and an outlook on life that is enlightening and magical! -Again, Thank you!

With wishes in sending this in time and space. Setting my desires free! -Thank you!

Friday, October 16, 2020

Here we go again…

Small sacrifices in the decisions you make will impact everything moving forward.

Asheville is amazing! So, glad we decided to move out of Florida. Too many in-differences My mindset is built on kindness, compassion, community, and a good chuck of SoFlo is just cultured differently, that it’s not working for us! So…

Here we are again. I’ve moved away for work and Jason is in the old home until the transition is finished. It will be months before our home is finished building. Amazing! We/I am so blessed to be building a house with Jason. He is excited at the projects that are in the plan to build and create landscaping. I am thankful our lives crossed paths. We were both so different when we met. Progressed magically! I love the space that will be our new home. Built with love, creativity, and imagination. Excited to be next to river; yes! Floating down in the summer is thing here! Especially excited to be blessed with lots of ideas of landscaping. I cannot wait to get started next Spring!

For now, we live in different states. We talk/video chat at least 2 times a day; every day! I miss him tremendously! Chats are not the real deal, but I’ll take it! Small sacrifice for the plan, ahead! Lots of miles traveling back and forth between homes, but worth it! Blessed, so grateful for the gift of prosperity & creativity. Thank you!

Measure what is important, make them a priority and stay focused! Cheers!

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Unfolding the Heart's Desire

So much has been going on that I seriously have NOT made time to blog. I always promise myself that, this time will be different. I will blog more; I will take the time to make it happen and this time… I quit my job so what was my excuse (this time) The fact is, I will stop making those promises right now. If I really wanted blogging to be a priority, I would make it happen. But I did not. I had other higher priorities that took precedence, and I got a PT job to occupy my time since I was going crazy with boredom. On a side note, my house was SUPER clean, and my yard was beautiful!

On my last entry, I spoke about my feelings on how things went with my previous employer. Yeah, that was a hurtful situation, and the pain was around for quite longer than I really wanted it to be. My choice to keep it in my thoughts. Now it is September. OMG… what happen to the time. It just flew, and even with COVID… it still flew!

I am happy to report that with lots of energy work, love of landscaping, the urge to clean and organization, and time… all is better! Breathing wonderfully and have forgotten about SMC. Truthfully, I learned of something recently, and I could feel those feelings getting stirred and found myself pissed all over again. Therefore, consciously, I decided that I can no longer entertain discussing or thinking about it/them. Let it go with full intention of not revisiting that again, now that I know it is a trigger! Yes, to awareness!

So, I took a PT job, and ended up leaving after 4 weeks as it was not a good fit for me. Clear on my boundaries and how “I” want to be treated. Funny thing was that I was treated well as I established my boundaries right from the beginning, but the others around me… not so much and I just could no longer continue to keep myself in that toxic environment. So, I took another PT job, and unfortunately got soooooo bored, I just could not continue with it and ended up leaving.

On 7/16/2020 before I started that second PT job, I took some time to journal a list. Frankly, I’m sick of starting and leaving jobs. I really want to find my “home” -work home that is!  I felt that if I got clear about my future self with a new job and set it out to the universe to allow timing for the law of attraction to work its magic. Amazingly, I am here to report that I am set to start that new job in just a few days. Honestly, it was earlier than I ever anticipated, but I’m happy to report that the universe has unfolded 20 out of the 22line items listed for my new job. There was a few that were off a bit, but close. Like… I want to be within 20 minutes’ drive to my office; I’m 26 minutes. Other item was if I had located a higher role, but after really thinking about what was presented, I decided that I am moving to NC to take life a little easier, and a step back was just what the mind, body and soul called for. I though that my last employer took care of their employees, but I was wrong! My new employer really values and takes care of their employees GREATLY through all their benefits! Amazing company and I am SO grateful for the gift that the universe unfolded for my future self. I am excited!

In hindsight… painful as it was to leave my last employer… it was the right thing for me to do. For my mind, body, and soul. AND… I would have never been available for this opportunity if I didn’t make those hard decisions “then” -Thank you!

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Heavy on my heart and can’t breathe!

