Just a tidbit more on me.....

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Going through this roller coaster journey of life, discovering more and more of my deeper self. Loving life and learning to live life through my soul!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Making Time

So many times last week I wanted to break away to blog but never once, did I make that happen! -It’s been one thing, or another that I allowed to get in my way. So in driving to work this morning, I was thinking… in order for the change to take place, I MUST make those choices. Make the effort and make it happen. So here I am! Facing the very challenges that I have placed in front of myself. AGAIN!

Quite honestly I have so many things going on for me right now that my mind is racing, and I cannot just pick one topic to talk about. I’m thinking this post is for me to really get down deeper into what has changed over the course of a year (+) and the effects is has taken on me. I feel since I made the move to FL back in 2013, that situation in itself has created a gap in my growth. In all fairness… I’ve allowed it! -I feel the cavern-ness of a gap I’ve created, and the bridge needs to be repaired! –NOW!

I have been in Network care since 2009, and I love it! Since moving to FL, there is only 1 network doctor here, and he is about 45 minutes away for me. Not to mention his rate is $55 a session and his pre-payment option has requirements of being in his office weekly, and quite honestly I didn’t feel that I could commit to that. Since my last session with him, I’ve had some major changes, yet I still cannot break myself away to go see him. Am I running away from something???  It seems that my past patterns have shown me that when the depth gets to a certain point, I find ways to stop myself from moving forward. But at this point in my own personal development, it has become very painful, and I cannot continue along this path. I’m ready, I’m ready, I’m ready! So stage 6 but yet I feel I’m teetering between stages 1 and 2 as well. Is it possible to have parts of me that are in some stages and others which are in others? 

I feel like I’m all over the board and no longer grounded. AND I cannot stand this feeling. –I need to get a grip on myself. This painful cycle has gone on long enough. I have to get back into the groove of the cosmic energy in which it felt good to be me. In the beginning it was my job, and the busyness of trying to get things done here, then it was timing, money, and the list can go on forever in those excuses I made for myself. Now I’m saying that as soon as the house is done, I can get into a schedule again. BUT I’m afraid that it will not be soon enough. Everything in the house was supposed to be done, I was to be moved in by the end of January. However with all the delays it looks like I won’t be able to move in until mid-February. OKAY –ENOUGH!

I don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions, I believe in “Today” and “Right Now” –Be in the moment no matter what it is. 

The first steps are to start doing the things I want to do for myself… Take care of me and my body, mind and soul. BUT let’s take baby steps to ensure success!

1)      Get Healthy again… I still juice every morning, I eat healthy meals but the snacking has become a bit more on the unhealthy side. It’s time to cut out the junk and make those healthy choices. Ignore the mind chatter of those unhealthy sugar cravings!

2)      Exercise… I say because of my crazy schedule, it would be nice to walk the dog every day again. Mia would love it and it would be good for my body + it’s only 30 minutes or so. I can stop and throw the ball for her in the water… she would love that!
3)      Meditate, breathe and sloooow down.

Friday, December 19, 2014


Man oh man, have I been busy this past year. I truly wanted to start blogging more often so I could express those thoughts that are inside my heart and mind but… okay making the time hasn’t been a priority for me. I have had other things that have come up and have been more on the forefront of my priorities. I thought about therapy to assist me in “getting off my chest” but again the time to “GO” find a new therapist… I’m not sure if I’m to that point yet. Self-managing is going well so far. Thank you for Network care in teaching me the ways to “help myself” 

Most of my frustrations are from my job --Just last month (okay it really happens every month at least once) where I wanted to quit my job --strangle my boss, he can be such a pill and VERY indecisive with his directions. Can anyone say “Bipolar” -Very challenging for me to understand what it is he wants, and in those cases, I ask… if I still don’t receive a clear answer, I proceed forward with my interpretation and cross my fingers. Honestly this up and down roller coaster is wearing on me and I’m not sure if I will be able to take this for much longer… still trying but the name calling and yelling that happens with the explosive behavior is not easy to ignore. To me this calling out on my congruency and “me” keeping those lines strong about how I want to others to treat me; frankly, how I deserve to be treated. The knocking is getting louder and I’m starting to get annoyed! –Okay enough of the negativity. I want to talk about the highlights.

This year has been a whirlwind! Finally sold my house and grateful that I had it for just under 2 years and still managed to make a profit. –Thank you.

During this move to Florida, I’ve learned… when you live in a city that has a large(r) population and not a whole lot of “new” building going on, the FIGHT for houses can be a bit cut throat. In the tireless search for a new home to set some roots here in Florida, I finally found a home. Wasn’t ideal when I found it but I have gutted the entire house and started over. It is just how I want it, and will be perfect!  It was a foreclosure; originally a 4 bedroom, 2 bath, canal view and bonus it has a pool. But after the revamping of the floor plan, this house is now a completely open concept with 3 bedrooms, 3 bath. I had some frustrations during this project, and honestly it still isn’t finished (hoping to move in by Jan 2015) but I have had fun designing the new floor plan, picking colors, choosing granite, designing a new kitchen, choosing new windows, and doors… creating a place I can call home. The good news is that it has been brought up to wind mitigation and can handle the impact of a very strong hurricane. Those decisions to upgrade put me way over budget, but knowing that I will be safe, is peace to me, and worth it.

