Sometimes, sharing yourself at a raw state, can give others confidence in knowing they are not alone. My thoughts, my raw-ness, and my Ah ha moments.
Just a tidbit more on me.....

- Have Gratitude
- Going through this roller coaster journey of life, discovering more and more of my deeper self. Loving life and learning to live life through my soul!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Do you have an EGO?
Monday, June 9, 2008
Feeling like a victim & I’m thankful for my awareness
In my lifetime I have been diagnosed with OCD, Bi polar, Anxiety and Depression. I’m supposed to take prescription medication but I have been able to manage myself up until now for some reason. The other day I realized that I’m telling myself over and over again that I have “those” things wrong with me and that is my excuse for my behaviors. -My mind is like a crazed lunatic running around in circles. There is no rhyme or reason within my brain and I truly want to change the cluttered noise!
Getting centered is my main focus.
I feel that I have an over abundance in responsibilities and my husband is going to take some of those off of my hands and lighten my load. That will be a big blessing.
Not too long ago I was a strong person in that… nothing stood in my way. I had a vision. I am still that person however, since my experience in Personal Development and my emotional breakthroughs of allowing the baggage to come up… I have reverted back to a lost and confused child. It’s like I’m young again in my head but my body remained the same. Who I once was and how I feel now, are like opposite ends of the spectrum. So I’m a young child in my mind that has an immense amount of responsibility because I’m really 32. I can no longer handle all those responsibility until I purge some of this emotional crap! There are in securities that came up and a sense of feeling lost and confused.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Why do I understand what I’m doing, thinking and feeling wrong? YET I still do it?
Why do I understand what I’m doing, thinking and feeling wrong? YET I still do it?
I understand what changes I have to make but I still fall back into those old thoughts and feelings.
How do you quiet the chatter of your EGO mind and start to feel?
My mind, that just wants to focus on our debt by being scared. My mind wants me to focus that Tom and I are not “employed” so this fear has me scared of where the money is coming in from for our lifestyle…. It’s the conditioning of my parents. If you work hard then you get ahead. But I already know that’s a lie. I know that we have a true amount of abundance in our life. It’s the conditioning of my parents; really my dad. He always taught me to pay in cash or it’s not something you need right now. So I feel that even though I have an incredible amount of abundance in my life… since it’s on credit and mortgages, I feel massively in debt. Conditioning + EGO is tough!
Tom and I used to have jobs. The hours sucked, you never saw your family(kids), you had to check someone else’s schedule before you could plan your own vacations, and the money wasn’t really what you wanted to make anyways. So we quit our jobs and became “Self Employed”
This energy aspect is so amazing to me. Even though I struggle in changing those habits, I know that I can overcome this and create a blissful life with my ever so loving and patient husband and our 4 children.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
OMG!! Be open and allow!!!
I am so grateful that allowing is something I'm aware of....
It’s funny how we attract things into our life. –Did any of you know that we can and do deliberately attract things to us??? Whether we want them or not!
Where has this gotten me…. Well for starters we are successful because Tom and I do work hard. However I’ve learned that I have been limiting myself through how I feel.
I feel ½ of those things on that list at some point of my week, sometimes day! What kind of energy am I emanating to the universal law of attraction? Not a good one.
Start your life everyday with love and gratitude.
Be grateful for where you are right now and remember to have fun!
Those little steps lead the way to a prominent future.
Be open and allow your feelings to lead your life
Cheers to you and your journey