For weeks… months now, I feel as if there is a heavy weight on my chest! I have had a hard time taking (easy) deep breaths. My breathing has been shallow. I feel like I must really work, contort, and stretch to expand enough to reach that deep breath. If I take a second and spend time on some energy breath work it has helped, but each day, it returns to being constricted. I have been feeling sad, weak, helpless, hateful, not of self-love, self-care, and deeply ungrateful. I have been feeling like a victim. I have felt as if, I have not been enough. I do not know why? I do not know what is going on; honestly, I had no idea! Until today! I realized there is still pain, sadness and becoming aware has allowed me to recognize it, so that I may process through it.

I am angry at my previous employer, but mostly at myself. All they did, and I allowed it; was to take, take and take… and for what? Trade my life’s spirit and soul for money. Why did I allow them, NO, why did I allow myself to let this happen? What was I trying to prove? And to who? them or myself? It is funny how past baggage shows up (again and again) In the end, I felt hopeless. Why did I get so emotional? Why do I keep replaying things over and over? The conversation with myself on this has shifted, but it is still there. It feels like the stages of grief. I have pain here, and it has been festering for quite some time. I have not been able to see it. I do not think I was ready to. Until today, now that it no longer serves me and has festered to the boiling point… like a volcano, it has blown. I no longer choose that filter and I choose to see things more clearly. For too long I have been internalizing it, and the results of that has been self-sabotaging myself physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I realize now that I need to take my power back on this. It was a good spiritual decision to get out of there!

Hindsight: why am I so angry, I should be happy about this, but I am not. I am hurt. I feel as if there is a deeper lesson on life in this situation. I feel as if this is deeper and purging whatever this is will help me find that. Thank you for the awareness, and I will do everything in my power to go through these emotions, feel every inch, corner, and crevice to allow myself my personal, physical, emotional and spiritual freedom.

Cheers to the journey!

Monday, March 30, 2020

Divine Light & MY Soul’s desire

I’ve blogged about this before, so I won’t run on about it again, but I think this is important as it has me thinking! You work so hard, pressing through all the challenges to reach the top of your career, and figure out that you’re not truly happy! I’m great at being a Financial Controller, but it was NOT feeding my soul, making me smile, in feeling soulfully satisfied! So now what? Where do I go from here?

I have, for years been processing the past and now that I feel free from the feelings of victimization. I know that I have wholeheartedly forgiven all and learned from those experiences. Thankfully, I am open to what’s next. My soul’s desire, living wholeheartedly through divine light and a passionate soul. However, I am not sure what that means. I love to do a lot of things!

Truly has been on the forefront of my thoughts and desires. I don’t know how to pursue this search, but within the things I am reading, they suggest. Do stuff! Considering the current status of our country in the fight against this Corona virus, I am willingly wanting to stay home for my health and the help against the spread of this virus. I am thankful for my health, and the thought of getting sick or catching this virus is something that I don’t want to risk. So, I stay home with a few walk with the dogs. So, with that in mind, that has me limited, but has me thinking about self-reflection. What do I love?

I know that I really love to cook, bake and create yummy-licious delights to devour. I love to work in my yard and create a beautiful landscape, but how do I know that I am on the right path? Here’s my vibrational energy being cast into the world to help guide me on this journey on finding my soul’s purpose of self-reflection!

Thank you for having the ability to be free from a job in order to research my hearts desire!

Friday, March 20, 2020

No outside approval needed!

I just recently posted that I wanted to have more of an online presence, but realized today after continuing this self-journey that, that was my ego talking! I do not require and for quite some time now, have not required outside approval. Why did my minds ego steer me in that direction? Why did I fall for that? What caused my moment of weakness to believe that story?

Thank you for the light shown on this, and for me to steer myself back to self-love and divine light!

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Roux, our 9-month-old pup was becoming overly rambunctious, so I decided to take a late afternoon walk with the dogs. It was such a beautiful day, and I thought it would be nice to go outside and enjoy.

