Sharing my JOURNEY....

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Some people just never let go!

I understand that Anger goes deep; real deep! I also understand that no matter how much we love and forgive, anger will still exist. I know…I am speaking from my own personal experiences. I was angry for so long and at so many people. I am so happy that my renewed sense of energy has brought me to a higher level of spiritual understanding. Not godly… spiritual! There is a difference.

I am grateful that I am aware that I am past the High School attitude (most of the time… sometimes I have my moments of temporary brain lapse or just plain stupid-ness) but it absolutely amazes me to see adults acting like High School children. Honestly, I am talking about one individual in particular but if you look around you can see it happening all the time. Age doesn’t always make a difference. I have had the pleasure of knowing people from all walks of life and all ages that have revealed their true essence of maturity, and some who have not!

Today I am writing about my anger; it angers me to see adults use their children as a vehicle to use in the attempt of hurting someone else. Selfish acts of anger in my opinion. I feel so sad for the children who are part of this vicious game. -This is something that speaks true to my core, as I am one of those children that was used when I was younger; a pawn per say in an effort to hurt the other parent.

I am not going to pretend to try to understand why this behavior happens or even try to figure out why people do this. Bottom line is that it does NO good and it only hurts the child.

I WILL not keep this anger inside of me; I just felt compelled to voice my anger at this situation and hope that the child involved grows to see the truth behind ones actions and will see how this negative motivation is unhealthy.

Side note: I am so proud of Jason! -Kudos to you for shrugging this experience off and laughing at the actions of others. It took a lot of courage to make a go at this relationship with your daughter. I am so happy that you have a different perspective that allows you to see through the actions in order to see the true colors. I love you and it is a loss to those who don’t want to be around you. I love you for who you are and are SO excited at the path of self discovery that you’re on right now. All I can say is that you deserve happiness and I am glad that you are finally finding that in yourself and not on the outside influences!

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