Just a tidbit more on me.....

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Going through this roller coaster journey of life, discovering more and more of my deeper self. Loving life and learning to live life through my soul!

Saturday, June 17, 2023

End of week 1

What an eventful week of self discovery!

It was a rough week with all the nausea and self battles of not wanting to take the nausea meds. I caved, but I caved gracefully. Remembering to give myself permission to be comfortable is this experience.

The nausea was so bad! I lost 12 pounds this week and understand that no matter how BAD, I do NOT want to take the meds, it is in my best interest that I do. For my health as the alternative in losing 12 pounds is not good or healthy for me. So, yes I caved in. However... I am still experimenting in trying to find the balance in all of this.

I do not have to take the chemo or go to radiation on the weekends. I get a break! So the plan is that I will be able to find some kind of normalcy for these next two days. I had a bit of nausea this morning, so even though I am not taking the chemo... I am thinking that this is lingering from the week and by this afternoon, I will be okay.  Planning on eating a ton of food this weekend and gaining some of this weight back.

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