At some point, while on this walk… I realized that I was smiling while I was enjoying my walk. The overwhelming feeling of gratefulness was such a joy! I am so grateful that I spent the time enjoying what I saw along the way, sweet smells of the flowers, and the sound of the rustling leaves.

I am so blessed and am so grateful for everything in my life! The opportunity to stop, work in my yard/home and just be in each and every moment has been such a gift that I am thankful for. 

Thank you!

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Continuing the journey in finding my way

The books I’m reading/read, the events I’ve gone to, my NSA doc… they all are shining light on how living through soul is effortless. Not sure if I’ve ever, or honestly remembered a time that I truly lived my life through soul. Therefore, I’m not sure what that looks like or even means! The short story… when I was in my 20’s, I was raising 2 kids, and did whatever needed to be done to survive life, in my 30’s, still raising kids, but I concentrated on my education/career, and was given the gift of discovering “true” self-care. Now I’m in my 40’s and am questioning things, deeper! Meaning, I hate my career choice! I am good at it, and it pays well, but not a soulful life choice as it doesn’t bring joy to my heart. I cannot stand where I live as the majority of people here are so negative and RUDE!

2008-ish… Allowing myself the gift of not working; I did freelance part time, but truly lived my life on my terms! It was nice! Having time off for self-discovery and committing to it, enabled me to discover (NSA) Network Spinal Analysis. I’ve blogged about this before, but the mental and emotional scarring of keeping things bottled in for my whole life was causing pain, not only physically, but emotionally and mentally. During that time-out, I was able to heal and process those old wounds. Life went on, and since I needed to support myself/children, I chose to continue the path of my career in Accounting and went back to work.

So, here we are 2020… Presently, I feel lost. Without my career, who am I? What do I love? What does living through soul mean? What does that feel like? What does that look like? How do I discover this part of myself? What do I do from here? Since I’ve decided to take another time out and not hurry back to work… I’ve had time to “actually” clean my house, spend time with my new puppy; training her, shape-up my landscaping (It’s gorgeous!) and continue on my physical journey with my personal trainer. I’m learning breathing techniques, but not sure if I’m on the right path. So, my thought is, when you don’t know, do something about it! Try EVERYTHING! I’m currently reading Love yourself, live your spirit by Sonia Choquette and I’m on 2nd chapter. What I have discovered so far is… I’m abusive to my spirit. Why would my spirit want to be in this body when all I can see is the negativity about myself including my physical body.

Chapter 2’s exercise has 2 parts;
PART ONE  “When I talk to myself, here’s what I need to say…” Write down as many loving, affirming statements as you can think of and would want to share with your best friend. Start from within, more than what’s on the outside.
PART TWO -Same list- “Make a list of kind words you can say to your spirit”
Print the list and post it everywhere! This way, it is a loving reminder of the kind words to affirm to yourself. FUNNY THING… I know this! I’ve blogged about this many time! Change your verbiage, change your life! I guess, for me… I am so deep in my own crap right now, that this is a good nudge to remind me. So here is my list, and I will be reading, and adding on a daily basis. I am determined to live my life through my soul and divine light!

You are a faithful body, always reliably running; day in/day out, every day
You are smart, loyal and resilient
Your mind is quiet and still
You are such a good friend, and flawlessly reliable
You are a good listener
You are so loving, compassionate and caring
You are beautiful inside and out
You are a creative force with vision & commitment
You are patient, powerful & strong
You have a huge zest for life
You have love for all living things
You are so present in every moment
Thank you for your grace
Thank you for your kindness
Thank you for being healthy
Thank you for knowing your boundaries
Thank you for speaking up
Thank you for caring
Thank you for seeing beyond your circumstances
I love you unconditionally

Friday, March 6, 2020

Too busy? What’s your excuse?

While I was working, I was running from the moment I got up, until I came home. I had chaotic structure, but it was my structure. I knew what I needed to do at work, and I knew what my schedule was like, ever day! The last few months of my job, I was working 7 days a week, mostly 10, but sometimes 12+ hours a day, so that didn’t leave much “personal” time or much else to really do. My husband had more availability to be home, so he took care of everything there for us. I didn’t really have… okay “MAKE” time for myself other than going to the gym. However, after I left my job, the first few weeks, I felt discombobulated. It took a bit to get myself organized with all this time and how I was going to structure myself. Now that I’m settled into a routine, things have been nice. I’ve had time to think about why. Even though I am not working, why am I keeping myself so busy? What am I running away from? Am I running away from something?