After the BIG life lesson I received from my 3rd marriage --divorce back in 2008/2009, I have been in a lull, still am, but I can honestly feel that I’m starting to pull up and aim for the infinite abundant riches in life. (Not monetary but a true richness in life) It’s about time I move on and get back to “MY” core. I have been so deep in the automatic-ness of living life and just running through the motions that I can’t stand myself anymore. The saying is “love yourself and where you are “right now”” So, I am. 

Truthfully my justification is that I have had so many changes in my life… never really settling… honestly not really giving myself the opportunity. The biggest gift (things became clear to me) I gave myself after my trip to Sedona, AZ was to quit my pointless job at DVF and take a year off to really get down and dirty with myself. That experience gave me a taste of what life “should” be… not that what I have been living isn’t right. It was right! But that time gave me a taste of how life can really be! -How life can be fuller. Full of love, compassion, empathy, and the ability to share our gifts and receive those gifts from others. Wholeheartedly be grateful. Everything in life is an experience; how you choose to act is the direction it will go in. Law of attraction will bring back what you give.

Bottom line of this post is that I am happy that I have had the experience of time to better understand what speaks to me. I’m tired of running, not away, but keeping myself BUSY! My mother was right when she said “Kim, your life isn’t whole unless you have some sort of chaos going on” I no longer want that to be my truth. I want a different experience, and I will make that happen!
I know that I’ve posted on a few occasions that I need to slow down but this is where the rubber hits the road for me. It’s time for change and, for once I feel that it’s gravitating in that direction.
Grateful for everything in my life!

Here’s to the New Year and many more blessings and experiences to teach me or shall I say give me the opportunity to learn more and share more... and to making the commitment to blogging more.

Blessing to you and yours in the New Year!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Negative Nelly

I have realized that I have slipped into some very old patterns and have become very negative in my lifestyle “on most days” –AGAIN!

My saving grace is that awareness is key and knowledge is power but my question is… how did I arrive here again and why?

I am very fortunate to be where I am in my life. I can’t complain about where I am, but for some reason I let life get the best of me sometimes. I will admit that I do have some very good days and consciously I’m making a valiant effort in making the necessary changes to bring myself back to center. BUT I am having a challenging time finding the strength and power to make that happen. Maybe, no honestly I’m not there yet to make that change but I know deep in my heart that it’s there bubbling to the surface! –It’s coming!!!! 

I can honestly say that both my kids are doing very well, life is good, just bought a new car (love it), I have a roof over my head, great man in my life, great roommates, great dog in my life, good job, and I could keep going but honestly I’m at work and I can stray from what I really want to blog about.
For now…

My #1 why would be my job: I love my job don’t get me wrong, and I am very fortunate to have found this job, but I have a boss who is “I swear” Bi-polar. (I’m bipolar, so I can recognize the symptoms) One day he makes a decision and other days he retracts his decision. He can give you 3 different answers to your one question. He stands in the way of his staff, okay maybe only me… of doing my job. He is against laws and will cut corners and do what he wants anyways. He needs to be recognized and have the spot light on himself, as he loves the attention. I see that everyone in my office kisses his ass; no way, not me! I’m not an ass kisser nor will I ever choose to be one. Honestly, he does have a super big heart and truly has compassion for people but in all reality, he needs to let the people he hires to do their jobs. We are here to make him more successful and protect him from any kind of harm. Not to mention my job works me hard and with high expectations. When I first arrived here last year, I was gung-ho and now with so many road blocks and shut-outs, I’ve lost my spark for this company. Frankly, I just do my job and am no longer interested in going above the call of duty. I guess that comes with the territory but finding the balance will assist with the craziness!

My#2 is my relationship: some days I feel like I’d rather be alone in my life on my terms again. I miss that! Maybe just maybe if I branch out and make more friends and DO more, I feel that this may change. Right now I’m feeling like I came out of a very dramatic relationship, and jumped into another relationship without much time to really complete my time to get to know myself on a deeper level. Again, I need more balance. 

My#3 is my home: I HATE renting! I have the money for a house but cannot seem to find the right fit. I’m rushing it! I need to s-l-o-w down and trust the process and just know that the right house is coming around the bend for me. Also my landlords are assholes!!!!!!!!! -with a capitol “A” The yard isn’t a good fit for my 4 legged baby, and no dog door! The garage is too small and my truck doesn’t fit by 2 inches. Grrrrrr!

