Sharing my JOURNEY....

Showing posts with label #Thankyou. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Thankyou. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Slowwwwwwwing dowwwwwwwn!

I never realized how much of a warp speed I was going until I arrived here in Hawaii and was able to slow down and take it easy! Thank you god for providing this wonderful trip for us! We have definitely made some most memorable memories and have seen the most beautiful sights. We are enjoying every second we have here on the beautiful island. Time with family and friends have made this trip the best!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Being thankful!

Today I am so grateful for what is, and has been transpiring in my life. Yes the road has been a bit bumpy up until this point, but I have looked back and taken a deeper look at the broken records I have been telling myself in those particular moments. That is why the road got really bumpy. I was choosing to focus on the negativity of my situation, focusing on the “what ifs”, focusing on the scarcity of me not being able to make it. Wow the reality of it is this….. I was creating and manifesting more of what I didn’t want to myself with a high magnitude of concentration. I know that I know better but sometimes those moments in time are a challenge. To see something positive out of the situation sometimes is a challenge when you are living in that crap! BUT As strong as I am, eventually I pull out of it. Thank you for that! Yes, more of those broken records, more lessons on getting out of my head and living in the moment. Thank you so much for having the awareness of what I was doing to myself. -Self sabotage. Thank you for the life long experiences that have brought me up to knowing when change is required. Thank you for the people who educated me in knowing the difference in conscience decisions. Thank you for everything that has happened in my life. AND thank you for the people who surround me during those challenging times in my life. As I said earlier, I am so grateful for what is transpiring in my life! My children and I are truly blessed as we are taken care of every single moment of every single day. To the GOD up above who is so forgiving… Thank you for being the creator of everything that surrounds us. Here is my pledge of continuing the process of getting out of my own head, my own way and allowing me to live by each moment and experience as it comes. To live consciously is to live, and to make decision instead of reacting is healthy for me. Thank you for the awareness!!!!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Worked HARD this weekend

Boy do I ever feel accomplished today. Driven to knock things off my to do list. And I DID! YES I feel so powerful right now. My hands have been used and abused this weekend. They are sore. But I scraped off the tile in my kitchen today, and over the course of the weekend I emptied all the garbage out of Burlington and into a dumpster, and hauled the wood to Snohomish for CJ. -It looks so much nicer. Yes it was hard work and I did it myself, and for once I truly feel accomplished. It was NEW challenging work and I’m definitely going to feel it in my muscles tomorrow. Today there was another hurdle put forth in front of me and I must take a step back and allow life to unravel itself. -Right? Yes I can analyze it, but I feel as if I need to sit back and just keep focus on what I want. Stay out of my head. Feel with my heart and soul….

Friday, September 5, 2008

Just another day along this bumpy road....

Today I am a little tired. OK a lot! I feel as if I am a bit out of sorts. My decisions have been a little slack and my judgment has been affected. This is not good. Must change it! I have distractions in my life and I am not going to allow them to continue. Time to get focused in on what it is I want. -Time to start the manifestation process for some things. I feel as if I have too much on my plate… Now the solution is to start eliminating what’s there. It’s 9 -something and I’m tired. For once I am giving in to my body and listening to it. It’s telling me that I’m exhausted and sleep is needed. To all my friends a BIG thank you for everything that you guys have done I truly am indebted to you for your generosity. Today I am thankful for the rays of the sun as they keep my body from getting cold. I’m also thankful for knowing what I should be doing and having the able body to do it! Love and Light! Kim