I went to the gate in Colorado, and I discovered a brief encounter with my soul that was so eye opening for me! Despite processing the trauma from my past, I have recently discovered there is more. Something deeper! I don’t know what? Was it from my job? Is my ancestral trauma? Whatever it is, I felt the underlying sense of tears within my body but couldn’t ever get it to reach the surface. However, just recently, at my NSA docs office, I had a breakthrough! I now consider that unconsciously, I may have been running away from “feeling” it. Whatever “it” was. I’ll never know what “it” was but thank you to Dr. Mark Dulberg and me as I was open and ready to process “it”. My inner self feels so light, better, and free to explore more of myself and what is next for me.

In conclusion it makes we wonder sometimes… do we keep ourselves too busy to deal with things? What may you be running away from? My advice… stop and process it. Yes, it may not be "fun or nice" but we all sacrifice so much more for less. Why not commit to you? It is life changing! The process allows you to move through it, in order to open yourself up to the possibility of what may be next for you!

Thank you for allowing my perspective to change. Being open and aware of my actions in order for the change in consciousness and shift to take place.  

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

To my divine Spirit/Soul.. I am so sorry!

Just recently I separated from a toxic situation. I was angry! I was scared at how the changes were going to affect my life. Funny to me to write that, but better out than bottle in. What I mean by “changes” is… money. Giving up a six-figure income with no fallback plan. No job, or even the thought or energy of WANTING to get a job. I want to be without a job. Nothing but time to do what I want on my terms!

Reigning myself back in on topic, yikes! --I went to an event in Colorado that changed my perspective! Usually when I go to these events, I have an intention, but this time, I didn’t. No intentions, just pure openness!

Honestly, every time I go to these events, there is a life changing shift that happens, and I knew that would happen, but I wanted to be open to the possibilities of what that could be. I had been swallowed and consumed by my angry thoughts, and the feeling of betrayal. I couldn’t think of much else. I was pissed and relieved at the same time. Relieved that the burden was someone else’s problem, but angry at the situation and the events leading up to it.

I’ve recently got back into reading books in trying to regain my spirit and living through divine love and light. I felt as if I was so outside of myself, that I was lost. Still am, but now I am finding the crumbs that were left for me to find my way back to my heart.

I have to share an experience I had at a SRI;Somato-Respiratory-Integration. Ordinarily, when I attend the SRI class, my mind is in the forefront, and has a strong hold and will not let my spirit come through. But this time it was different! So, I’m attending this class at the seminar as I’ve always done, and during my SRI exercise; can’t remember what stage, but it was in the season of Awaken. My spirit took over and the energy was strong! I found myself crying incessantly and was apologizing to my Spirit. I was lying on the floor but could see my spirit above me, intertwining with another spirit who, I don’t know, but… all I could say was “I am so sorry” over and over, and over again. I am so sorry for ignoring you. I am so sorry for letting this happen, I am so sorry! Until… I reached a point where it faded. I laid there and finished the exercise; my body felt heavy, I couldn’t get up. When I finally did. I noticed the gentleman next to me. I reached out in wanting to hear about his experience as he was laying next to me. I shared my experience, and he stated that it was also similar to his. He thanked me, as I also reciprocated. That was intense, and for the first time, EVER. I had seen and felt my divine spirit. So blown away by this experience, I wanted more!

I am truly sorry for ignoring my divine spirit, and in this gift of time, I am driven and dedicated to my journey in continuing to deepen my connection to my Spirit and truly live my life through divine love and light through my heart.

Awareness is amazing and if you are open, it is even more amazing at what can happen!

Thank you!

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Toxicity and how deep it reaches

In the beginning, I was angry because of how things went down with my employer and me having to make a hard choice. How did I not see it? This is what it means to be TOO CLOSE! -So many influences and respectable people in my life expressed what they saw, and how I had changed over the last few years. Now, with my eyes open, I understand that the trade for money and the job was a severely toxic situation and stewing in the anger is allowing me to continue to poison myself, after the fact.

