Now that my kids are gone, and I truly have an empty nest,
and my career has been the biggest priority of my life. Afterall, that is what
I have been working so hard for! Right? Ever since I moved to Florida, I have
been so busy with life. My career has made a big impact on my free time,
relationships, personal challenges with addiction and mind, body, soul balance.
I have tried and tried to find the “right” company to call
my forever “career” home. The universe knows that I have bounced, and bounced
around, fallen, picked myself up to keep fighting the good fight. I have
seasons, just like everyone else. I am learning how to have balance and create
time and space for myself. That has been a challenging thing to accomplish with
all my responsibilities, desires within this space and time. Prioritizing in
order to find balance has been something I have battled with for decades.
For the first time, I feel like I am getting balance to my
life. I feel that I have finally found the company to call home; again in the HVAC field. A company who
values me for the gifts I bring to the table. A company who is allowing me to
run my department as I wish to do, without any interference. Of course, in the
beginning, it was a challenge; again, bringing order as I did with the previous
companies I had worked for, but the difference was... I had full control to
really shine! But, here I go again… BALANCE. How the hell can I find and
balance everything I want to do, to include ME. --Just recently, I have set a precedence on and for myself on
a personal level. The difference this time is that setting boundaries within my
career, scheduling and making it all fit in order to MAKE time. Sure, I will
admit that I have become a bit obsessive on “me” time, but it feels good to
stand up for my personal/professional balance. Making time and keeping those
Thank you to the universe for hearing my desires. Combining
the universal energy of the law of attraction and my focused energy and
attention allowed the path to be set and become a new habit.