Like a cord that is unwinding quickly as it falls to the floor.
Trying to find balance but not living congruently. Clearing clutter, creating
new habits, and making those hard decisions.
Unraveling, is that even a feeling? Cuz that’s how I feel!
It’s time to set boundaries, and make those hard changes. It’s time to get real
again. >Oh, how I always end up back here again. Perhaps
it may be at a higher level of being; further than where I started. BUT IT
How is it that I’m trying to get healthy, yet some of the
decisions that I’m making.....… go against those very words. CONGRUENCY! Ugh! Oh painful
awareness can be at times. Perspective of knowing the difference is what allows
me to be better!
Now the question is, what are those hard decisions? –I’m putting
it out there, and trusting that the universal energies at may will align the
signs for me to see.
Oh, I’ve strayed so far from myself. “Tears” –It’s time!
Maybe this is what Dr. Mark was talking about. “I’m in
denial” It is possible that he saw something that I didn’t. Isn’t that why I
see him? To call out the BS and raise my awareness. Honestly…No, things aren’t okay. I am searching for ground again.
Reality check to Kim. Time to stop fucking shit up for myself. It’ time to get
back on track, stay focused on the goal. What is the goal again???
Staying focus on my mind, body and spirit. Live congruently and live out loud!
Love and light beautiful people!