The trade for money… I remember a conversation I had with one of my bosses I asked--“Florida is horrible, why do you stay?” You already stated that you will not retire here, so why are you still here? Answer: This is where the money is. I learned a valuable lesson long ago, that money isn’t everything, and the trade you make for it will eat your soul away! Little by little before you realize it’s too late!

For me... a moment in time, when you realize that your upset at yourself for allowing it to get this far. (AGAIN) You promised yourself before, to not let this happen. >>>Why is it that you allow others to cross your boundary lines? A lesson to myself, and at the very least... awareness to see, and gratefulness to learn from the experience. 

Thank you!

Monday, February 3, 2020

Learning the lesson AGAIN!

I vowed many years ago that I wouldn’t allow myself to be compromised for any job or anyone or thing. But here we are… 2020 and I did it again. Back in November, I started feeling as if I had been giving my job/career, everything. My energy, my life, compromising myself personally in giving my time, tirelessly. This had been going on since I started there 3+ years ago, and I realized there wasn’t ever going to be a “real” break from it. Why? -well according to my boss’s opinion, it was self-inflicted. Okay, I’ll take some accountability in NOT STICKING to my set boundaries. There is 100% to every problem. I’m only 50% of the problem, the other was my bosses. I work hard, it’s who I am to my core, as I am proud of what I produce as it is a direct reflection of me, and how I operate; with integrity, resilience and structure in order to keep things organized & clear. Yes, things change. I am not opposed, but the change must be for the greater good.

In my opinion, my truth is that I was forced out of employment with my employer back in January 2020. I had given everything I was to my core for this job. In hindsight, slowly in exchange for my health. I can understand the state of my predecessor (When I was hired back in 2016) and how it got so bad. She was forced to resign, but my hat is off to her for staying as long as she did. Not me, the trade isn’t worth it. I made myself a promise years ago, and when it became apparent that things were not going to change “as promised” I was no longer willing to stay. What I cannot believe is how long I let it continue. For months I stayed at my job despite me crying while I commuted to work or crying in my office during the day. It took 3+ years and me visiting my doctor because I was an emotional wreck and didn’t feel like I keep going without some help in order for me to see more clearly. I got severely sick and lost 22# in a 3-week period, and at my doctor’s visit, he placed me on bed rest for 3 days. I was apprehensive as I knew the state of things at the office (BAD) but I was exhausted… I took the days off to try to refuel. It was a Friday and after notifying my boss, he agreed to bring in help in assisting me within the department. I was so relieved that they were so supportive.

However, when I came into the office that following Monday, my security clearance that I always had, had been changed, and when I confronted my boss, I got some bullshit “story”. That was a lie! When I confronted him again and blatantly asked him to tell me honestly what was going on. He said that I was scaring the board last week with my emails. Oh Geez, the emails stating that I was in the middle of a mental and emotional breakdown due to the expectations of my job and needed more help. I had deadlines that were specified that couldn’t be changed, and I had been working the previous last 5 weeks/7days with no days off, in order for me to meet the departmental deadlines. I was exhausted and when I asked about the help, he said that we would hire... he said that was not going to happen, and that he didn't know what to tell me. I had to continue to maintain my department. Unbelievable! I couldn’t/wouldn’t continue like that. I resigned with a 30-day notice; they told me that I am done as of today. Amazing to me how much I compromised yet again for someone else at my expense. You’d think I’d learn my lesson by now. RIGHT? Geez, let me just say that… I HEAR YOU LOUD AND CLEAR!

Live my life without compromise. If you don't, you are taking a risk to yourself, and for what? Your job; another person’s dream! As I have learned invaluably… love your spirit and live in divine light AND DO NOT COMPROMISE YOUR SET BOUNDARIES!

This has been on my mind since the separation of my job, and I am just venting my lesson out loud. I need it off my mind so I can live within my true divine light and soulful intuition. Getting back to me again before I started this job. Thank you for the lesson (again).