Sharing my JOURNEY....

Monday, January 12, 2015

Making Time

So many times last week I wanted to break away to blog but never once, did I make that happen! -It’s been one thing, or another that I allowed to get in my way. So in driving to work this morning, I was thinking… in order for the change to take place, I MUST make those choices. Make the effort and make it happen. So here I am! Facing the very challenges that I have placed in front of myself. AGAIN!

Quite honestly I have so many things going on for me right now that my mind is racing, and I cannot just pick one topic to talk about. I’m thinking this post is for me to really get down deeper into what has changed over the course of a year (+) and the effects is has taken on me. I feel since I made the move to FL back in 2013, that situation in itself has created a gap in my growth. In all fairness… I’ve allowed it! -I feel the cavern-ness of a gap I’ve created, and the bridge needs to be repaired! –NOW!

I have been in Network care since 2009, and I love it! Since moving to FL, there is only 1 network doctor here, and he is about 45 minutes away for me. Not to mention his rate is $55 a session and his pre-payment option has requirements of being in his office weekly, and quite honestly I didn’t feel that I could commit to that. Since my last session with him, I’ve had some major changes, yet I still cannot break myself away to go see him. Am I running away from something???  It seems that my past patterns have shown me that when the depth gets to a certain point, I find ways to stop myself from moving forward. But at this point in my own personal development, it has become very painful, and I cannot continue along this path. I’m ready, I’m ready, I’m ready! So stage 6 but yet I feel I’m teetering between stages 1 and 2 as well. Is it possible to have parts of me that are in some stages and others which are in others? 

I feel like I’m all over the board and no longer grounded. AND I cannot stand this feeling. –I need to get a grip on myself. This painful cycle has gone on long enough. I have to get back into the groove of the cosmic energy in which it felt good to be me. In the beginning it was my job, and the busyness of trying to get things done here, then it was timing, money, and the list can go on forever in those excuses I made for myself. Now I’m saying that as soon as the house is done, I can get into a schedule again. BUT I’m afraid that it will not be soon enough. Everything in the house was supposed to be done, I was to be moved in by the end of January. However with all the delays it looks like I won’t be able to move in until mid-February. OKAY –ENOUGH!

I don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions, I believe in “Today” and “Right Now” –Be in the moment no matter what it is. 

The first steps are to start doing the things I want to do for myself… Take care of me and my body, mind and soul. BUT let’s take baby steps to ensure success!

1)      Get Healthy again… I still juice every morning, I eat healthy meals but the snacking has become a bit more on the unhealthy side. It’s time to cut out the junk and make those healthy choices. Ignore the mind chatter of those unhealthy sugar cravings!

2)      Exercise… I say because of my crazy schedule, it would be nice to walk the dog every day again. Mia would love it and it would be good for my body + it’s only 30 minutes or so. I can stop and throw the ball for her in the water… she would love that!
3)      Meditate, breathe and sloooow down.

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