Sharing my JOURNEY....

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Why am I here again?

Does your mind keep you “comfortable?” Scared of pushing further? Oh, how amazing our mind is!

Have you heard of the universal laws?
Law of Attraction, Law of Gender, Law of Vibration...etc.

When you can connect your capable mind to those universal laws, a magical thing happens. The difference is focus and manifestation. I’m so grateful I ran into those CTC Worksheets. They have shifting my internal dialogue, and getting my thoughts, think about what I want vs. how I think things should be, and are. Oh, how I wished things were different. 
I'm looking for balance in my life. 
                 >>What is having balance? 
                 >>What does that mean?
                 >>What would that look like? 

For me, it’s making time every day for me, and all the other things like, Work, Body, Eating Healthy/healthy habits, Relationships and MIA.

This internal battle that is and has been playing, is changing.  I’m finding the balance in my life. The balance between the daily activities that take my time. Is a schedule required? Structure? That, after-all is my keystone.

To do what it takes. What does that mean right now? It’s, take one step at a time, slow and steady. Bottom line. Focus on what I want! Of course the hard work is still ahead but, being right here in this moment, I can feel that something needs to change. Mark is right, I think I am at a crossroads. 

~Stay here where its painful.      Or I can...
~Change those activities in my life (with balance) to become a fit, healthy, balanced woman.

Bringing my power back into my awareness of how things really can be different. I just need to shift my focus. 

Healthy habits: brush 2x, gym/swim/yoga, Shower daily, Kick the junk and SSW.
To awareness and gratefulness of re-tracing. Thank you.

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