I live in sunny Florida, and I love it here and I don’t want to keep ranting but to me, this is a good start to the answers of my questions. I will keep pondering this question and equivocally the answers will arrive in their own timing. Trust the process, use the knowledge of knowing, and trust that you have the power to change all that is.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Adapting to your environment

It’s amazing to me how humankind with such a diversity of amazing gifts can sometimes sabotage their own personal growth unintentionally and unconsciously.

In this ever evolving roller coaster of life, we can either learn to adapt or fight it. What do you choose? Me personally, I can remember a time when I used to fight it. Until… at some point in life I finally came to the realization that things change for a reason. Back then I would think… why fix it, if it’s not broken? -It’s comfortable right. But what really is our comfort zone?

I realize (from experience) that change is uncomfortable and very challenging but for the most part, it’s easier said than done but... change is where the stretching and growth occurs.

Do you wish to stay where you are, or do you want to grow and stretch?

This topic can go in so many directions, but the one thing I want to bring home is how nature no matter how bad things may get or how good things are… it ALWAYS adapts.

This is an amazing example!
Think of a river that flows ever so greatly… then all of a sudden something dramatic happens and something creates a blockage of the flow of the water. Does the water stomp and kick and throw a tantrum? Does the flow of water recruit to remove the blockage? No, it just adapts to the new changes and find another way to continue the flow of water.
The challenge question I have for you is how well do you adapt to changes in your life?

I hope that this scenario will assist you to have a better understanding of adapting to changes, and that change is a challenge, but in the end I hope you see that it will be TOTALLY WORTH IT!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

That magical number

When I was younger, it was never my intentions of having children. But the powers that be, had a different path for me… sort of a detour per say. AND in looking back, I realized that I’ve lived a life of scheduled craziness; mother hood and finding the balance between career, kids, social life and death. IT has been worth all the hard work, but now, it’s time for me and my career. It’s time for me… and my dog MIA. I thought it would feel amazing… my boys out living on their own terms, me turning 38; that magical number feels no different.  Lately, I have become aware of the things that challenge me. Finding the balance in my life has been brought up too. Actually… top priority. Now that both my boys are gone… Goodness they are 18 and 21. How amazing is that? I don’t feel old enough to have kids that age, but the truth is, I am. Simply amazing!
But to stay on track here, I MUST STAY FOCUSED. Find the balance. Peace, Protection, Harmony, Gratitude, Wealth, Love and Life. The truth will always keep your conscience clear. I feel so at peace today. In harmony! Tomorrow isn’t only my birthday, it, marks a significant life altering decision to once and for all… stomp out the old habits. -for good. Time to create new ones. Tomorrow is a new day... the line has been drawn in the sand. -Time to SRI. -For sure Stage 1. 

#1 Focus is for me… to make time for me. -First and foremost. I’m a workaholic. I’ve realized that my inner core needs some things to change too. 

I feel like my last relationship was a major bump… aaaaaa pot hole in my focus, and I’ve just now figured it out. -after the fact. BUT I am doing the things that are healthy for me; get back to those habits that benefit and serve a purpose. Essentially I’ve detoured away from getting down deep and dirty with my inner “crap” 

Happy to see with new eyes, now there’s no hiding. I can get “real” with myself and my inner world. Outer world… I have so many things to be grateful for… and I am. BUT my inner world feels a bit disconnected. It’s nice to create space and time. All I gotta say is… Lay down flat, breathe in through your nose and out of your mouth. Really get in touch with Stage 1 and get connected! And for me, it’s getting connected again. But just a little deeper. AGAIN!   

Sometimes steps back to see, can be an eye opening experience. -a different perspective.

Thank you to the “reset” button, awareness, gratitude, patience, strength, friends, love and laughter.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Today is the day. Time to draw the line.

I viewed my blog a few weeks ago and was amazed by my posts for 2012 and the time that had lapsed since my last post. I started this blog with the intention that someday... my experiences and my openness to share those, would give another strength, insight or hope. But I've neglected to blog, and NO excuses, but honestly, I had moved, put the house for sale, drove across the country for my new job and had been involved in my relationship with Jason. Actually... according to my last post, I can honestly say I had been sucked into the drama with him and his ex and their legal crap. So glad I'm finished with that! -Life is peaceful in my outside world. I have been in a time capsule that gobbled up an entire year and a half. -Too long! Usually I'm pretty good at finding the balance, but sometimes there are times where I just don't keep my focus. Either way, today is the day to turn the page.

Sooo. it has been a few weeks in coming, but I made the decision a few weeks ago to make some changes, change a habit, and create new habits. I KNOW I'm capable, I just gotta stay focused!

The truth is... usually when there are major time gaps between posts, and I'm not blogging, I'm typically writing in my journal; but this time was a little different. The last gate I've attended was in Colorado, back in February 2013. I'm sure it was amazing, but I don't remember. It's been too long. Luckily, I did go to a Super Saturday with my wife, Thank you Rhythms for the eye opening experience, and Sandy for the thoughtful gift.

