Sharing my JOURNEY....

Monday, September 17, 2012

At what point do you just decide to give “it” up?

Sometimes in life I go with the flow and sometimes when the principle is just too much for me to let go, I push, push, and push. I am stubborn and I fight tooth and nail for what I believe in.

The universe has plans for everything but when is the point where you draw a line? At what point do you decide to give it up and let go? Fights are not easy. The challenges are the things that teach us something but sometimes for me it’s hard to know when enough is enough.

I think that there are tall tell signs but my eyes are so fixated on the goal and what I am trying to achieve that I just don’t see or have room to fluctuate away from my path.

Bad or Good?

Can be good, can be bad… sometimes very bad!

No answers for that, just a question today.

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