Sharing my JOURNEY....

Showing posts with label #Lovinglife. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Lovinglife. Show all posts

Monday, September 8, 2008

Cherish the moments as they come and go very quickly

I decided on late Friday, early Saturday morning that I was going to take the weekend off. Just relax… -So much for relaxing!?$# This weekend was such a productive weekend though! I feel great about my progress and my new discoveries…… The kids and I were able to have a few days to get some stuff done that we have been putting off for quite sometime now….and yes we had fun doing it! It feels good to get things done!!!!! Like a weight has been lifted. At least that is the way it is for me. Thank you for the time to get those things done and the decision to do so. Today I had such a wonderful day! It was so beautiful and sunny. I was so grateful that I chose not to be the handyman and work on drywall, flooring, siding, tape n texture and you know the manly stuff…. Instead I got my house in order and cleaned up. I just want to take a second and say thank you to my soon to be x-husband…. AKA: Dirty Bastard. Thanks for walking out on me and leaving me with all of our financial responsibility and the chores of finishing up all your unfinished projects. I truly have learned a lot from this experience. OK it’s late and I have lots to do on my Monday…. Today I am grateful for my children, my dooger dogs, my friends, myself, my choices, my experiences, laughter, the sunny skies, the surroundings of my home and the universe for being so abundant. I am truly blessed by this experience within my journey. Thank you!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I say Kudo....

I was listening to the radio tonight on my way home from the office at 10:30pm and I heard the song by Lifehouse. It got me to thinking… Are you willing to do whatever it takes?
For me I feel that I'm already stretched out as far as I can go. I'm not doing enough?!!?
How much more do I allow on my plate? Do I continue with what I wanted? -To clear the clutter. To clear the chaos that comes with the clutter? I have chosen yes. Clear the clutter of the mind though. –Not clean the house. That's done already!

Sometimes I feel that other people push, push and push. I want to relax, and for once in my life, I want to get to know me for a bit. Who is Kimberli? For so long I have put others in front of me. It's time has come that I for once take the time in for me. -Maybe not every day, but at least 2 days a week. This is just the beginning of something I have never done in my life. Kudos...It just feels right. ….Meaning I have made this commitment to take some time in for me and my well being on a weekly basis. That's exactly what I have been doing. -Soon to be daily thing for me!
The business side of everything is coming together just as we planned. Now that I know that this taken care of what's next?

Guess what? …The very thing I have been running away from… ME!

Yes, I have been running away or shall I say finding things to deter and side track me from getting down and dirty with myself…Yes, I'll admit it. But what I have discovered is that I have embarked on this journey to answer that question…. Who am I? What are the things I like to do? That's where I started... I decided that I love to swim, the water relaxes me. I love to sing and dance, it just lifts me up. I am learning to enjoy reading, as it expands my mind. I love to watch children laugh and play, I'm jealous because I'm just now learning how to play at 31 years old. This was something I never really encountered growing up. My household was serious when I was younger, and as I grew older it was my responsibility of taking care of my brother while "mom" was gone. I always heard growing up as a teenager that my family said that I missed my childhood. I agree, but I have been playing with my kids. Things like: board games and playing in the swimming pool. It's a start and I am thankful for that. Reality… It's the first time in my life that I'm actually asking the right questions and the answers are coming with such effortlessness. I now understand that I musk ask the right questions and be open to receive the answers in its own timing.

So my question of are you willing to do whatever it takes? My answer is yes. -BUT in my own timing. I'm dealing with deep seeded issues from the past.

I know in my heart of hearts, this journey of going within and digging all the clutter out… I know that I will be a whole new person on the inside. I know that I will have those feel good feelings within myself. AND I also know that everything else will come in time. The most important thing I have found is this...

Do what you love to do 

If you love your life, then the general rule is that life will love you back. I choose this life with conscience thoughts and choosing to stay focused on my goals and my dreams.

To you and your journey,