I  have been so busy with my job. AGAIN, so busy, that now the time gobbler is work. Even with everything that has been going on with working, I officially complete my MBA, and now considering my CPA's license. I don't want to be a Financial Controller for my entire career. Boring! But this new job of mine... What a whirlwind... my new job was in Florida, so I gave notice at Samish, crammed all I owned as far as personal belongings in my car, and drove across country to FL for a new stepping stone along my career path.

I love that I can utilize my gifts for others, and I personally love the challenge, but... I'm curious as to why my career path, including the majority of my freelance work leads me to companies who have a major mess in the Accounting. I personally love the challenge of taking a very broken Accounting system, and having the gratification of fixing it. BUT... It's stressful in the beginning, but honestly, I don't want this to be my last stone along my career path, and I'm not sure what the future may hold, but I don't think I've hit my ceiling potential. Limitless and after living here... I MUST learn Spanish. I think it will also be a benefit as I continue forward. Excited for my future. As for my JOB: Wow is it a a job! Walked into a MAJOR mess, still cleaning. Not only did they upgrade to an entirely new Accounting system, they incorporated a new program for dispatching, and integrated all of that into QB. There are some definite challenges with the Board of Directors and Congruency in what they say and do but, with the team support, we have made some major strides. There is so many things that need to be done still, and I don't see me being without something to do, correct or implement for at least 2 years. Hard to believe that my 1 year anniversary date of hire is coming up right around the corner. Time flies... especially  when your super involved in a project, or projects. Either way, life is good at work. Interesting enough I got a call on my company cell phone on Friday from Jason's ex wife.

Some people... we can't control other peoples reasoning, actions or even pretend to understand them, but what astonishes me is that even after Jason and I broke-up, Jason's drama is still in my life. But choosing to let it fall away and leaving it to the universal energies to handle it cosmically with karma...  is my saving grace. I'm at peace with leaving things alone.

Well it's Sunday, and Tyler and I are staying in today. We thought it would be fun to make cappuccino brownies, and watch a movie.  So I'm choosing to take a moment to taking those action in getting out and make more friends.

Speaking of... Tyler and I are getting on a Cruise Ship next weekend, were getting on board and spending the day exploring the ship, grabbing a bite to eat with my friend Manuela and her husband Carey. It will be fun to check out before our cruise to the Bahamas later this year.

I love that I'm so close to the cruise ports, airports, beaches, everglades, and the city. This is exactly what I needed. A change in my environment. I was eager to get out of Washington. I miss WA, and the hiking, lakes, and beautiful scenery but I am done with the allergies, rain and cold weather. I was starving for the the warm sunny beaches.

How I arrived here, and my entire journey of how I arrived is simply amazing to me. AND to think it all started one night when I woke up in the middle of the night, and after laying there for a bit, not being able to fall asleep... I got up, played online for a bit and applied for a few jobs that looked interesting and would be a better opportunity. Once again, the universal energy shows up and confirms my beliefs in alignment, congruency, and the law of attraction.

Respecting the higher power of universal energy... deeper and deeper.

I'm back! AND I can't wait to see where my path is leading me.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Truth for what it is

As the girlfriend of my wonderful partner, I just cannot stay quiet any longer. I have been patient with all of this but I am now venting from a perspective I feel is appropriate for this situation. I am so beside myself that this anger and drama is in my life at the hands of someone else; I am so enraged at how my partner’s ex-wife is seeking out ways to catastrophically ruin his life and career. All because she has created this story that she truly wholeheartedly believes. Just because it is untrue, doesn’t mean it’s untrue in her mind; she is mentally unstable and in my opinion, emotionally hurt that my partner no longer has any desire to stay in an abusive and hurtful relationship. Using the kids and threats to keep him in a situation that is self-destructive is certainly unhealthy and I am SO proud to see him grow to a point to take a stand. In my eyes… to see the path and have the courage to make those hard choices, takes guts!

As a victim myself of a child crime, a crime where the gentleman was never criminally prosecuted due to his age; made me so angry, angry with myself, my parents, and especially with the person who committed those acts against me. “An innocent child” What did I do, all my life growing-up, I self-destructed, and rebelled against everyone. The memories of the experience have stayed with me my entire life, and for the most part they don’t affect me as much as they used to, with the exception of the intimacy with my partner. Painfully there are intimate situations where I have to make myself listen to the “self-talk” telling myself that it’s OK. Honestly, no person should ever have to go through that, but the fact is there are some of us who do.

My partner has been kicked, kicked, kicked, and kicked and when he finally was able to become strong enough to pick himself up and walk away, he was threatened by his ex-wife that she would ruin his life. Despite the threats he left and continues to be drug through hell, because one woman can’t let go!

You can only kick a person so many times before they are going to get sick of it and start figuring out that they must take precautions and start protecting themselves.

