Sharing my JOURNEY....

Friday, September 5, 2008

Just another day along this bumpy road....

Today I am a little tired. OK a lot! I feel as if I am a bit out of sorts. My decisions have been a little slack and my judgment has been affected. This is not good. Must change it! I have distractions in my life and I am not going to allow them to continue. Time to get focused in on what it is I want. -Time to start the manifestation process for some things. I feel as if I have too much on my plate… Now the solution is to start eliminating what’s there. It’s 9 -something and I’m tired. For once I am giving in to my body and listening to it. It’s telling me that I’m exhausted and sleep is needed. To all my friends a BIG thank you for everything that you guys have done I truly am indebted to you for your generosity. Today I am thankful for the rays of the sun as they keep my body from getting cold. I’m also thankful for knowing what I should be doing and having the able body to do it! Love and Light! Kim

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