What I don’t understand is why??? Pride??? If the stories she told were actually true, justice would have been done. You blame it on the loop holes in the law; look at the facts! The fact is he has proven time and time again that these stories are untrue. The truth of the matter is my partners ex-wife kicked him so many times and if he didn’t submit to what she was asking… then she would threaten him of taking his family away from him. Bottom-line. He did whatever she wanted and in the end he lost all of his children and lost a very promising career. Of course her children are going to believe whatever the she tells them. As children we are born to rely and trust our parents.

It’s just such a shame to see these kids lose a father who truly loves them; it’s a shame to see these children believe a lie that isn’t even true, and for all the years and time they will be without knowing the truth and having their own father in their life. He has sacrificed everything to just do what he thought was right for his children and his family; even in sacrificing his own beliefs and himself. I hope as human beings they grow up to have the desire to want to seek out the truth and see the true colors and actions that really did take place because one person couldn’t let go!

I love this man with all my heart and I will boldly say that love is NOT blind in this situation. I see and feel a deep connection with my partner that I know without a doubt in my mind that this is all about revenge and needing to find satisfaction and peace from something that is outside of oneself. That is truly sad to me. I feel sad for the generational errors that are being passed onto these children by just being in and around this type of behavior. We are born innocent but we learn from what we see.

Time will pass and the truth will be revealed for what it really is. We have decided to not get swallowed into the drama and publicity that is knocking at our door. We just don't have the desire to give any energy into this "crap"

Friday, December 7, 2012

To see the beauty in all that is.

Sometimes in life I feel like crap, and when I get in that particular frame of mind, my perspective of all that is, is just that “crap” I dislike this, I don’t like that, I don’t want to do this or that, and it seems like things just fester and fester. No matter how hard anyone tries, I simply cannot be happy. In those moments, I forget that you get what you give and that is why those incidents and situations keep building and building; as if the world is against me. Then…

At some point when I’ve had enough of myself wallowing in my own crap, I realize where I am, and I hit the reset button to flip the switch! Some days are more of a challenge for that to happen but for the most part, I remember what I’ve learned about Law of Attraction and make that conscience shift.

I do love it when that happens, because, only then can I have that renewed sense of reality and perception to see things for what they are. –Exactly in that moment; every moment really!

Living here in Washington State is beautiful! The seasons are beautiful! The colors of nature are simply amazing! How life can just move so effortlessly and how if you change your perception consciously the paradigm shift in life shifts with you.

Just a short note to share that paradigm shift, it can happen. You must make the choice to change and just do it. If it seems to be a challenge for you, just fake it until you make it! Eventually you will change those firing patterns in your brain and it will just become effortless! Change is not easy, trust me! But it is worth every ounce of effort you put into it.

Love and Light!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

What level of it do you have???

I can remember a time when I was being swallowed whole by the drama in my life. It felt like I was drowning. Boy, am I ever so grateful to have moved beyond that and be able to look back and see that experience for what it gave me. The gifts you are given during the times in which you least expect… are the greatest gifts for growing. It may have been growing pains, but I’d rather be growing any way than staying stationary and stagnant.

Honestly, if I was to take inventory of where I am right now, I would say that I am at peace with myself. Letting go has been a wonderful gift. Awareness of new boundaries has also been an incredible gift. In all the times that I have been hurt, each and every one has given me a lesson to learn about myself and another experience to share with others.

I love my partner, but the drama gets old. The level of drama that is in my life because of my partner is unbelievable. Sometimes I can’t believe the lengths that some people will go to take vengeance out on another. I chalk it up to their perception and how they view things from their perspective. I just wish that everyone could just get along. Circumstances change and so do people.

This paradigm shift of life has given me something to think about. I live a frugal life; thankful from the roots of how I was raised. No but really thankful that I am no longer in that rut and materialistic living that kept me not satisfied with where I was and what was. Being in the moment and enjoy all of life’s precious gifts are more satisfying to me that driving a new car or having the latest and greatest. Although I deserve to have everything in my life that my heart desires, the gift of being content and satisfied is ever so relieving.

Thank you for life’s little moments and thank you for the chaos that sometimes comes before the storm. I am ever so grateful for the preciousness of the evolved universe in showing me my path.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Letting go and loving you! Are you doing that?

There is such a fine line and a strong distinction between learning to set “you” free by letting go and loving yourself. Loving “you” what does that mean?

For me… it means so many different things on so many different levels. On the surface it’s the easy stuff; good hygiene, healthy diet, exercise, and being presentable…etc. But let’s go a bit deeper shall we? What about setting healthy boundaries for you and others, maybe taking time out to get a massage or a pedicure, what about doing the things that bring a SMILE to your face or something you love!

On another level those things are good but I am talking about even deeper than that; on the inside. Breathe work and quieting down that “monkey mind” That’s what I call it anyways. It could be different for others but either way it’s the internal conversations that we have with ourselves on a conscience level. Should we, shouldn’t we… you know what I’m talking about right? Either way that internal dialogue we have can sometimes keep us in that comfort zone… that circle that we can draw about 2 feet around us. It’s what’s on the outside of that circle that allows us to grow and experience new things. (Some good and some not so good) but that’s a whole different topic.

I can remember a time that my mind would go and go and go and go and I swear no matter what I did, my mind wouldn’t ever just shut OFF! Our minds are amazing! How the internal filters work unconsciously and the ideas and creativity that evolve from our inner most thoughts or behaviors. With some conscience effort, just as I did, you can calm that monkey mind down so it’s more peaceful. But let’s really get down deep with our inner most habits that stop us from truly loving you for you.

In life some of us are taught things through the way our parents/peers live and do things, some of us are out of control and are at the mercy of the people in our lives or maybe not in our lives, maybe there are those of us who had to grow up and take on adult responsibility as a child, whatever the experience may be, it seems to me that we lose a bit of ourselves along the way and our sense of our importance falls by the wayside; sometimes taking care of others becomes first and foremost and we forget about ourselves.

Loving on all levels is very important to one’s health and well being. I would encourage you to turn off that TV, video game, ipad, or whatever it may be that is distracting you from listening to the core of our own spirit. If your quiet and give yourself some attention, the voice gets louder. Our deeper most inner self wants to be loved and nourished. I say take the time for you, even if it’s only 15 minutes. You deserve to be happy and isn’t that priceless? I think so and that’s why I am truly blessed and so grateful that the level of intelligence within me has grown beyond anything I would’ve ever imagined. To know that loving thy self is not only on the outside but also on the inside, and that I am doing what I need for ME!

I encourage you to take some time for “YOU”

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Some people just never let go!

I understand that Anger goes deep; real deep! I also understand that no matter how much we love and forgive, anger will still exist. I know…I am speaking from my own personal experiences. I was angry for so long and at so many people. I am so happy that my renewed sense of energy has brought me to a higher level of spiritual understanding. Not godly… spiritual! There is a difference.

I am grateful that I am aware that I am past the High School attitude (most of the time… sometimes I have my moments of temporary brain lapse or just plain stupid-ness) but it absolutely amazes me to see adults acting like High School children. Honestly, I am talking about one individual in particular but if you look around you can see it happening all the time. Age doesn’t always make a difference. I have had the pleasure of knowing people from all walks of life and all ages that have revealed their true essence of maturity, and some who have not!

Today I am writing about my anger; it angers me to see adults use their children as a vehicle to use in the attempt of hurting someone else. Selfish acts of anger in my opinion. I feel so sad for the children who are part of this vicious game. -This is something that speaks true to my core, as I am one of those children that was used when I was younger; a pawn per say in an effort to hurt the other parent.

I am not going to pretend to try to understand why this behavior happens or even try to figure out why people do this. Bottom line is that it does NO good and it only hurts the child.

I WILL not keep this anger inside of me; I just felt compelled to voice my anger at this situation and hope that the child involved grows to see the truth behind ones actions and will see how this negative motivation is unhealthy.

Side note: I am so proud of Jason! -Kudos to you for shrugging this experience off and laughing at the actions of others. It took a lot of courage to make a go at this relationship with your daughter. I am so happy that you have a different perspective that allows you to see through the actions in order to see the true colors. I love you and it is a loss to those who don’t want to be around you. I love you for who you are and are SO excited at the path of self discovery that you’re on right now. All I can say is that you deserve happiness and I am glad that you are finally finding that in yourself and not on the outside influences!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Internal? or External?

How often do you listen to yourself? I don’t mean hear you actually verbalizing something out loud. I mean that “gut” feeling or internal intuition that you feel.

For me it has been so many times that I can’t even count them on my hands or my toes.

Who knew what that feeling was? Did someone teach you about that? Traditionally that is not something we learn in school, or even from our parents. Some families are evolved to understand what that internal voice is and have passed it onto their children. Some have NO idea! Well, that would be mine!

So many times in life I have just strolled along without really listening. Disconnected from my true core and just living on the surface of whatever my mind thought was important.

In living and experiencing the true desires of my core, I have discovered that there is more to life than just what I could think up in my mind. In all actuality my mind could be a very dangerous place; realistically creating road blocks and barriers of excuses of why this or that is NOT a good idea.

I am writing today to just acknowledge the gratefulness I have in understanding the internal language, to have the keen sense of hearing and the understanding to have the voice be so strong that I truly must listen. More lessons on how life has shown me that each and every experience has taught and brought me to a higher level and a deeper sense of connection.

Thaaaaaaaank You!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Boomerang it back and give me the strength to keep going!

Some days the challenges of the battle just fuel me, some days those very same challenges just drains me and I get so exhausted!

Time for this or that; no! -I don’t really have time for much and when I do have the time, I just want to veg out sometimes. I know that I need rest and rejuvenation to be re-fueled. Reset! Entrainments definitely help with the grounding and solidifying the core. Thank you for the tools that I have been shown; use the tools!

Boy, I cannot wait until the stuff that is heaped on my plate is completed and cleared off!

This morning, when I was driving into town, I found myself asking the almighty universe for the energy to continue on with this research project and preparation of the things that need to be done.

So this is me expanding my energy out to the universe… Allow it to unfold and boomerang back to me 10 fold with the answers and outcome in which I desire and deserve. I ask the almighty universe to assist me in finding the strength to pursue and purge forward. Please bring forth the courageousness that is needed to continue on this path and the courage to have the wisdom to let go when the timing is right.

Always smiling no matter what, but some days that smile is harder to allow to genuinely happen so freely, please show me the path and direction in which I am to be walking.

Monday, September 17, 2012

At what point do you just decide to give “it” up?

Sometimes in life I go with the flow and sometimes when the principle is just too much for me to let go, I push, push, and push. I am stubborn and I fight tooth and nail for what I believe in.

The universe has plans for everything but when is the point where you draw a line? At what point do you decide to give it up and let go? Fights are not easy. The challenges are the things that teach us something but sometimes for me it’s hard to know when enough is enough.

I think that there are tall tell signs but my eyes are so fixated on the goal and what I am trying to achieve that I just don’t see or have room to fluctuate away from my path.

Bad or Good?

Can be good, can be bad… sometimes very bad!

No answers for that, just a question today.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

In remembrance

To remember the one man; in my youth, showed me compassion and that love was possible. Today would’ve been our 16 year anniversary, and I just want to take a moment to say thank you! Thank you for showing me that love was unconditional, caring and compassion is important and that life is full of surprises.

Our plans were that we would’ve grown old together and travel the world, but the almighty powers at hand had a different plan for us. A plan that I could’ve never imagined! I love you and miss you so much. At times I was angry for you leaving, but now I understand that it was not something I could control. I wish you were here to see your son; how he is the spitting image of you and how he has so many traits that amazingly have been passed on by sheer genes! Chase there will always be a place in my heart for you! –Always!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Oh what to do now???

For months now, I have been running at warp speed with this to do and that to do. Finally --I’m done!

It has been nice; I’ve been able to sloooow things down and get a bit more focused. Things I want to do vs. the thing I have to do. Live life and enjoy all the hard work that has been done.

After we finished up with the move and became more settled, I wanted to go play! So we have been; kayaking, horseback riding, festivals, put-zing around town and still dabbling a little with the things that need to be done around the house.

It is so important to have the balance, and I am so grateful that I have a renewed sense of life that I understand the importance of what has to be done and what can wait.

There is no race to the finish line and I can remember the times in my life when all I could do is; do, do, do, do, do and do! Boy, I am no Spring chicken anymore and I definitely understand the need for balance!

Thank you for everything that is in my life. Thank you for love, Thank you for the light in my life, Thank you for sun as the summer has been wonderful, Thank you for the lessons that have brought me to this new sense of reality, and thank you for the challenges that have made me grow as a person! Thank you, Thank you, and Thank you!!!!!

Friday, August 10, 2012

A gift for you too :-)

Oh thank you mother earth for the glorious SUN; the nutrients that you provide for all living things is abundantly given without any attachments. I am so thankful for you today. –everyday! The heat and the light that is given to all of us here on earth are such gifts and a selfless act of love.

Growing up on an island where the sun shine’s all the time was such a blessing. It's the best of both worlds... I live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, and I have fallen in love with all of the seasons; seasons of growth and change. Honestly... boy oh boy do I miss the blessing of the sun being so warm all year long.

Thank you mother earth for all that you provide. Thank you for your selfless acts of generosity!

Love and Light

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Truly Gifted Artist -Thank you Sarah!

Thank you to Sarah Forbes for creating the perfect pictures!

Last year when we attended the Anacortes Arts Festival we noticed your artwork and how beautiful and how the elements of the paintings really resonated with us. This year we set out a goal to find art pieces to add to our collection, and to our surprise, some of the pieces that you had displayed were the ones that resonated with us the most.

The room where we had pictured those to go, fit perfect; it was like it was meant to be!

Truly gifted -Thank you!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Count your blessings!

Every day I wake up, honestly I cannot say that I count my blessings. I don’t feel that I am ungrateful but I feel that my focus has shifted. It’s only when I have a moment to myself where there is nothing demanding my time when I take a moment to count my blessings.

Now That things have settled down, I must make a conscience shift to focus inwards again!

I feel that things have shifted so far out of whack that getting grounded again is going to take some very challenging work. I definitely have my work cut out for me. I do know that when I get back into routine again… it will all be worth the hard work it took to get there again.

Just want to say thank you for awareness and everything it brings into the “BIG” picture.

Thank you!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Oh boy here we go again!

One can only wish that the past would stay there.

Someday, I hope that a person of Jason’s past will realize that she needs to leave Jason alone!

Yes, they have children together, but his children want nothing to do with him “their own father” That’s sad to me and it pains me to see you hurting because of another person’s actions. Oh, but one can only imagine the lies; who knows what she has told those children to encourage them to feel this way. -That hurts! It hurts everyone around, but especially those children who are too young to see the truth. The silver lining is.. that one day they will!

I am so sorry that she feels "entitled" and cannot seem to understand that she needs to move on and figure stuff out for herself. She's married again, obviously she is a big girl! Act like one!

The only thing that I can say is the saving grace in all this is that… Jason is a stronger person now, and has finally realized that she is super toxic and is self serving. Her lies and her deceitful and mindless attempts to keep herself plugged in to his life. -Ignorance really

I love you Jason, and I am so happy that you can see things in a different perspective. Opening your mind and your heart has allowed you to see with different eyes! I love it!!!!! Almost as much as I love you!

I know that you love your children and it is hard to keep yourself in the loop with such a toxic individual who drains your joy. I always say it’s easier to blame others than it is to take a look in the mirror. Some people are survivors and others are victims, and I know that you have found a place of peace about this situation and that one day, maybe your children will seek the truth and find themselves back in your life.

I say this with confidence because I was in a similar position with my parents when I was too young to “see” or “know” the difference. -As children, we believe our parents. Then you grow up; and at some point, one starts to seek the truth about the past. It’s a natural process of who we are as humans. It just takes time. The bottom line is that in time things will unravel and the “truth” or shall I say “lies” will reveal themselves.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Living life through your heart not your mind

I am so grateful for the experiences in my life so far to date. Yes, really, all of them!

In my youth I was a victim; a great big giant one! I focused on the negative times whining and complaining, I am not sure if I was ever truly happy with anything back then. Never really was grateful for the good times even when in the moment. Honestly, I have had many lessons come and go and I never realized what it was I was supposed to learn, until after the fact when I would go back and reflect on the past or what I had written in my journal. Yep, I used to journal; it was something I needed to do to get those thoughts out of my mind. -At some point in my life I learned that stuffing those feelings and thoughts were super unhealthy! Thankful for that lesson!!!!!!

My journal was super private and it wasn’t something I wanted anybody to ever read; terrified if anyone ever read my most private thoughts! I guess I felt like someone would judge me for what was written. I used to be so afraid of other people’s thoughts of me… Thankful for the lesson to know that “I just don’t care anymore” I know now, that things just needed to evolve to a point where I could feel comfortable in sharing… which I did. I am so thankful for my mentors who taught me all about becoming a personal development coach. Thank you for giving me the opportunities in assisting others using the tools you have given me and the knowledge to help guide others through whatever they needed.

Now, I feel strongly and compelled to share how I am feeling about who I have grown and become because of those experiences as well as the clients and friends I have helped along the way. Truly those experiences have been a gift; to have crossed paths with such wonderful people, and you know who you are… but really, the courage it took to share your feelings and your most intimate circumstances with me. Kudos to you for having the strength and thank you! Not only did the situation get better for “you”, it taught me a ton about myself.

I feel that as I have grown, and learned to see with new eyes; giving me a different perspective was an outcome I could have never predicted! Once again, I have noticed that I have once again started to see things in an even broader perspective. Living life with love, love, love has enabled me to grow and see even more in life. Not only just “see” but to feel that deeper connection.

On one level or another all living things are connected and I am so grateful for the knowledge I have gained through everything and everyone. Thank you to knowing that I am loving every minute of life, every day!

Love and Light

Friday, July 6, 2012

How far is too far?

In these days, the support that is needed from others to assist your childs(rens) success is predominately needed, but how far is too far?

Do we support or enable?

I say support, but sometimes I see that it can be mistaken for enabling. The difference to me is…

Support: Assisting in the dreams and allowing the individual to make their own decisions. Also on that note, someone who is working with a “can do” attitude and is doing whatever needs to be done to make things happen for their own futures. Taking accountability! -Sometimes this is a challenge. In certain times in our lives, we must make a “tough” call and not allow the person to dictate what you should or shouldn’t do. Bottom line the best road isn’t always the easiest road. However in the long run, it will serve you better. –I promise! (Been there done that)

Enabling: To me enabling is doing something for someone over and over again. This person may not be doing very much or anything at all for themselves; they may continue on with their behavior, as if they just knew that someone was going to step in and pick up the pieces time and time again. In my experience in watching someone enable another, I see the lesson in which is given. That is NO lesson is being learned! -This subject is a touchy subject for me as I just get irritated about how others enable people to keep doing what they are doing with no consequences in their actions or behaviors! Bottom line: All it does is hurt the person even more by not allowing them to see the lesson that is put there for a purpose, ergo prolonging the ultimate reason why things are happening for a reason!

So how do you know if you are being supportive or enabling?

This to me has an easy answer, and I feel that I outlined it pretty clearly in my “own personal definitions”

But, just in case you need more clues... ask yourself this… Is my help really helping? What is it I’m really trying to help with? Is it just putting the floor back underneath where it was crumbling out? How many times have I had to do this?